This will be long one, so please, bear with me..
My boyfriend is UK citizen, I am Bosnian citizen (and Serbian), and we have a daughter. At the moment we are living in Turkey (not sure if that info is relevant). We are in relationship 6 years, and living on the same address for last 5 years.
He has been offered job in Singapore, for duration of 4-6 months, and accepted, as it was one of our dreams to live in Sg, so obviously when oportunity opened, we grabbed it. There is possibility to extend contract, if he is happy with possition in the company and work condition, and alltogetheter our lifestyle. Up until now, he was working offshore, so 3 months on board, 3 months at home. We never had time to even think about getting married, we just knew that eventually we will do it, by choice, not by neccesity.
BUT, as we are processing with documentation for his EP and our daughters DP, it seems only option for me is LTSVP in duration of 30 or 90 days, most likely 30 as that is what is allowed with my passport. Obviously,we would like to stay together for the duration of his contract.
So my question is, does it makes sense to get married in Singapore, and than try and apply for Dependants pass for me? Would that even be legal?
Thank you