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Questions for social sector professionals

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Questions for social sector professionals

Post by findtheriver » Thu, 26 Apr 2018 7:13 pm

This is especially for social workers, educators, psychologists, coaches, counselors, nurses, healers, or social enterprise/ non profit/ international development program managers, etc.

1) Are you out there? It seems like nearly everyone I meet is in marketing or tech or finance :-) How do you meet others?

2) How has it been working/ finding work in your field in SG? What is the work culture like, how limited is availability, and how hard is it to get paid decently? I'm sure it varies based on the organisation/ type of work but any generalizations you can make?

3) Do you feel it is difficult for foreigners to get jobs in these areas?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, things like seeking mental health services/ holistic educational support/ etc, or supporting social impact work, are still somewhat new in Singapore....
From what I've seen elsewhere I can imagine this having a few results:

- A) Not many Singaporeans go to school in these areas (gotta get that STEM degree! :-) ) so foreigners with expertise might be welcomed to fill the gaps as interest grows, AND/OR

- B) Expats might not be valued in these roles because of the (probably correct) perception that we would not sufficiently understand the local culture to guide clients/ perform effectively.

Which is it? Or something else entirely?

4) To the last point, what have you done/ what would you advise to become more culturally competent in your role in a helping profession or as a social impact driver?

Thanks... and hello!

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