It's probably the sulfur in the petrol. Malaysia is due to implement Euro 4M fuel standards for 95 RON petrol in Oct, 2018. Right now, this fuel can contain as much as 500 ppm sulfur. The new standard will be 50 ppm. By way of comparison, the current US standard is 10 ppm.Max Headroom wrote:The petrol there may not make a difference to the engine or performance, but it sure stinks the place up a lot more than in Singapore. Traffic fumes are way more smelly once you cross the border.
Could be the cars aren't as new on average as they are in Singapore. Or perhaps they don't tune them as well. Whatever the reason, the funk is pretty bad when you walk near the road for example.
I never had a problem from my Legacy either but finding 98 was tough.PNGMK wrote:It's a common urban myth. I don't think there are major issues. I've bought sub standard (lower octane) petrol in Singapore that's caused my forester ECU to go into limp mode due to pinging... their 95 was more like 90.
No. You see 50 year old cars in Malaysia running fine.Bluesky3000 wrote:Are malaysian petrol worse for my car? In the case of purity.
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