After I stayed enough 1 year to give my landlord 2 months early notice as definition inside the agreement.
I gave the landlord the...
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You can check your TA, its usually 12+2. So you will need to stay for 12 months and give 2 months notice so min. Stay is 14 months. At the end of the...
I've seen a few post of people discussing the import of a bike (or car), but I have not seen a post of anybody doing so successfully. If there...
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I was reflecting how expensive are electric motorbikes like the Zero SR or the Energica EsseEsse9 in Singapore while the prices in US or Europe are...
please stop this assault on the economic poor and vulnerable in our society.
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It's nuts I agree Martin. Australia (Vic and WA) seem now to be dictatorships with no real idea how they can reopen except for a magical non existent...