I am debating whether I should apply for LTVP.
What are the benefits compared to just applying for EP directly?
Background: PhD from Europe, 4 years on EP previously, wife is Singapore citizen
I am interested in two scenarios. Job hunting and freelancing.
Is there a significant incentive for an employer to hire a foreigner via LoC rather than via EP?
Could LTVP actually hinder my salary negotiation?
How should I communicate that I am on LTVP?
If I desire to do freelancing from Singapore, I see several options.
- The "Varcelos way" where everything is run under my name and I deal with companies outside Singapore only. LTVP allows me to stay in Singapore and no work permit is needed. See also: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=75000&p=780920#p777945
- Incorporating in Singapore. Aside from "gravitas" (a word that really stuck with me when I read the sticky threads here), I could then apply for LoC or EP under my or my wife's company. Is one or the other more likely to be granted? Some paid-up capital will be necessary, right? Entrepass is somewhat out of reach, unfortunately.
- Incorporating outside Singapore. LTVP allows me to stay in Singapore. I work for my or my wife's foreign company which must not interfere with the Singapore market (similar to the "Varcelos way").
Finally, I am wondering what the forum's opinion is on applying for PR at this point. Advantages are obvious. The downside is that it probably won't be granted ever again if we later end up moving to Europe for a while.
Personally, I think my chances for getting PR are quite low right now and I'd rather try, say, 2 years down the road. A friend suggests I try because his sister's husband (Japanese) got PR without staying in Singapore for all that long.
Info: My wife is SC, I have stayed for 4 years, then had to leave for 1.5 years, and I am Caucasian.
Thank you for your help!