Hello everybody. I would greatly appreciate if anybody could render some help here. I’m really desperate. Here’s the situation,
Fiancée is from mainland China.
Holds a bachelor degree
Working in China
I’m a singaporean citizen.
Working in reputable MNC
The first time I applied a tourist visa for her, her maritial status I stated single, however she told me after 1 year of us getting together that she had a previous marriage which was legally resolved. ( I totally didn’t mind at all since it’s the norm nowadays )
Subsequents visas applied was based on the status of single.
Recently we have decided to get married and hold out ROM in Singapore. We understand that she will have to produce her divorce papers to state that it has been legally resolved ( we are happy to do that ).
However she’s worried that in due time when apply for LTVP, ICA will question her why didn’t she put divorced in the first place the first time she applied for the tourist visa. Will she get trouble in the law?
Many thanks to everybody out here reading!!