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I feel so sad having to choose between SG and Canada

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Re: I feel so sad having to choose between SG and Canada

Post by SGBoyxxx » Sun, 23 Feb 2020 2:51 am

earthfriendly wrote:
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 3:46 am
Strong Eagle wrote:From a practical perspective: There is nothing "permanent" about a Singapore permanent residence permit.
Same with citizenship. Singapore has been known to strip people of their citizenship.
yea, Is you want to migrate go there than SG citizenship give up , but your CPF money will can take whole sum out since you already not a Singaporean.

I heard China also change , cannot have dual citizenship ? right? recently or so?

Nevertheless perhaps this is why people choose to be PR ?

In fact for the Thai same theory. I does has a relative, her hubby is a Chinese Thai. He got assets back in Thailand. What I heard , if he choose to become Singaporean than back in Thailand his assets will have to sort up , means he cannot own any assets in Thailand. I not sure never ask him much.

for years he at Singapore study in Uni know my relative , get married , now got two kids consider Singaporean , still whole family stay in SG.

In future ? I don't know. Even myself I also don't know as I'm a Singaporean myself. I only miss the Early 80s and 90s in SG. Now to me Singapore just a place like for investors come to earn , once earn finish or touch wood get screw lost money , they will move out SG for another country , move on .

Partly because SG is too bad small. Resources just like that. The Gov try to squeeze so much will backfire end of the day. I more prefer they don't view Economics so much. I don't mean hey every one become poor never progress here. The Key word is Contented. What I see the poor and rich the margin is getting widen , same apply for USA , etc almost every countries.

I see Canada , actually USA folks some like to move there too. In fact early days lots of Hong Kong folks migrate to Canada even their celebrities. Some choose to become citizen there whereas some don't , just own property there can choose to stay there or back in hong kong depend the situation etc.

To thread starter, I feel you should decide yourself. Is your life, Other just give suggestion that all.

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Re: I feel so sad having to choose between SG and Canada

Post by esperanza_ca » Thu, 05 Mar 2020 2:29 pm

casey5047 wrote:
Sat, 22 Feb 2020 12:40 am
esperanza_ca wrote:
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 11:13 pm
an apparent sense of belonging (I am the majority race here)
One wonders why you left China.
I stand by the position that everything else being equal, it is best to live among your own race. Of course, in life, you never really get an example of 'everything else being equal'. Then, other considerations will come into play. You will notice that I listed a whole bunch of considerations in my original post. The fact that I am now in Canada, away from Singapore and China, speaks volumes to this point. You read too much into what I wrote if you chose to dwell on one single factor.

But then again, I guess I am also aware that the experience of a Westerner leaving his home country to live as a minority race in Asia is quite a different experience than an Asian leaving Asia to live as a minority race in the West. So, I would understand why a Caucasian (assuming that you are) might fail to see that particular point.

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