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Freelancer/work options for trailing spouse

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Freelancer/work options for trailing spouse

Post by ljw89 » Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:39 am

Hi everyone

I've been trawling various sites but can't seem to find a straight answer on this.

My partner and I are thinking of relocating to Singapore in the next couple of years. He's a teacher so could find good work. However, I'm aware that it would be very difficult for me to get a job in Singapore - and almost impossible to do so before I move out there. Internal transfers are not possible for me as I work for a very local focused/ small ad agency.

From what I gather, it's very unlikely I could get a working visa in my own right - so would have to be a dependent on his visa.

If that's the case, then would setting up as a freelancer/ registering my own business be an option? I've read up about the EntrePass but still not sure if that would actually allow me to work as a dependent?

I just want to contribute and keep my career ticking over. I would even be open to voluntary positions at relevant businesses if his salary would allow it. Is that something that businesses do? (Assuming I would be ok to do unpaid work placements on a dependents visa)?

As I've said, it's not something we're doing in the immediate future, and if it would be impossible then we may have to give up on the Singapore dream altogether.

Thanks for any feedback/ advice!


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Strong Eagle
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Re: Freelancer/work options for trailing spouse

Post by Strong Eagle » Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:53 am

  1. There is not a chance in the world that you would want to go the Entrepass route. Read my somewhat dated (but still relevant) post regarding the Entrepass. viewtopic.php?t=93619
  2. Volunteering into various organizations does not require any work pass. For example, you could join the American Association of Singapore and volunteer for any number of roles and not need a work permit (you are unpaid).
  3. You should read the threads in both the Business and Career forums regarding self employment. It used to be straightforward to form a sole proprietorship, then apply for a Letter of Consent in order to work for it as a free lancer. Not so easy any more, and folks have still done it.
  4. If you were to work remotely for a company (for example, your current small firm) that has no presence in Singapore, no legal entity and does not provide any goods or services in Singapore, then you don't need a work permit at all.

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