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Open a bank account for 18yo on a DP

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The Ref
Posts: 376
Joined: Wed, 19 May 2010 11:37 pm

Open a bank account for 18yo on a DP

Post by The Ref » Fri, 28 Dec 2018 2:43 pm

1. When opening a new bank account you need a utility bill as part of the proof of address.

Assuming someone who has finished school and has no utility bills in their name, does anyone know what documents they could get to meet that criteria? I can probably get a letter from the school or maybe a bill in my name with his name on it will suffice. Does anyone have experience with this?

2. Any suggestions on a bank account that has limited fees and reasonable services for a newly independent teenager? I would like a low cost credit card to get him to start a credit history


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