The cheapest way out IMHO is to go there, hand in your card and tell them to cancel it with immediate effect.chrkkuhl wrote:Hi Community
I have a dormant British Club SG membership available. Favorable price!
Ping me if you are interested.
If you're serious about a club, look around. Am Club joining fees are in the ballpark.The Main Committee shall not at any time approve the admission of a person as a Voting Member if such admission would result in the percentage of Voting Members who are British reducing to less than 51% of the total Voting Membership, or if such admission would result in the percentage of Voting Members of a single nationality (other than British) increasing to more than 30% of the total Voting Membership (hereinafter referred to as the “percentage test”).
Warnings heeded everyone!PNGMK wrote:It's actually a liability OP is trying to sell you. Basically an expensive time share. Robert Kiyosaki (although he is a goddamn sociopath) would strongly disapprove.
Wow, very helpful PNGMK! I'm not one for wine-ing and dining the elite so I don't need a space for events. And in the odd occasion where I want to throw a party I can just rent somewhere.PNGMK wrote:There are a lot of clubs. IF you're American the American club makes some sense as it has discounted membership for Americans and offers some useful facilities down town but it's also crowded and expensive for F&B. Tanglin and the like are useful for networking and hosting functions if you're into that. The country specific ones are for those who want to feel at home and some do a better job than others at that. Some of the sports clubs make sense if you're into sports. The Cricket club is both highly social for Indians now and great if you have sporting kids.
You need to be wary of clubs costs though and really do your research - there are a lot of costs apart from membership and I know people who have abandoned their memberships when times have gotten tough. Some clubs (Singapore Cricket) are making it prohibitively expensive to transfer membership, others like Changi Golf Club appear on the verge of going into bankruptcy and members are not paying fees just to avoid putting more money into a black hole. Other clubs like Tanah Merah Golf and Raffles Golf are facing lease issues where they have or will lose their grounds. The clubs I would join personally are boating (Raffles or RSYC etc) if you're into that - except sailing in and out of Singapore is expensive now due to clearance fees.
IF you're a Uni graduate and can get access to your Uni Club (for example UWA club in Perth) check if it offers reciprocal access to the NUS or NTU Alumni clubs - that's a possibly cheaper option if you just need a club as space away from home sometimes. There are also some professional clubs around as well(There is a Medical Doctors one near SHG which is actually available for other functions). IF you're Chinese check out if your clan has a clan house as well.
I've been in few of those locations and 99.9% of the people there are nose down into their smart phone....mikew wrote:Thanks PNGMK, I've also been looking into co-working spaces as a good way to meet new people.
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