I really appreciate your reply : ) Have to agree the Kpop flowerboy look is quite the in thing now , but sadly my feminine looks are not anywhere near appealing , and yes i have considered PS for quite sometime now. The pros and the cons etc. I tried to remain composed as a teen and i agree its a part of growing up .. but society's way of labeling me is just too much for me to handle . sigh , i feel so pathetic . It was a sudden change in my life after . Secondary school period , where i was still accepted and appreciated , it slowly build up till it was unbearable when i entered poly . I cannot seem to enjoy the simple things in life anymore. Things like Eating outside with my friends without someone staring at me and questioning my gender.wannabeplasticteen wrote:Hi daniel.
I know this is going to sound quite hypocritical of me because I am a teen myself considering getting surgery done, but I think you should think twice about getting surgery before committing to it.
The feminine look is quite the in look these days, think along the lines of kpop stars! Being a pretty boy is not a bad thing, and yes, there are A LOT of girls out there who'd go crazy for that look.
I believe getting PS done is quite a drastic and pivotal decision (no matter how invasive or not), moreover you are contemplating doing it abroad. And I think the main reason for getting something like that done should be because we want to do it for our OWN selves. Not for other people nor some hot girl who you think will look your way after getting this done.
Being teased or labelled is part and parcel of being a teen... Hell, its part and parcel of Life! The most important thing is that we do not let the negative get to us and drive us to do things like... well... this. I believe if we remain composed, it shows that we are better than that.
I'm not here to judge because I do not know who you are or how long you have been tormented by being labelled. But maybe through reading this, putting things in a different light, might help you consider the pros and cons of getting PS.
If you still intend to go ahead with surgery, I wish you all the best. Just bear in mind that a beautiful personality and a good heart shines brighter than any slim pointy nose ever can.
I really want to thank you for your reply . It somehow made me feel better.I am ready for this drastic change in my life.