Hi All
Wanted to hear anyone’s experiences with employing 2 live in maids. We would qualify for having 2 maids based on our work situation, living quarters and children. Seeking advice on the following:
- maids of the same race: heard this is bad for Filipinas (a tendency to quarrel. Though I am unsure if this makes a difference if we have 2 different races. Any thoughts?
- if possible choose - 2 “related” maids ie friends from back home, a younger maid and an older maid perhaps relatives? Would you agree ?
- setting a hierarchy - 1 maid with clear seniority over the other? Preferable I assume.
- sharing of rooms - would you advise? We have a proper guest room for them to share. Not sure if one would prefer the bomb shelter, and the more senior one the guest room.
So let me know if you’ve had any experience with 2 maids. Would love to hear your stories.