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Can children born in Singapore stay after 42 days if parents' incomes are less than DP-eligible?

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Can children born in Singapore stay after 42 days if parents' incomes are less than DP-eligible?

Post by outram1 » Wed, 13 Feb 2019 2:45 pm

Hi, first of all, thanks for reading. I am currently planning to relocate to Singapore. My biggest motivation is for my future children to have a Singapore education (I myself studied in Singapore for a few years when young and quite liked it). I am currently single but plan to find a wife in Singapore. Suppose I marry a non-Singapore citizen, if none of us have a S$6000/month salary, does that mean our future children born in Singapore must leave Singapore after 42 days (or 84 days)? As S$6000 is the threshold for getting DP for children.... I have looked at LSVP as well, but it seems to be only for step children or handicapped children, plus it also has the S$6000 requirement.

I do not want to be separated from my children, so if that's the case I will have to cancel my plan to relocate to Singapore.

Thank you very much!

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Re: Can children born in Singapore stay after 42 days if parents' incomes are less than DP-eligible?

Post by Strong Eagle » Thu, 14 Feb 2019 12:44 am

You are building your future on a pile of shifting sand if you want to make Singapore your permanent home.

Without at least PR, you and your future non-Singaporean wife are both at risk of immediate deportation if you lose your job and cannot find another one within 30 days. You have no security. What will you do? Where will you move? What of your children's education?

Your children will be treated as outsiders when it comes to the educational system. "Foreigners" have a limited number of spots available in the school system, and many expats... that's what you will be... put their children into private schools because there are no alternatives.

Even if you get PR, it's not really "permanent" like in many other countries. It always has to be renewed. And if you're the wrong ethnic flavor, and $6,000 is a problem for you, then you may well wait forever to get a PR, or be summarily rejected.

I'm not saying that you cannot possibly make a permanent home in Singapore, just that the deck is stacked against you to do so. I'd seriously consider other countries where your permanent residence was really permanent and meaningful, not able to be retracted at the whim of government policy. I'd find a country where you're not second class when it comes to schools and housing.

Edited to add: If you are ethnic Chinese, then your odds might be better than average of getting PR and maybe eventually getting citizenship. But, even as Chinese, if you're not from Malaysia or Indonesia, you may not be considered a good cultural fit. And the government has a hidden fear that if you're from mainland China, you might want to turn Singapore into one more Chinese province. Just look what China is doing in Laos and Cambodia... overrunning the local populations with thousands upon thousands of workers who will never go back.

If you're Indian, or some "other" Asian like Vietnamese or Korean or Filipino... well... good luck... your countrymen are taken in such small quantity as to make it like the lottery trying to get PR.

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Re: Can children born in Singapore stay after 42 days if parents' incomes are less than DP-eligible?

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 14 Feb 2019 8:55 am

+1. Twenty years ago what OP wanted to do was possible but the Indians stuffed it all up.
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Re: Can children born in Singapore stay after 42 days if parents' incomes are less than DP-eligible?

Post by Barnsley » Thu, 14 Feb 2019 11:32 am

Got colleagues already having trouble with the $6k/mth rule.

New baby cannot get dependent pass , so some soul searching needing to be done.

I havent studied the reasoning behind the $6k/mth individual rule , but why is $6k individual better than two parents who eanr $5k/mth.

After having appeal rejected , they will go for baby go back every so often and then come in on SVP again. Its an unfortunate game they have to play.
Life is short, paddle harder!!

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