Dear All,
Actually my EP has been rejected at middle of Dec. 2017.
Soon after company has appealed me to MOM.
But still now I can't receive a reply from them.
In addition, there is possibility for me to have both EP/Spass, according to the result of Self Assessment Service.
Director of applying company says, this is not by my own matter, but it has been much more strict to have EP than half year ago.
But we never give it up, still now we are negotiating with MOM by all means.
Even though he says like this, this is not concrete explanation, so it makes me much more anxious.
1. My time has been passing in vain.. What do you think if I can get approved my EP or not?
2. How long days more, must I wait for good result?
3. I understand "Singaporean first" but my mission is for marketing of particular country, not for Singapore.
So it's obvious that this particular nation of native person is the best for this mission, not any other nations.
***What do you think about this matter?
Thank you,,