Left Sg Dec 10, 2017, prior EP status. Unemployed since Dec 11, 2017, travelling around Asia.
Have Sg job offer to start June 1, 2018.
UK Citizen. Non – tax resident UK for past 15 years (10 years in Sg., 2007-2010, EP, all taxes paid up).
Does IRAS automatically make you non-tax resident when you return your EP/leave Sg/pay all tax due? Is there a run off period?
Reason for Q.
My Bank (viz. Common Reporting Standard) is demanding (as of letter dtd. 03 Mar 2018) for Country of tax residency when effectively I don’t think I have one. My habitual place of abode is Singapore now and has been for 10 years and likely will be in the medium term. I have no family, no assets, no income in UK both now and past 10 years. I never spent more 20 days/per calendar year in UK in past 15 years. I really don't want all the hassle of dropping back into the UK tax system unless I am obliged to. Your thoughts on (a) IRAS and (b) wider tax issues welcome.