You have to have a clear understanding of how the debt collectors work.
There are generally two ways that debt collectors work. First, they agree to work on behalf of the bank or creditor for somewhere around 25 to 45 percent of the debt owed. So, the bank already knows that if you owe them $10,000 and they have to get a debt collector to work your case, they might only get $5,500 to $7,500 of the total debt if you make your payments. They might get even less if you agree to settle the whole amount at say 75 cents on the dollar... the debt collector still gets their commission on the money collected. But, a bank will only go this route if they have determined you still might actually pay up.
Otherwise, the bank simply sells your debt. If it looks like it is real hard to collect, then if might go for as little as 2 to 4 cents on the dollar to as much as 25 cents on the dollar if it looks like you can pay. So, the debt company might buy your $10,000 worth of debt for as little as $400 or maybe as much as $2,500. In your case, it's probably the low end because you are out of country and will be complicated to track down. But, not impossible.
The debt collectors cannot attach your bank accounts or take your
property without a court order, and your debt has to be relatively current to get a judgment. That is exactly what PNGMK is talking about... if you are bankrupted, or otherwise held responsible for the debt, you could be attached in Singapore and, depending on which country you are talking about, the debt collectors may be able to use the Singapore judgment to come after you elsewhere... maybe.
So... you have two things in your favor. First, you can see that the bank doesn't get shit out of the total amount you owe if it goes to collections. And second, you will be hard to collect from and the bank won't get very much if they sell off your debt.
Therefore, if you make any realistic plan with the bank that might end up paying them as much as 50 percent of the debt you owe, even if it is not very much every month, the bank will come out ahead and so will you.
They will want to push on you, of course, to pay more or the whole thing... but you know their alternative is less attractive. So... offer them a low monthly payment until the debt is paid. If they balk, offer to increase it after a year or two. As long as you make regular payments, at some point, a year or two down the road you can ask for a lump sump payoff that's a lot less than the amount owed. They still come out ahead as they will get less with a collector.