Right, I guess whilst we wanted the best for ourselves, we were too anxious to get the job done, and so we relented unknowingly...DMN wrote:hey Kwell,
i can understand yr anxiety now tt yr swelling gets worse... i was too wondering why i did not go to dr. Hsu when i was swelling badly cos despite setting out to get 100% autologous implant i agreed to goretex n donor's cartilage. i thot to myself:" damn, if all autologous material then swelling wld hv gone down faster." but my anxiety went away as i heal.
hope u de-swell fast. probably need to get a strong antibiotics.
Yeah, the incision around the tip got inflamed today and I suspect its the dissolvable stitches that I was allergic or just didnt fall off as expected, hence, the wound got irritated. Bummer... Am supposed to attend a friend's birthday party this weekend where all my mates will be expecting me.....(( See how lah.