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Which passport to use - Belgian vs South Africa

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Which passport to use - Belgian vs South Africa

Post by SABel » Mon, 15 Jan 2018 2:11 pm

Hi there expats,

I currently reside in South Africa but
I have both a Belgian and South African passport.
I am needing some advise on which passport to use for my WP. Are their implications of using one over the other? If I use my Belgian one, will I need to pay tax in Euros? Even though I have no resided in Europe for some time and was born in South Africa.

Does it matter?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Which passport to use - Belgian vs South Africa

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 15 Jan 2018 2:17 pm

The Belgian tax system distinguishes between 'resident' and 'non-resident' taxpayers when it comes to determining what income is subject to taxation. As a general rule, Belgian residents are taxed on their worldwide income, while non-residents are only taxable on their Belgian source income.

For SA The news that amendments to the tax laws will remove the income tax exemption on South Africans working overseas has come ... ... all South Africans who work abroad. “In terms of the residence-based system of taxation, South African residents are taxed on their worldwide income"...

Personally I dump that SA citizenship quicker than a hot potato unless you plan to move back. BE citizenship gives you access to the world pretty much.

As for Singapore I think SA and BE are treated pretty much the same for visa and WP purposes (Singapore really only takes exception to places like Syria and Pakistan and NK - you know Shitholes as Trump calls them). However if you plan to establish long term residency in Singapore I would use the BE passport....
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Re: Which passport to use - Belgian vs South Africa

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 15 Jan 2018 2:19 pm

I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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