I benefited reading posts on the forum during my application. Now adding one more data point for folks trying to find a pattern wrt PR application
Race: Indian
Applicants: As a couple (Wife was the primary applicant)
Date Applied: Nov 2016
Status: Rejected May 2018 (~18 months)
Wife: PhD NTU, Been a Post Doctoral fellow at a Research institute (A*Star Equivalent) in SG since Feb 2016, Promoted ones in this job
Me: Bachelors (Engineering) + MBA (Both in India at good institutes)- on EP in SG since Feb 2017 at a tech start-up.
Family Income: ~180k (Both earning similar..me a bit higher)
Other notes:
We were asked for details on our family members in June 2017 that we promptly submitted. No red flags here AFAIK as our parents on both sides are retired central govt servants (meaning they have govt pensions+good free medical care). Similarly siblings employed in good jobs in India. So little possibility of "collateral damage"
I travel frequently as my start-up has folks in other SEA and India (7-10 days a month)
At the time of PR application, I was on DP and working in India. Shifted to SG soon after in Jan'17 on EP.
We have been prompt in updating any changes in our particulars to ICA
I think my short stay in SG was a definite negative (in addition to race) though i thought my education and work-ex should have compensated a bit.