Pinningfor2 wrote:So there’s a quota per year for white people. When does that quota get renew?
Read the statistics annual report. ... on2017.pdf
In there you'll see that immigration is used in part to maintain the racial balance as it was many years ago (in short, Malays and Indians [some] outbreed the Chinese so immigration is used to top up the Chinese birth to death ratio). Because 'others' (aka Whites and other indeterminables) were post independence a small % of the popn (2% - and no you cannnot include Eurasians - they are a distinctly different group) and because PR approvals hover around 25,000 p.a. we can infer that the total % of 'others' approved is probably LESS than 2% and hence less than 500 persons per annum. Families who have a clear pathway to productive citizenship are favoured I believe as ICA clearly use immigration to boost pop'n - this approach to using PR to SC disfavours westerners because I suspect the ICA statistics show that very few % of Aussies, Kiwis, Eurotrash and North Americans actually sake up SC from having PR.
There is no quota period like the USA or Australia but my gut feeling is that it's like a sliding window through the year.....
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