astar wrote:heyz!! oh wow!! from ur postings, u're safe and sound!! GREAT!! hahhaha.. issit scary being alone there?? was it painful after the op?? when are u taking off your bandages?? must eat well in the meantime to nourish your body ya??? glad to know that you are alright! n u're welcome abt the praying thing!! it was nothing lahz..jus a friendly gesture!
astar wrote:10 min?!?! so fast??? u did reduction or jus the bridge only? on your first consultation, how did it go?? i scared i don't know what to say when i go there.. hahhaa.. n were u under local anasthesia?? tats y u can feel ppl touching your nose?? the holiday inn hotel rite, how far is it from the hospital?? n how much are e room rates?? and when u first arrived at the airport, was there anybody to pick u up?? or do u have to take a cab there?? i heard the cab drivers cheat foreigners one leh.. so musst be careful! so you're gonna be there for a week?? oooh.. r u gonna do SHOPPING???wahaha... hows the food by the way?? issit expensive eating in the hotel?? i on budget trip ma.. so must plan everything carefully! hahhaha... paiseh for bombarding u with questions.. u can tell me when u free lah.. because i tink you must be feeling tired oso too rite??
astar wrote:wow! tat was fast!! thanks for the reply!!! i tink i know all tat i need to know already ba.. THATS IT!!! I'M GONNA DO IT!!!! hahahaa... CONFIRM PLUS CHOP PLUS GUARANTEE already!!!
Rabbit wrote:Hi Ocean 11,
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! It's really very kind of you! And great to hear that you are happy with the result! Frankly, for all the trouble we take and the worries we have, that's all we need right? Congra!
Hi Astar,
To answer your qn on pg 50, ala reduction is nothing to do with bridge, they don't even need to cut open your nose so there is no open or close method (if I'm not wrong). It's reduction (ie cut away then sew back) of the size of the nostril at the side connecting to the face, so that it look less big. You may like to do some web search to find out the types and method of rhinoplasty then make up your mind what you would like to do. Take care!
astar wrote:heyhey!! sorry.. fell aslp jus now.. hahhaha.. yupps!! i'm goin to do it next year after saving about 5K.. because my op is to reduce the size of the nose and make it sharper... so cannot do by bridge alone den is pa USD1500 instead.. sigh.. do you think 5K is enough for the op, accomodation, air ticket and other miscellaneous fees?? because i plan to set aside like 300 for SHOPPING!!!! hmmm.. but tink i will overspend.. hhahaa.. somemore, do they have any like hidden costs?? did u pay only USD450 and thats it, no extra charges watsoever?? oh!! and one more thing! you took cab to the hotel first?? den you left your things there while you go for the op??did you bring your valuables with you to the hospital?? stay there for 9 days.. hmmm.. do you tink its enough?? and the post op care, are there many things to take note of?? den because i'm in a lot of sports activities in school.. issit ok if i continue playing right after i come back from the trip? or do i have to wait like 1 or 2 months before i can play again?? oh my.. this time the list of questions even LONGER!!! sorry sorry!!!
Broke wrote:CONGRATULATIONS!!! ocean 11
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