Hi there I'm preparing to apply PR in 2020.
Just wanna seek your opinion on the approval chance for my below profile:-
Nationality/Race: Vietnamese (not a preferred race unfortunately)
Age: 29
Religion: None
Marital status: Married (in Vietnam, and my wife also moved to Singapore since last year)
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Accountancy) from local university (NTU) under scholarship. Been a member of Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) for 3 years.
Length of stay in Singapore: 9 years.
Job: I have worked for 6 years in Singapore and currently in my 3rd job in an US MNC under Employment Pass (EP) as Finance professional, paid taxes 4 times.
Salary: Annual plus bonus 60k+
I applied PR once in July 2016 and got rejected (probably because i have not worked for 2 years minimum on EP at that time). After 4 years I wanna try again, however my friends are advising me to hold back the application after GE is over as ICA is tightening PR applications now. I'm not sure if this is true so if anybody can clarify I will be much appreciated. If applying now does it affect my chance of getting approved?
in addition should I apply for myself first or ask my wife to apply together with me? In terms of profile, she is a Vietnamese, 26, holding uni degree from Vietnamese university, only moved to Singapore since May 2019 and worked in a foreign bank under Spass (gross about 50k per annum).
Thanks very much for helping