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EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

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EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by littlegal » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 3:22 pm

Hi all,

My E-Pass was rejected by MOM. To recap:

I'm a fresh grad from SMU (BBM degree) and a recipient of the MOE Tuition Grant (my bond is 3 years). I was offered a job at a small media firm, and they promised me 3.6K as starting salary. I accepted the offer, and they applied for an E-Pass. My in principle approval was also received. A few days later, the company called me to let me know that they were undergoing a downturn, and were going to offer me 2,500 instead. I was fine with this, but am afraid because it is way below the prescribed starting salary for E-Pass holders. They have filed an appeal to MOM to reduce the salary to 2.5 instead.

On a separate note, ICA has given me till 21st October to stay here while MOM processes everything, and have stated that they will not grant an extension. I will have to leave, apply for LTVP and re enter, according to them.

I have applied for an LTVP yesterday, and I have been told that nowadays ICA does not really care even if the applicant is under bond. So...what are my chances of getting an LTVP?

Any and all advice is appreciated! :)

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Re: EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by ecureilx » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 10:51 pm

littlegal wrote:Hi all,

My E-Pass was rejected by MOM. To recap:

I'm a fresh grad from SMU (BBM degree) and a recipient of the MOE Tuition Grant (my bond is 3 years). I was offered a job at a small media firm, and they promised me 3.6K as starting salary. I accepted the offer, and they applied for an E-Pass. My in principle approval was also received. A few days later, the company called me to let me know that they were undergoing a downturn, and were going to offer me 2,500 instead. I was fine with this, but am afraid because it is way below the prescribed starting salary for E-Pass holders. They have filed an appeal to MOM to reduce the salary to 2.5 instead.

On a separate note, ICA has given me till 21st October to stay here while MOM processes everything, and have stated that they will not grant an extension. I will have to leave, apply for LTVP and re enter, according to them.

I have applied for an LTVP yesterday, and I have been told that nowadays ICA does not really care even if the applicant is under bond. So...what are my chances of getting an LTVP?

Any and all advice is appreciated! :)
You applied for LTVP under what category?

Oh, yes, the bond don't seem to influence MOMs decision.

Try looking for another job.

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Re: EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by littlegal » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 10:57 pm

Institute of Higher Learning. My university said I could get an LTVP after graduation, so ICA not wanting to give an LTVP for me to hunt for a job seems very strange. How am I supposed to clear my bond if I can't stay here and look for a job?

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Re: EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by littlegal » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 10:59 pm

My apologies, I misread your sentence as "ICA" instead of MOM, my bad.

I am hunting for other jobs, just wondering about my chances of getting an LTVP from ICA.

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Re: EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by ecureilx » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 11:16 pm

littlegal wrote:Institute of Higher Learning. My university said I could get an LTVP after graduation, so ICA not wanting to give an LTVP for me to hunt for a job seems very strange. How am I supposed to clear my bond if I can't stay here and look for a job?
Good luck

You should get the 6 months LTVP, once If that program isn't closed.

No, it's not ICAs problem if you have A study bond.

Having a loan nowadays don't change MOM or ICAs mind.

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Re: EP Rejected, chances of LTVP approval?

Post by littlegal » Tue, 03 Oct 2017 11:24 pm

:( Sigh. I want to serve my bond because if I'm not able to serve it, I'm afraid it may bar me from ever entering the country again. And I don't want to break any rules either. Sorry, I just feel like I'm in an impossible place.

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