Singapore Expats

Average salaries in Singapore

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Post by jpatokal » Sun, 01 Oct 2006 10:47 pm

IndianCA wrote:Can you suggest what should be pay package of a 4 years experience Chartered Acountant from India in Compliance role in Bank at Singapore.
Can I suggest you charter your accounts over to the first post in this very thread?
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Re: salary and all

Post by WASABI » Sun, 17 Dec 2006 10:53 pm

dinki di wrote:Hi

I am from Australia and have found that in my profession, we get paid much better here than in Australia but only when you get to the senior ranks. Plus the tax rates here are so much friendlier! So by moving here with my job, I have almost doubled my take-home pay - taking into account taxes and forex exposure.

Cars cost a fair bit here though ... even taking out a long term lease on one is quite onerous. Eating out is expensive here as well - apart from hawker fare.

Also it may be worthwile to seek to hedge your forex exposure as well.
Oh yeh mate! For sure its a tax heaven. In Aus if u earn 50k a year (which is easily achievable) you'd be paying tax through the roof! And thats a position which isnt that of a senior rank. Plus dont forget your super. AS far as eating out, despite going to a somewhat fancy restaurant, its still considerably cheaper than in Aus (well in Melb anyways). The amount of tax that i'd pay in Singapore is peanuts compared to what i pay in Aus.
I sure will miss the cheap cars u get in Aus though, being a motorsport junkie.

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Post by saint73 » Thu, 04 Jan 2007 6:42 pm

bunty wrote:Would SGD 100K+ cash package be considered on the higher side.....

:shock: Veri high salary leh...Monthly about :S$8400..
:roll: When can I earn that much??Be a sportman to represent singapore team...S$1 MILLION for GOLD... :cry:

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Re: salary

Post by saint73 » Thu, 04 Jan 2007 6:46 pm

sometimesbe wrote:
Jeffery Duncan wrote:Is 5100 dollars Sing a good monthly salary for a manufactureing manager job? Keep in mind I have 2 school age kids. Any advice is appriciated.
should be fine if your wife also makes the same amount every month....
:roll: Some families earn S$1K can support 4 kid depends how your life style of living...Makan at resturants often in singapore sure nt enough... :roll:

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Expat package? Which year are we in?

Post by Hesione » Sat, 24 Feb 2007 1:40 am

Most caucasians in Singapore tend to refer to themselves as expats. However, 99.9% of them are on local salaries.

There is hardly any caucasian here still on the expat package, which would include housing, kids' school fees, first class tickets to their country of origin for the entire family annually etc. So please, please, please stop referring to yourselves as expats. It is "inward/reverse racism". I feel really sad for you.

Would that then make the foreign domestic helpers and construction workers expats also? Going by the definition used here, it would seem that they are.

Our government opened up the doors to you as "foreign talents(?)" to make us more competitive, many of you have not been expatriated by the companies that you work for from your country of origin; you came here looking for a job.

Not every caucasian is an expat; and not every expat is caucasian (there are many Japanese and Indian nationals who are expats, earning far more than any local or caucasian in Singapore). To all you "foreign talents", stop all these "expat" thing already, thank you.

I am earning over $120,000 annually (after tax and after my portion of the CPF deduction) working in the advertising industry, earning far more than double what my "foreign talent" partner earns. That should give most of you an indication as to whether your pay package is good enough for you to want to be in Singapore.

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Re: Expat package? Which year are we in?

Post by rchdk » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:57 am

Hesione wrote:Most caucasians in Singapore tend to refer to themselves as expats. However, 99.9% of them are on local salaries.

There is hardly any caucasian here still on the expat package, which would include housing, kids' school fees, first class tickets to their country of origin for the entire family annually etc. So please, please, please stop referring to yourselves as expats. It is "inward/reverse racism". I feel really sad for you.
Sorry to say but you are actually wrong here. Maybe there are not as many as there use to be but there are still a significant numbers of caucasians on "expat terms" out here. Contracts with terms similar to local contracts are however more and more comon. Besides that, an expat is actually just someone who lives/settled down in a foreign country so yes maid, workers and so on are also expats just not on "expat terms" as you describe them.
Our government opened up the doors to you as "foreign talents(?)" to make us more competitive, many of you have not been expatriated by the companies that you work for from your country of origin; you came here looking for a job.
99.9% of all caucasians I know have been sent here by their company in their respective home countries on time limited contracts. Maybe that does not go for some of the people using this message board but guess thats why they are using this board in the first place...
I am earning over $120,000 annually (after tax and after my portion of the CPF deduction) working in the advertising industry, earning far more than double what my "foreign talent" partner earns. That should give most of you an indication as to whether your pay package is good enough for you to want to be in Singapore.
Well lucky you....

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Post by tjbm » Sun, 11 Mar 2007 6:02 pm

Too true the term 'expatriate' comes from the Latin 'ex ' meaning 'out of' and the Greek and Latin 'patria' meaning country. literally out of your country of upbringing and or legal residence. Expatriates differ from 'immigrants' because they do not intend to remain permanently in their new host country. of course some who started out as expatriates end up staying permanently and then the choice on whether to be seen as (or behave as) 'expats' or i'mmigrants' should be theirs. whether you are deemed an 'expat' or not shouldnt be dependant on what you are earning (if you go by the definition it doesnt have anything to do with money) so lower income workers who are here to earn money and send it home could correctly be called expats too. Of course terms like 'expat' do get hijacked and over time become recognised as meaning something different from what they were originally intended!

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Post by HunBunny80 » Thu, 05 Apr 2007 7:03 am

correct me if I'm wrong. I think there are still alot of expats coming over here. Most are of better than local package, hence refer to as the "expat" package.
However, they are not all as fantastic as they used to be. No huge salary with all expenses paid for.

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Post by HunBunny80 » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 4:34 pm

I am not too 20 will do...LOL
What is the top 20 anyway..hmm...... :???:

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Re: Expat package? Which year are we in?

Post by Sophie Ng » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 1:58 pm

I don't see why Hesione is getting so excited about the term "expat"

I am sure not many caucasians are here still on the expat package, which would include fantastic housing, kids' school fees, first class tickets etc....but I am sure it has at least some basic housing allowance. You don't want to see yourself moving to a foreign country without housing allowance do you?

I think the people at this forum are not sure about wages in Singapore and they want to find out more if what they are getting is enough. Hey.....most foreigners know nothing about Singapore.

What does your foreign partnern do? He really does not seem to earn a lot really....Most foreigners on expat pay here (at least those I know) earn about $300 000 annually, not inclusive of housing and other allowances. And they are not even at the top ranking positions.....

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Post by akkudoo » Fri, 20 Apr 2007 6:52 pm

salary range of a 4.5 yr experienced software professional with Masters
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depends on company you work for

Post by mantrix » Mon, 14 May 2007 8:45 pm

I'm not sure about Masters but I am a local grad who is with a MNC now. I only have a bachelor, been 2 years working till now. Not yet 30 though.

I am unfortunately not an expat, hence no housing allowance, just that my role covers regional sutff, so get claims on mobile and travel and car.

My gross basic is S$160k, excludes other allowances apart from car as well as commission. Is that a good enough package? I think it's ok because in Singapore things are relatively cheaper than say, Europe or America except for our cars.

I'm not sure if you'll be getting something like this, i guess it depends on the company you work for. :)

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Post by meth » Tue, 15 May 2007 6:34 pm

Hi All

I am an IT contractor living in Uk earning around £500 GBP and was offered a 2 year contract (which has now turned out to be permanent role) in Singapore but tha salary seemed really low at SD$120,000

Would anyone be able to advise....they offered business class flight and 1 mth apartment and 20-50% bonus .


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Post by jpatokal » Tue, 15 May 2007 7:22 pm

meth wrote:I am an IT contractor living in Uk earning around £500 GBP and was offered a 2 year contract (which has now turned out to be permanent role) in Singapore but tha salary seemed really low at SD$120,000
That's a very good salary by most Singaporean standards. Why do you think it's "really low"? Is it less than you're earning now?
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Post by meth » Tue, 15 May 2007 8:06 pm


Thanks for the reply. Well at the moment i am a contractor so earn a daily rate of £500 GBP so if i worked a year in UK i would earn £120,000 GBP but as a contractor you cant look at it like that.

As i have a house in UK and they are not offering a re-location package i was wondering if that is a good salary to live on.

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