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Post by keenose » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 3:45 pm

hey Kwell,

sorry to hear about your situation. I havent gone through it yet, so I have no real life experience to tell you.

But I hope things turn out well eventually for you. :)

Please keep us updated too...
New nose please~

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Post by kwelll » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:29 pm

shermaine wrote:thks. kwell for teaching me something new as well=)
yes, i do agree there is alwaz that minority whom surgeries dont turn out quite as well as expected...

i'm really sorry for wat you had and are still going thru..
erm..if its any help, i m returning to dr. jung in mid aug as mentioned, and should you need me to ask anything, pls feel free to lemme noe k?
take care!
Thanks Shermaine ... for all you know, we might end up on the same plane to Dr Jung's office for the same procedure(s)! LOL I had better book my ticket now for a good seat. FYI, i might even want to change to silicone because I feel that it is an excellent alloplast that gives strong support or building up an area. When done properly, it can still give aesthetically pleasing result just that the tip must be covered with a piece of cartilage or fats. I find Gortex too soft in this respect and removal is difficult with time as opposed to silicone.

Am beginning to be more convinced my nose is too natural and am not used to the "softer" appearance...maybe its a case of overly refined nose? IF you have seen my previous nose, you`ll appreciate what I mean here.

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Post by kwelll » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:41 pm

keenose wrote:hey Kwell,

sorry to hear about your situation. I havent gone through it yet, so I have no real life experience to tell you.

But I hope things turn out well eventually for you. :)

Please keep us updated too...
Thanks dear, you`re very kind. Have you decided what , who, where you want your features enhanced?

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Post by keenose » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:47 pm

kwelll wrote:
keenose wrote:hey Kwell,

sorry to hear about your situation. I havent gone through it yet, so I have no real life experience to tell you.

But I hope things turn out well eventually for you. :)

Please keep us updated too...
Thanks dear, you`re very kind. Have you decided what , who, where you want your features enhanced?
You call me dear.. make me wanna blush! :oops:


I'm definately doing nose and eyes.. Nose with Chuang, eyes yet decided between Chuang or Jong. Both in Taiwan.. but I dont know if it would be troublesome running to and fro these two docs.

Especially if I'm suitable to do Epi, I'd like to do it with Chuang... and yet double eyelids prefer Jong. LOL :lol:

Would be losing some weight to see if my face shape betters (though I do remember during my best weight, I was still....with round face)

If its not better, then will be considering options like the bone works or botox or face lipo..

BUT... I realised that face lipo DOESNT seem to give great results, just .. very subtle! I think I need more than subtle.
And I wont do buccal fats removal as it may make me look haggard in later years. :cry:

So..... share with me your thoughts and advises if you please. I would appreciate it :wink:
New nose please~

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Post by ocean11 » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:52 pm

hey gals, whoever that PM me.. sorry i am pretty busy for the last 2 weeks!! SHIT ALSO MUST FIND TIME NOW!! oopsy! i got to be more ladylike now when i post, cos DMN expect to see a tomboy before saw me..let me rephase: I DON EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO DO NO 2 NOW.. how is that sound DMN?? shi boon bor? hehhehee...
forgive me if i cant reply back for those that PM me..

gam xia for ur kind words, u make me pai say la.. :oops: infact i still got hump, but not that obvious unless u touch it. that is after almost 2 mths result, so u don have to worried about ur hump. btw, u really don look like ur age! and i told my father in law that you very zhun on mia xiang!! next time when you not on ur job, u might wan to consider being a fortune teller.. hehehe..

don go for revision so fast yet, give sometime to see how it goes. cos jung also said if you want a revision need to be after 6mths wor.. actually PS need alot of patient one.. cos the swelling takes really long time esp for nose..
Last edited by ocean11 on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mbk » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 4:56 pm

kwell, I am quite skinny. Somehow though I have never really had a sharp jawline (skin? genetics?). I am having the genio to add length and maybe if later on if need be I might go for implant to change shape. Do you have an implant? Can you suggest a good surgeon?

I agree with you about photos. It is the whole 2-D, 3-D thing. I think sometimes I look better in photos but my nose looks more asymmetric in pics! Very annoying. I don't know whether to trust the mirror image or my photos for that...

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Post by keenose » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:03 pm

wahhhhhh welcome back ocean11!!! :D :D

I just realised your nick is the movie.. "ocean 11, ocean12..."
New nose please~

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Post by mbk » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:03 pm

This is the specific type of cheeks/nose/chin that I like. I know I can only work with my own bone structure but I wonder how close to this it is possible..

Look at number 44. NATE. This is the one ... lnumber=41

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Post by kwelll » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:12 pm

mbk wrote:This is the specific type of cheeks/nose/chin that I like. I know I can only work with my own bone structure but I wonder how close to this it is possible..

Look at number 44. NATE. This is the one ... lnumber=41
Hang on ... let me get my facts right... I assume you are a MALE ? If so, welcome cos it seems there are only 1-2 males here !!! but lovely to chat with the ladies on PS ...(HAHA... can u imagine?? cos am like darn vain!!!)

Firstly, I have not seen your actual face structure but judging from no.44 - there is alot to work on! This is the STRAIGHT bridge that I was referring to guys!!! although I wouldnt want it of such extreme height as I know my limits. Love the chin and cheekbones are just a tad over the top. Unless you have a pair of deepset eyes and bony structure on your face, all these wont work out. You must either have it ALL or nothing otherwise it is not harmonic. Remember, TRIANGLE OF BEAUTY.

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Post by kwelll » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:18 pm

keenose wrote:
kwelll wrote:
keenose wrote:hey Kwell,

sorry to hear about your situation. I havent gone through it yet, so I have no real life experience to tell you.

But I hope things turn out well eventually for you. :)

Please keep us updated too...
Thanks dear, you`re very kind. Have you decided what , who, where you want your features enhanced?
You call me dear.. make me wanna blush! :oops:


I'm definately doing nose and eyes.. Nose with Chuang, eyes yet decided between Chuang or Jong. Both in Taiwan.. but I dont know if it would be troublesome running to and fro these two docs.

Especially if I'm suitable to do Epi, I'd like to do it with Chuang... and yet double eyelids prefer Jong. LOL :lol:

Would be losing some weight to see if my face shape betters (though I do remember during my best weight, I was still....with round face)

If its not better, then will be considering options like the bone works or botox or face lipo..

BUT... I realised that face lipo DOESNT seem to give great results, just .. very subtle! I think I need more than subtle.
And I wont do buccal fats removal as it may make me look haggard in later years. :cry:

So..... share with me your thoughts and advises if you please. I would appreciate it :wink:
If you can send me photos of your eyes and nose or whateve separately (so I cannot figure out your look), then I would be able to help you because am pretty interested in nose enhancement. Eye jobs are much easier . Wait, why not do them in SG?
Last edited by kwelll on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ocean11 » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:18 pm

keenose wrote:wahhhhhh welcome back ocean11!!! :D :D

I just realised your nick is the movie.. "ocean 11, ocean12..."
no back no back.. i just come in and say sorry nia.. hehehe.. i really busy like hell!! ki si lang.. no time to go cheong also..
ya la dear, now then u realised is the movie tilte.. :lol: cos george cloony my idol.. everytime saw him on TV, my floor will wet wet.. PLS DON THINK OTHER WISE HUH!!! Cos i drooling la.. hahahahha :lol:

ok lim peh got to run liao!! Oopsy.. i mean.. i need to excuse myself now.. good the bye..
Last edited by ocean11 on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mbk » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:19 pm

Hi Kwell, yeah, I am male. And I have a very pointy nose (especially from profile, very high bridge but I have a hump which needs to be broken and rasped (thats what the surgeons say) to smoothen. I have been on countless consults but still unable to decide as I feel most surgeons don't have a strong enough before and after pics catalogue. And I have noticed that only a few surgeons asthetic sense I share with - ultimately the most important thing. I am getting PS to be more attractive in my eyes and not for some surgeon to feel I have improved...and admire at their own work!

I have okay eyes but no cheeks/chin.

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Post by kwelll » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:56 pm

mbk wrote:Hi Kwell, yeah, I am male. And I have a very pointy nose (especially from profile, very high bridge but I have a hump which needs to be broken and rasped (thats what the surgeons say) to smoothen. I have been on countless consults but still unable to decide as I feel most surgeons don't have a strong enough before and after pics catalogue. And I have noticed that only a few surgeons asthetic sense I share with - ultimately the most important thing. I am getting PS to be more attractive in my eyes and not for some surgeon to feel I have improved...and admire at their own work!

I have okay eyes but no cheeks/chin.

Good ... at least you want what you want which is the first and important step. May i know what race are you?

Sounds like your bridge needs to be smoothed out and hump removed. Dont think you need any more augmentation. That should be relatively straightforward - OPEN rhinoplasty.

Bad news is over here, most surgeons do not keep track of before and after and even if they do, they are usually private and confidential - so no good. Who have you consulted and what are your observations about each of them so far. Its important to know how YOU feel about the individual because that the first step to a successful relationship - good rapport! Those that are too quick to assess or dun give you their 100% attention, you should really move on and cease any further negotiations with them.

Did you want the procedures done locally or overseas? Sorry, where are you based?

Chin augmentation is a straightforward procedure with mimium swelling and bruising, but the result is quite evident 3 days post op. As I dont know the angle between your upper lip to your the base of yur chin, I wont be able to tell you how much you can enlarge or degree of receding chin you might have.

Cheeks even simplier - fats or injectable fillers. If you want a large area covered, I would go for fats grafting. I know of someone who does this quite well.

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Post by Angeluv101 » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 5:57 pm

anyone has info on calves reduction surgery?

Love is a risk taken and often ends in scars

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Post by mynose! » Sun, 29 Jul 2007 7:41 pm

KWELL: if you dont mind me asking seeing as that u seem to know a lot about these things....being female, what do procedure do you think i need to get done to have deep set eyes. i love that feature in a face...

hey does anyone know the diff between what thailand, singapore and koreans look like?

SHERMAINE: So i take it that ur happy with the results that Dr.Jung gave you?can i ask what exatly you did?...did u use gortex...tip rifinement? think he can raise the bridge with donated cartlige?

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