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Employability of PEP vs PR

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Employability of PEP vs PR

Post by Mn2kl » Tue, 15 Jan 2019 9:51 pm

Hi all

I was fortunate enough to have had PEP granted to me last year

There is now a possibility that I apply for PR.. the main benefits I recall being, govt payments into my CPF and that I don't need to get kicked out of the country after six months if unemployed.

However, from an employability perspective (if that's even a word), is it more attractive to prospective employers that a candidate holds a PEP, (on account of the supposedly strict criteria of attaining one) and therefore more leverage for the candidate when negotiating salary etc?

Obviously when my PEP runs out it becomes a clearer choice but just wondering if the above holds true for the time being..


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Re: Employability of PEP vs PR

Post by Strong Eagle » Tue, 15 Jan 2019 10:15 pm

First of all, assuming that a PR can drop into your lap as easily as a PEP is truly a case of wearing rose colored glasses, and thus, consider my answers to be academic and theoretical, as the real hurdle is getting the PR in the first place.

There's nothing "attractive" about a PEP to an employer. The only "strict criteria" is that the employer will have to pay you a lot of cash... not a problem if your niche already has high salaries... a problem for you if the employer can find equivalent, cheaper talent amongst the hoi polloi of EP's and PR's. Consider, too, that your PEP is good for only 3 years and is non-renewable. You're going to go to EP anyway if you don't get PR.

As for PR, it is true that your employer now has the employer end of CPF to pick up and your take home salary will be curtailed by the amount you must contribute as an employee. There are NO government payments into a CPF account. OTOH, you're now a "local" and your package will be adjusted accordingly. Although I never had an issue obtaining or getting EP's renewed, a PR would be the most attractive staff because it is less likely that I'll lose them to the government policy "du jour" when it comes to renewals.

Summary: Apply for PR if your end game is to be in Singapore long term, and expect to be disappointed when you don't get immediate approval. Expect to be working on an EP after three years until (and if) you get your PR.

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Re: Employability of PEP vs PR

Post by brian_singapore » Wed, 16 Jan 2019 1:15 pm

A number of multi-nationals seem to be more keen on PRs these days as EPs (due to ratios of employers) come by.

It used to be I didn't even have to discuss whether a hire would be able to get an EP with HR but now it's something I need to confirm before I can move forward.

I've heard some others in my particular sector now have some strict rules around hiring PRs / Citizens due to concerns over ratio of EPs.

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