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2019 - NICU experiences and costs

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2019 - NICU experiences and costs

Post by Ejbbmash » Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:36 pm


I am newly arrived with my husband, who works for a multinational company on a local contract. Our IHP insurance covers prenatal but not birth or complications. I arrived at 30 weeks pg and a week ago (31.5 weeks) went into labour. I delivered at Mt Elizabeth and our baby is at the NICU there. We are desperately trying to arrange finances for this and are seeking any counsel from people with a similar experience, including transfer to a public hospital. From what we can gather the differential foreigner fee means hospital admission rates are no cheaper. Does anyone have any further info?

Further, any advice on negotiating with IHP?

In short - anyone out there? We are suffering a daily hell!

E x

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Re: 2019 - NICU experiences and costs

Post by 3carlos » Fri, 17 May 2019 1:43 am

Sorry to hear about your ordeal just after coming to Singapore!

Yes there are no 'subsidies' for foreigners in govt hospitals, but probably going to Mount Elizabeth is one of the worst ideas if you have a premature baby (one of the most expensive hospitals in Singapore).

This comes a little late, but go to government (possibly KKH) - they have good facilities and also it will be cheaper even without subsidies.

This NICU episode is probably going to cost an arm and a leg, and there are plans you can put in place before pregnancy (so there isn't anything you could have done better in your situation) which can cover both birth defects and premature birth.

Hope all is well for you.

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