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Post by mbk » Fri, 27 Jul 2007 8:20 pm

Hi Freesia,

Thanks for that information. Is it possible to share a pic (just that of the nose) of your before and after? You can msg me and I can give you my email. I'd be grateful if you could do that but if you are uncomfortable that is fine too...just hope you'd update how you are doing..

Did it compromise your breathing at all?

Kwell: Actually, I kind of like Michael Jackson's chin :oops:
freesia wrote:
mbk wrote:Hi Freesia!

How was recover like? How many days for the cast? Did you do alarplasty too?

Did you see a dramatic change?

I went for a consultation with Dr. Seah and he told me my nose was fine. I agree he is a nice doc.

The first 5 days, my nose looks teribble, my nose is so swollen and yellowish, but gradually it has taken its shape n become slimmer. After the operation he put the band aid for 1 day, the next day , when i came to him, he remove the band aid. I did alarplasty 4 years ago.
Before the surgery, my nose was rounded at the tip, now it is nicer n sharper, becoz he trim the cartilage on my nose n implant the ear cartilage at the tip, it's open method

Now my nose is fine but the ear still swollen n bruised, sometime still feel discomfort.
I like the result, but if i want the dramatic change, he suggest me to chisel the side of my bridge n i need the general anesthetic, sound so scary, so i just did the tip enhancement then :D

ok, best wishes

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Post by kwelll » Fri, 27 Jul 2007 9:38 pm

Kwell: Actually, I kind of like Michael Jackson's chin :oops:

Well, good for you but you need a really strong chiseled face for that sort of chin otherwise it would look fake and unbalanced. Do you have a high sharp nose with high prominent cheekbones, deep set eyes to go with that? Have a look at Michael in case you aint sure. LOL

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Post by mbk » Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:34 pm

Hi kwell,

Well, I do have deep set eyes, a big humpy nose but poor jaw line and no cheeks! I am interested in malars but is any doc in Singapore experienced in that?

On second thoughts maybe you are right about MJ LOL

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Post by mynose! » Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:03 pm

HAS ANYONE TRIED DONATED CARTILAGE FOR THE BRIDGE? wouldnt that be more preffereable than gortex?....becuase its cartilage?


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Post by foubelle » Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:46 pm



just wondering. a lot of you guys talk about how dr jung's noses are not sharp but round and how it's a bit like a ski nose. but if i ask/specify/show pictures, will he do it straight for me?

also, i've attached some pictures. are thiese considered round or sharp? ski nose or striaght slope?

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Location: jakarta

Post by freesia » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 1:32 am

Hi mbk

I don't have any problem in breathing, just a few days after the surgery, i felt something blocked in my nose, it becoz of the swelling inside my nose. i'll send you my nose pic next week, will look better than now :)

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hair salon

Post by Coby » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 2:26 am

Hi everybody,
I just wonder if we r supposed to use Sinnech before or after the surgery? Is it really helpful in reducing the swelling and bruise?
I also plan to have my hair cut in Korea, anyone knows any good hair salon with reasonable price near Dr. Jung's office? :)
Thanks for replying.
^ ^

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Post by Coby » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 2:47 am

Oh, I also plan to get the partially incisional double eyelid operation with Dr. Jung. Wonder if he's good at eye, too :P Does anyone know how long will it take for the eyes to look normal/acceptable ? like no reddish color, etc.
Thanks a bunch. <3

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Post by kwelll » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 8:03 am

foubelle wrote:Image


just wondering. a lot of you guys talk about how dr jung's noses are not sharp but round and how it's a bit like a ski nose. but if i ask/specify/show pictures, will he do it straight for me?

also, i've attached some pictures. are thiese considered round or sharp? ski nose or striaght slope?
Well, the nose on the photos is certainly not chiceled type although it has good height and most important of all, it SUITS her face. I cannot stress enough.

Her tip is considered fleshy with plenty of excess cartilage - I would prefer to have it trimmed and shaped alittle so it look less round and perhaps more defined. As her bridge is not edgy, she cannot afford to have a tiny tip too. It is also not straight as you would like in a man; a ski slope nose is rather attractive on a lady especially if you put on make up.

If you ask me who's lady nose I would like if I were a woman, I would say Sharon Stone - hers is beautifully balanced nose and goes well on her face. Mind you, she had it straightened and slight hump removed. Angelina Jolie nose is not the same type but still a pretty nose with nostrils concealed.


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Post by foubelle » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 9:32 am

i think angelina jolie has a pretty nose too! i never see sharon stone so i'm nopt sure. but somehow i prefer the slightly fleshy version before she went for rhinoplasty.

i'm rather confused with the ski slope part. cos compared to DMN's(i hope you dont mind) her's is striaght. or is it because DMN still has swelling at the tip of her noe which makes the slope even more prominent.i dont really like the extreme slope but would prefer a striaghter curve(not totally straight cos that would look tranny as well). i like her(the picture's) nose a lot! i think it's a charismatic nose. hahas.

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Post by kwelll » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:43 am

foubelle wrote:i think angelina jolie has a pretty nose too! i never see sharon stone so i'm nopt sure. but somehow i prefer the slightly fleshy version before she went for rhinoplasty.

i'm rather confused with the ski slope part. cos compared to DMN's(i hope you dont mind) her's is striaght. or is it because DMN still has swelling at the tip of her noe which makes the slope even more prominent.i dont really like the extreme slope but would prefer a striaghter curve(not totally straight cos that would look tranny as well). i like her(the picture's) nose a lot! i think it's a charismatic nose. hahas.
You got good taste! We both love Angelina BUT ... she has had some enhancements done to her nose, cheekbone. Its OK... as long as it makes her look and feel better.

I think you are confused. When I say slope I dun mean the bulbous tip it is the highest point of the nose to the lower portion of the bridge. It is usually curve, some more obvious than others. This goes well with the westerners but I find it rather distracting on an asian face without the deep set eyes and triangle of beauty cos asians faces are shorter and generally smaller.

Yes, the nose on the pictures look fine, but can you imagine that on YOUR face?? Thats something to ponder ..:)

The one asian beauty queen that I really admire who has a totally balanced face (nose, eyes, chin etc) is Michelle Reis "Lee Jia Xin" - to me she is the epitome of classic chinese beauty. BTW, she has a very nice nose (IMO).

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Post by foubelle » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:21 am

oh. not wonder. i kinda like the curve from your brow bone to the middle of your eyes befor eit branches out again to your tip. more smooth(?) to me i think.

michelle reis isnt chinese! she's eurasian i think. but i admit she is pretty thought i'm more captivated by her eyes to really notice her nose.

my eyes are rather... sunken? cos i dont think deepset is the word for it. like not as prominent as the caucaisns but my eyes are set a little further in than most chinese.

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Post by kwelll » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:47 am

[quote="foubelle"]oh. not wonder. i kinda like the curve from your brow bone to the middle of your eyes befor eit branches out again to your tip. more smooth(?) to me i think.

michelle reis isnt chinese! she's eurasian i think. but i admit she is pretty thought i'm more captivated by her eyes to really notice her nose.

Yes she is, but don`t you think she looks more asian ? If you dont know she is mixed, you wouldnt really know she is eurasian, would you? This is more beautiful I think.

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Post by karena1122 » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 12:25 pm

hi anybody has done lipo or breast augmentation in Singapore? which dr is good? thanks

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Post by mbk » Sat, 28 Jul 2007 1:28 pm

karena1122 wrote:hi anybody has done lipo or breast augmentation in Singapore? which dr is good? thanks
Have done vaser lipo and tradictionale lipo was disappointing but the other was also not too great. Maybe I expected too much?

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