Oh Jang you poor dear,
i know your pain, trust me! At least you were clever enough to get it removed quickly.
I had an infection because of my implant which resulted in two huge pus-filled abscesses on my nose. One on the right side of the bridge and the other in the middle of my friggin tip. Right in the middle! I looked like some crazy leper I tell you.
What was worse was because I was already in Australia I wasn't able to meet with my PS face-to-face, so based on over-the-phone advice I went on a course of antibiotics. I also had to drain the abscesses three times, which basically meant the GP had to slice them open with a knife, drain and then PUSH all the pus out. Yep, PUSH.
So not only did I have to get my face cut up without any anesthesia, you should have seen the pushing that was going on. They had to make sure that all that nasty gunk was out so a nurse had to hold me down while the doctor leant all her weight on my poor little nose and PUSHED like a mean mutha... pueshed and pushed and squeezed until every last trace of pus and blood was out. And this happened 3 times!
I got it done 3 times because each time I was hoping that if I got all the stuff out it would mean that my implant could be saved. At that time I had the idea that it was an external infection, not an internal one.
But the previous poster is right and most, if not all infections are internal. Eating seafood or breathing in smoke will not be able to infect your nose, so don't worry, it wasn't anything you did.
Anyway, I had to remove the implant. Which cost me another $2000.
So, yes, even though I'm contemplating another nose job, I'm still quite scared of silicone implants. then again, I guess it also depends on your luck, and I have arse luck.
Anyway, thanks so much for sharing. Rest up and drink plenty of fluids and you'll heal in no time.
take care
