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What do white women think us Chinese men

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What do white women think us Chinese men

Post by Mokrara » Sat, 27 Jan 2018 11:42 am

Hello to all ! So recently I started getting interested in white girls. Well , I heard that white girls don’t think much of asian / Chinese men and just treat them like just another bin in the room. Well I’m actually a good looking Chinese male ( I’m really not showing off or being arrogant , this is just to further help in discussion ). But every time , when I walk in malls or something , they don’t seem to look at me. ( some singaporean local girls do just take a glance at me sometimes , again not being arrogant . ) so I was really wondering , is it a waste of time chasing after white women? Does it make no matter how good you look, you’ll never get them because your asian and they put you off?

So generally , what do white girls really think of Chinese men? Do they look down on them or treat them like a worthless slave?

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Re: What do white women think us Chinese men

Post by x9200 » Sat, 27 Jan 2018 12:12 pm

Mokrara wrote:Hello to all ! So recently I started getting interested in white girls. Well , I heard that white girls don’t think much of asian / Chinese men and just treat them like just another bin in the room. Well I’m actually a good looking Chinese male ( I’m really not showing off or being arrogant , this is just to further help in discussion ). But every time , when I walk in malls or something , they don’t seem to look at me. ( some singaporean local girls do just take a glance at me sometimes , again not being arrogant . ) so I was really wondering , is it a waste of time chasing after white women? Does it make no matter how good you look, you’ll never get them because your asian and they put you off?

So generally , what do white girls really think of Chinese men? Do they look down on them or treat them like a worthless slave?
you may want to read the whole threads to get some better idea.

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Re: What do white women think us Chinese men

Post by Wd40 » Sat, 27 Jan 2018 11:17 pm

Mokrara wrote:Hello to all ! So recently I started getting interested in white girls. Well , I heard that white girls don’t think much of asian / Chinese men and just treat them like just another bin in the room. Well I’m actually a good looking Chinese male ( I’m really not showing off or being arrogant , this is just to further help in discussion ). But every time , when I walk in malls or something , they don’t seem to look at me. ( some singaporean local girls do just take a glance at me sometimes , again not being arrogant . ) so I was really wondering , is it a waste of time chasing after white women? Does it make no matter how good you look, you’ll never get them because your asian and they put you off?

So generally , what do white girls really think of Chinese men? Do they look down on them or treat them like a worthless slave?
Not because you are Asian. Lots of Indians have white spouses.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk

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