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How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

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How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by tjendra » Thu, 12 Oct 2017 12:29 pm

I am converting to Singaporean and need to renounce my British Citizenship. Do I just go to the British High Commission in Singapore to do it? How long would the process take?


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Re: How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 12 Oct 2017 2:22 pm

tjendra wrote:I am converting to Singaporean and need to renounce my British Citizenship. Do I just go to the British High Commission in Singapore to do it? How long would the process take?

There's a specific form and process as a (soon to be former) senator in Australia - the right idiot Malcom Roberts has found out. I think you actually need to liase with the home office in old blighty itself.
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Re: How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by MikeJones » Thu, 12 Oct 2017 11:39 pm

PNGMK is correct, you need to fill in a form and send it to the UK (assuming you're not from the Isle of Man, Channel Islands or British Overseas Territories) the following link gives you the steps to follow and a link to the form that needs completing:


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Re: How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by Strong Eagle » Sat, 14 Oct 2017 3:55 am

AuroraUsa wrote:
tjendra wrote:I am converting to Singaporean and need to renounce my British Citizenship. Do I just go to the British High Commission in Singapore to do it? How long would the process take?

Go to a Singapore embassy in London and submit the renunciation of Singapore citizenship form. If you can’t find a relevant version on the link you can ask the embassy directly for the form.

Your kids will probably be eligible to renounce the Singapore citizenship on the grounds that he already possesses Danish citizenship.

If your motive in doing this is to avoid pointless conscription recalls from overseas, be sure to check with the embassy if this will result in exemption from National Service, or whether you need to fill in additional forms.

Also, do this as early as possible.

Make sure your kids are also aware of the consequences of renouncing the citizenship before you take any action. With the current sociopolitical climate, it is unlikely he can get Singapore citizenship again in future should he give it up now.
You've got it completely backwards. He wants to renounce his BRITISH citizenship.

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Re: How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by PNGMK » Sat, 14 Oct 2017 10:03 am

AuroraUsa wrote:
tjendra wrote:I am converting to Singaporean and need to renounce my British Citizenship. Do I just go to the British High Commission in Singapore to do it? How long would the process take?

Go to a Singapore embassy in London and submit the renunciation of Singapore citizenship form. If you can’t find a relevant version on the link you can ask the embassy directly for the form.

Your kids will probably be eligible to renounce the Singapore citizenship on the grounds that he already possesses Danish citizenship.

If your motive in doing this is to avoid pointless conscription recalls from overseas, be sure to check with the embassy if this will result in exemption from National Service, or whether you need to fill in additional forms.

Also, do this as early as possible.

Make sure your kids are also aware of the consequences of renouncing the citizenship before you take any action. With the current sociopolitical climate, it is unlikely he can get Singapore citizenship again in future should he give it up now.
Are you a special type of retard....?
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Re: How to renounce British citizenship in Singapore

Post by ecureilx » Sat, 14 Oct 2017 3:07 pm

AuroraUsa wrote: If your motive in doing this is to avoid pointless conscription recalls from overseas, be sure to check with the embassy if this will result in exemption from National Service, or whether you need to fill in additional forms.

Also, do this as early as possible.

Make sure your kids are also aware of the consequences of renouncing the citizenship before you take any action. With the current sociopolitical climate, it is unlikely he can get Singapore citizenship again in future should he give it up now.
Where did that come from?

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