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Living in SG with a foreign contract

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Living in SG with a foreign contract

Post by julian18 » Thu, 27 Dec 2018 11:32 pm


Sorry if the question has been asked before.

I am a Swiss citizen and I am working for a Swiss company. My company is sending me to Singapore for market study and network building. We therefore are planning to open a representative office in Singapore, enabling me to get an EP. I will therefore keep getting my salary in Switzerland, in Swiss Francs.

Who else is in the same situation ?
Is that even possible ?
Where will I have to pay taxes ? Singapore and Switzerland have a treaty preventing double imposition.
What is the imposition basis if I am paid in Swiss Francs?

Thanks for your feedback


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Strong Eagle
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Re: Living in SG with a foreign contract

Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 28 Dec 2018 2:18 am

If your company is opening a representative office, then it has a legal entity in Singapore, which is necessary for you to get an EP. Personally, I don't know why your company wouldn't just incorporate a private limited... the hassle factor is about the same.

You will pay personal income taxes in Singapore on the money you earn, regardless of the entity who pays it, or where the bank is located into which the money is deposited. Your tax rate will be based upon the amount of time you have worked in Singapore.

Example: I work for Dell, Singapore, a Singapore registered business entity. Dell, USA pays my salary into my Norwegian bank account. I pay taxes in Singapore on the money I was paid.

In general, you pay personal income tax in the country in which you are resident. It is unlikely that you will pay income tax in Switzerland, but be aware that I am not familiar with the Swiss tax laws. Each country has its own ins and outs.

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