Hello everyone,
My name is Deji and I'm from Scotland, UK. I've recently been applying for summer internships in Singapore but haven't had much luck so far. Most job postings are looking for Singaporeans or PRs. To share a little more about my situation, here's an extract from my CV:
I am interested in pursuing a finance internship in Singapore starting May. I'm currently a Finance student at a top UK University with grades predicted at 2'1 . Looking for a 3 months internship in Financial Advisory, Investment Banking, Accountancy, Business Development or Financial Analytics at a top firm. I have strong academic experience in Financial reporting, portfolio valuation and risk Management. With extensive experience in excel e.g. macros, lookups etc. I have good communication skills and a strong hard work ethos.
If you know of any positions please message or reply. I am happy to send my CV and Cover Letter if needed.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could offer me advice on this matter (e.g where to apply). I would like nothing more than to spend my summer as an intern in Singapore and create value!