Anyone knows of good image hosting sites?
2. Unlimited Bandwidth
3. Large Storage Space: 500MB
4. Manageable images. ie. Able to delete unwanted images
5. 24/7
Generally, it is not necessary to delete a picture that you no longer have use for, or one that you accidentally upload. This is because ImageShack® has enough harddrive space to accomodate your needs, and then some.
However, If your image or any image that you find violates the Terms of Service, please report it by visiting the image's respective my.php address and clicking "Report Abuse". A my.php address looks like this: ... shack3.png.
You can also report an image by Contacting ImageShack and by selecting Image Deleting Request in the drop down menu.
You will be able to delete your own images if you Register an Account.
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