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Issue with landlord - any advice?

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The Ref
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Issue with landlord - any advice?

Post by The Ref » Wed, 28 Nov 2018 5:40 pm

TL;DR owner wants her daughter to move in so being nasty.

I reported to my landlord the Aircon service found rust in the unit (due to age) in Sept 2017. keeping it short, it was finally replaced last week but only after my not paying rent to her but putting in escrow instead.

Owner went balistic, threatened to throw me out which I mentioned I would be happy to counter sue.

This morning the owner showed up asking to look at the installation, but asked when I was paying rent. I mentioned I had already moved from the escrow account but would take a few days to hit her account - she handed me a letter of "Notice of rent arrears" starting the eviction process. Luckily this was hours before the job was formally complete as they hadnt done somethin with the install.

I have looked at starting a small claims for half of my electricity bill, but other than that it seems I either have to pay up rent fully unitl I move out (late Jan). The way she has acted I will have to fight to return my bond.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Issue with landlord - any advice?

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 29 Nov 2018 12:22 pm

Not paying your rent almost certainly violates your TA. I don't see what you want out of this. If she doesn't return your bond you can take her to the SCT. Alternatively don't pay rent and try to use up the bond and advance rent but leave just before eviction but beware she is within rights to bare you from the home the day you miss rent so love your stuff out.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
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