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Post by aadvark » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 6:02 pm

chixie wrote:Went to see an asethetic doctor today.Wanted to found out if there is any other way to get a bettter looking nose without rhino. :P

Doctor suggested aquamid filler.It is permanant and have very slight side effects.He did mention that i have a bulbous nose, so with the filler i will be able to look much better(more 3-D lah).The filler will give me a higher bridge(i dun any!!!)thus resulting my face lookin much better than cost abt $1900 for 2ml.(isit ??)

Jux askin for some opinion:

1.will it be feasible if i went for a simple alar reduction procedure then went for a filler jab to get the bridge?? According to him, it is harder to injure or get the nose bridge being pushed due to the fact that it is not an implant but a liquid form in ur nose.

2.wat the difference bet aquamid and hydro-something which is another filer.

thanks everyone! :wink:
had a friend who scared pain, went to do fillers for nose bridge also lei.

i will say def implant higher, the filler also didn't seem as defined as wat an implant gives...
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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fat grafting

Post by DMN » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 7:46 pm

i rcvd some pm abt fat transplant and thot maybe better to share with everyone the procedure and effect. but i am still swelling thus below some links to show you how i got my idea of combing rhino with fat grafting:

1. these pics r most ppl in middle age (yes tho all caucasian) u'll see the point of how fat grafting will balance the face further with rhino...they all look more volume and fresher with this combo ... hino2.html

2. same doc - volumetric face lift

again, i prefer natural implants thus silicon implant for forehead is not an option for me.

there seems no one else who went for fat grafting in this forum. in FG forum, some girls complain fat grafting is not useful to fill temple.

perhaps those who r interested wld like to wait for my swell to come off before deciding.... i may post my pics some weeks later if i can figure out how to cover my eyes.


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Post by foubelle » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:52 pm

kwelll wrote:
freesia wrote:Hi Kwell & Zov

Thank you for your reply, i did plastic surgery 2 times in sin, eyelid surgery w/ dr harry fok n alar reduction w/ dr chan chi chin ( dr chan don't want to give sedation, scary :shock: , i'm awake during the op), the result is quite good but i want to make my nose slimmer n sharper.
Zov, can i know what kind of nose surgey you have done w/ dr seah? is dr seah good in alar reduction n cartilage graft to make the tip sharper?
I'm staying in jakarta, singapore is near, don't feel to go to taiwan or korea, too far. i'll fly to sin to consult w/ the dr seah n fong :lol:
Yes, feesia !

It makes sense for an Indonesian to have surgery in SG. As mentioned, alar base trimming is very simple and stitches come off in a matter of 4-5 days- there is very little (if any) bruising.

Dr Seah is a lovely person, rather charming and polite so it helps. But I know he is a conservative surgeon meaning he would NOT agree with whatever you want corrected unless he thinks it's OK (or its within his skills I reckon). I consulted him 5 years ago about brightening my eyelids but he said I had lovely lids, brow too close to eye socket so hard to achieve what I envisaged & the rest of it (polite rejection). Nice man but I left feeling quite cold.

3 months later, I went to another doctor in one major bangkok hospital who specialises in eye beautifying (haha) and WHALAU .... stunningly well sculpted eyes that was exactly what I wanted and still is. I look a million dollars within 2 weeks!!! Girls were all over me that I had trouble sleeping ! (lol) - so do NOT simply take a doctor's word, go for 2nd or 3rd opinion- its artistic-medicine we`re taking about!!

Dr Fong is another pleasant person (no, I do not work for him) and he is a faithful Buddhist so no hanky panky work. He spends good time with each patient and more importantly LISTENS to them and share his thoughts with you, never over bearing know it all sort. His fees are reasonable but since he moved to TTS hospital, owning to increase expenses etc, it has sky rocketed unfortunately. But at least he is doing alright - so I heard.

No one doctor does everything exceptionally well, but one thing is for sure, the doctor must be ARTISTIC with good eye for beauty and harmony, NOT just another surgeon doing nips and tucks ! Cosmetic surgery they call it, my dear .
DR fong is buddhist? that's something i learned today. but i have to acgree, dr fong has good interperson skills and he frequently volunteers at neighbouring countries to help people who cannot afford medical attention get rid of growths and lumps that they have been living with for years. so i dont think he is a bad guy.

for the eye doctor in thailand, can you specify who he/she is? cos a few of my firends who went thailand for eyelid surgery came back with very fake looking lids. overall, the effect is not great as well because it's just like another line drawn over their eyes without making the eyes bigger(which was what they requested)

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Post by foubelle » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:55 pm

DMN, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my many many questions. you rock. you did alar as well? what happened with the alar? suddenly very worried for you though you sound quite alright about it. is your scar still obvious. normally how long will the scar take to fully disappear and how long before you can go onto the street/work without makeup and pple still wont see the scar?

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Post by foubelle » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:59 pm

on the subject of fillers. since fats are semi liquid as well, will they become uneven over time? and when you touch them, will htey move out of place? sorry if this seems like an idiotic question.

actually, after careful considerations, i agree that if the only problem fat graft have is that you might need to do them 3 times to achieve a more or less permanant result, then i'm more willing to go for fat graft than sillicon for forehead.

can you imagine, everytime you go alamak! and slap your forehead, you feel your implant.

for pictures of fat transfer, you can probably refer to dr kim of bk clinic's website. shows pretty good pictures.

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Post by foubelle » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:17 pm

ack. dont know what's wrong with me. everytime post finish then about to move onto other things and i think of something new.

i tried searching for the grand clinic place which shirong did her surgery but i couldnt find anything at all!

also, does anyone has any info about jelim? it's supposedly one of the big 3 in korea(the other one being bkclinic and i have no idea what the last one is) but the website is in korean! and last but not least for korean surgery places 101, anyone heard about this place call the cinderellla clinic? it use to be quite popular a few(ok, maybe a few hundred) pages back but it has since faded into oblivion. someone comment? and the oz clinic as well.

besides korea, i wonder if japan is a good place also for surgery? think ayumi and all the lovely people there. i'm sure it should be a flourishing place. just maybe people there dont admit to surgery as readily as koreans do. any good jap clinics to recomend?

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Post by freesia » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:59 pm

thanks a lot kwell for you information, i know it's hard to find the artistic PS, i think in SG every PS is skillful but, few has the sense of art :(
I just browsed another forum, named flowerpod, they're talking about dr wong at gleneagle, and they said that he is very good in doing eyelid surgery, which is diff from nose surgery i guess, sigh..
I think i'll consult w/ dr fong n wong, and see how then...
Are you going to do surgery w/ dr chuang? I find that many forummers go to dr chuang to do the surgery, so he must be a good PS.
Ok...wish you all the best! :D

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Post by kwelll » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 8:02 am

freesia wrote:thanks a lot kwell for you information, i know it's hard to find the artistic PS, i think in SG every PS is skillful but, few has the sense of art :(
I just browsed another forum, named flowerpod, they're talking about dr wong at gleneagle, and they said that he is very good in doing eyelid surgery, which is diff from nose surgery i guess, sigh..
I think i'll consult w/ dr fong n wong, and see how then...
Are you going to do surgery w/ dr chuang? I find that many forummers go to dr chuang to do the surgery, so he must be a good PS.
Ok...wish you all the best! :D
Hi freesia,

Dr Wong Saw Yin is a veteran almost 30 odd years in the industry now; he used to have a small clinic at Rochor centre (yes, very rundown place) and operates strictly on word on mouth patients with success, particularly double eyelid op (most popular). He uses lasers these days as it is easy, fast with less post effects. However, I have not heard of him doing fantastic jobs at other areas of cosmetic enhancements (love the word), but he might just be alright albeit I wouldnt crave over him.

Dr Fong Poh Him is an ethical man, he would not recommend you a surgery unless it is warranted or at least favourable in his view. His staff has been working with him for over 20 years (speaks volumes) and are his very first "patients". Go look for him and do say hi ! If not for anything, am quite confident you would come home with a smile on your face - rather charming man, indeed.

Dr Jimmy Chuang of Taiwan: He apparently speaks and writes very decent English and is rather detailed in his response to e-mail enquiries. Am not sure what is above average overall and judging from forum users here, he seems alright. However, I havent decide if I should shoot straight to Dr Jung (specialist) or stick to an all rounder. The nose has the least risk (IMO) BUT demands the greatest skill, and for fussy patients like myself who have had a few rhinoplasties over the years, it makes sense to go to the 'best'. I agree effective communication is still the KEY to success, or at least minimizes unfavourable outcome - it is afterall an ART.

Am looking at spending at least 10K with Dr Jung !!! (Ouch !!!) Sponsors anyone? LOL Things we all do to make ourselves feel better for a brighter days ahead, I always say if only I were a cosmetic surgeon !!!

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Post by foubelle » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 9:22 am

kwell: you sound really experienced! have you been to them for surgery before?

when do you intent to go to dr jung or are you still deciding?

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Post by babyk » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:34 am

Anyone have their nose job done several times?

How about the scarring when done multiple times?

Just wondering if anyone has anything to share on this :D

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Post by usernameblah » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:49 am

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Post by foubelle » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:14 pm

i think he isnt half bad for female rhino as's more of telling him what you want. from all the lovely forumers here, you can tell that dr jung is the caring kind of doctor that is honest and will give you what you want if he thinks it is good.

i think you should aim to stay at least 10 days in korea. preferably 2 weeks.

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Post by usernameblah » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 1:33 pm

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Post by freesia » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 2:03 pm

Hi Kwell

Thank u sooo much , finally i can decide which dr i will go for operation (dr Fong :) ). I had 2 rhino b4, 1st time in sydney when i was studying there, it's terrrible, he did the open method (still leave the scar) and inserted the L shaped silicone, my mum so shocked when she met me, she said i looked like tranverstite, horrible, then i flied to SG to removed the silicone (closed method), plus did alar reduction w/ dr chan @mt E, so don't ever do surgery in western country, as the PS not get used to suit w/ asian feature

If money is not the matter, i think dr Jung is more skillful n experienced compared to dr Chuang, I've checked his website, aft n b4 pic, all looks good under his work. Kwell, you beter go to Korea, n comeback prettier :) Good Luck ya....

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Post by foubelle » Wed, 27 Jun 2007 2:44 pm

i would have to agree with you on this one. most westerners wants a smaller nose but not the kind of small that asians think. it's like they wnt to shave off their hump, make thier bridge lower and stuff like that while these are the stuff that asians are requiring.

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