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Salary question for A-Star institute

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Salary question for A-Star institute

Post by eastbie » Thu, 30 Nov 2017 7:06 am

Currently, I am working in a central European country. I hold PhD degree and 6 years of post PhD experience including 3 years as a postdoc in a prestigious institute of Europe and 3 years in a renowned MNC based in Europe.

My current salary is around Euro 75k plus about 6% for pension plan per year. We are a couple without child. We make some savings with a reasonably comfortable life and afford a car.

I am South Asian and planning to move to Singapore. I was interviewed by one of the institutes under A-Star as a Technical Lead (not sure if its a common designation as I have heard of Scientist I and Scientist II etc. being more common).

How much salary I should be expecting (probable range for such position)? Should I expect some allowance towards housing? Any margin for negotiation with A-Star based institutes? They might ask me my expected salary any time.

Thank you in advance for your replies.

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