I have been reading the your posting regarding dr jung... i saw him in june when i was there ps shopping.. was quite comfortable with him though his rates are a little steep.
I am planning to go there in dec for ps with him. Still deciding about my nose shape. I am also into mian xiang. I am wondering where did you get the reference books from? I always find the chinese version in the book stores. I can't read chinese tt well. hoping to look for english version.
do you have any to recoomend? or any master you go to?
your posting is very indeed very informative.
foubelle: no point I show u pic cos everyone can grow thinner or fatter. take the most famous beauty in 70s & 80s - Lin Qing Xiao who reigned the Chinese movie world and married in early 90s to Espirits' boss and he subsequently became billionaire after marrying her from mutli-millonaire.
she did not hv smooth relationships earlier in life cos she has Tau Hau eyes/ Peach Blossom eyes. (Look at her early pics, eyes were beautiful but always reflect inner sorrows. Her eye brows tho nicely shaped but bushy n messy in strokes cos her a lot of emotional problems. Her forehead gives her status cos there r many beauties but why her the Queen of those times? It was her whole facial features n her jia lat forehead and aura.)
Her nose is what is damn jia lat in good sense cos she married in her 40s and that's when in Mian Xiang the nose rules. A season face reader wld be able to tell from her nose and face-shaped when she was young she wld marry rich.
Her face shape is Er Dan shape NOT Gua Zi. You dun want Gua Zi face like those KTV girls. The distinctions of Gua Zi r:
1. shape jaw
2. bony lower face and sometimes bony/protruding cheeks
when a person is too thin or too fat, there is no Fu Qi. All over (except forehead and eye areas lah...), flesh shld be abt 1 inch when you pinch....otherwise sure got problems when you reach the specific area in terms of age. a face incl eye can tell you abt the person's well being from 0-100 yrs old. the contour, shape, colour of a face can tell u about the person's status and health.
try reading up some books in this area before you go for PS. good luck![/quote]