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EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

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EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

Post by PNWman » Mon, 17 Jun 2019 2:10 pm

I have an offer that exceeds the pay criteria in the EP (P1) requirements ($200k/pa), and have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago. My EP application by the new employer was rejected by the MoM on the grounds of 'qualifications', and though the employer is going to appeal, I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on why this may have potentially happened, any any way to avoid this in the future.
For context, I graduated close to 14 years ago with a degree in Arts & Social sciences, but have been working in Information Technology for close to 17 years. When my previous employer had applied for my EP a few years ago, I had the same degree that is being questioned now, so I'm unsure what has changed or happened. Would appreciate any help or guidance.

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Re: EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

Post by singaporeflyer » Mon, 17 Jun 2019 10:05 pm

PNWman wrote:I have an offer that exceeds the pay criteria in the EP (P1) requirements ($200k/pa), and have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago. My EP application by the new employer was rejected by the MoM on the grounds of 'qualifications', and though the employer is going to appeal, I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on why this may have potentially happened, any any way to avoid this in the future.
For context, I graduated close to 14 years ago with a degree in Arts & Social sciences, but have been working in Information Technology for close to 17 years. When my previous employer had applied for my EP a few years ago, I had the same degree that is being questioned now, so I'm unsure what has changed or happened. Would appreciate any help or guidance.

Assessment criteria has changed. Dont think it would be easy for you NOW to get an EP for a IT Job with Degree in Arts and Social Science. That is what it means by qualifications.

Gone are those days where salary was the main criteria.

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Re: EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

Post by PNWman » Mon, 17 Jun 2019 10:15 pm

Thank you for your input, so in essence even experience counts for nothing now? I thought (probably stupidly) that the age old truism of a degree not mattering much after a certain amount of experience in years is not valid anymore :-)
Undertaking a full time degree now is not an option though in the immediate term (mid to long term, yeah, I can get an MBA/ MSc), so I wonder what anyone else has done in similar situations recently.

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Re: EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

Post by Strong Eagle » Mon, 17 Jun 2019 10:19 pm

singaporeflyer wrote:
PNWman wrote:I have an offer that exceeds the pay criteria in the EP (P1) requirements ($200k/pa), and have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago. My EP application by the new employer was rejected by the MoM on the grounds of 'qualifications', and though the employer is going to appeal, I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on why this may have potentially happened, any any way to avoid this in the future.
For context, I graduated close to 14 years ago with a degree in Arts & Social sciences, but have been working in Information Technology for close to 17 years. When my previous employer had applied for my EP a few years ago, I had the same degree that is being questioned now, so I'm unsure what has changed or happened. Would appreciate any help or guidance.

Assessment criteria has changed. Dont think it would be easy for you NOW to get an EP for a IT Job with Degree in Arts and Social Science. That is what it means by qualifications.

Gone are those days where salary was the main criteria.
True... BUT... 17 years in the business... $200k/pa... the degree is irrelevant at this point.

However, the phrase, "have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago" may be the key... you have been in and out of Singapore as an EP and this may count against you.

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Re: EP rejected due to 'qualifications'. What to do?

Post by PNWman » Mon, 17 Jun 2019 10:24 pm

Strong Eagle wrote:
singaporeflyer wrote:
PNWman wrote:I have an offer that exceeds the pay criteria in the EP (P1) requirements ($200k/pa), and have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago. My EP application by the new employer was rejected by the MoM on the grounds of 'qualifications', and though the employer is going to appeal, I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on why this may have potentially happened, any any way to avoid this in the future.
For context, I graduated close to 14 years ago with a degree in Arts & Social sciences, but have been working in Information Technology for close to 17 years. When my previous employer had applied for my EP a few years ago, I had the same degree that is being questioned now, so I'm unsure what has changed or happened. Would appreciate any help or guidance.

Assessment criteria has changed. Dont think it would be easy for you NOW to get an EP for a IT Job with Degree in Arts and Social Science. That is what it means by qualifications.

Gone are those days where salary was the main criteria.
True... BUT... 17 years in the business... $200k/pa... the degree is irrelevant at this point.

However, the phrase, "have previously worked in Singapore a few years ago" may be the key... you have been in and out of Singapore as an EP and this may count against you.

Wow. TIL. I thought having been a good taxpayer and with a proper history would have helped. FWIW, moving out of Singapore wasn't really my own choice, my previous employer transferred me to set up and head a new business in the USA.

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