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Post by freesia » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 3:48 pm

Hi! Can anyone in this forum recommend me a good plastic surgeon in singapore for rhinoplasty (i want to do the alar reduction and tip enhancement) ? Who is good for nose job, dr harry fok at sinova, dr Seah Chee Seng at sinova or dr Wong Saw Yeen at Gleanegle? they offer reasonable price ,dr martin huang and w wu are too exp
I' so confused :???: Thanks a lot :D

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Post by ocean11 » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 3:59 pm

i think u are not the only one, i read this taiwan forum, some of the gals also face the same prob, so wat they does was go back to the doc and take out place it back again.. and nope, u don have to wait til 6mths for ur case, if u really confirm that ur silicone didnt place it properly.. so guess u beta go back to ur doc asap for adjustment..

if i am not wrong, u just done ur rhino rite? why do u want to change it goretex?? there're pros and cons for silicone and goretex material. Goretex is not all safe, but yes, the after effect is more natural and won change color of ur nose.. silicone effect is nicer, straight but look kinda fake after a few yrs, and ur nose sometime will become red, greylish and if u use L shape, ur nose tip will became very pointed and pretty fake as times goes by, looks like extrude anytime!.. and if u don wish to change ur silicone, and u afriad that it will extrude out, u can put ur ear cartilage at the point of the L shape silicone to prevent it for extruding..

so u beta check with ur surgeon 1st before u go under the knife again to hurt ur nose one more time.

i mentioned above are thru some experience and surrounding friends had done rhino before.. i am not a surgeon so it beta to check with them.

take care.
babyk wrote:I think my nose surgery is bad. I'm the one that got an L shaped implant. I thought I had some dried blood inside my nose, no big deal I cleared it out of the way with a q-tip. I kept feeling something on the left nostril. In my right nostril, I can feel flesh towards the inner part. Left nostril, I can see the white silicon part and no flesh!

Does anyone know if this is normal and flesh is supposed to grow over it? I'm going to have to go to a real surgeon and get my nose fixed. I hope I can do it ASAP but I heard I have to wait 6 months :shock:

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Post by ocean11 » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 4:10 pm


yaya, agreed! that is why i said she look younger after she shaved her jaw..
but the rest of her surgery i wont say it nice.. ya, esp her nose.. she been comdemn until damn jia lat for her nose.. sibei poor thing.. sigh.. spend money to become pretty still kanna scold by public.. sibei not fair..

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Post by foubelle » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 8:11 pm

eeks. are those parts of her jaw she's holding? scary scary scary. i think her face was too long before and her after make her look more proportionate. before a bit like ku gua lian.

i agree. overdone changes beautify to terrify and that's def not the results me want. so shirong is the infamous ps queen?have she gone onto nv ren wo zui da before? find her face kinda familiar looking. or was it kang xi lai le?

i cant really read chinese so what did she say on her blog?

kalyn, dont worry. nothing bad will happen to your nose. ocean11 also. very fast will be pretty babe liao.

is it me or am i too obsessed with bone structure. ie.face shape. nose. chin.
DMN, can you tell me what's the diff between the classic beauty face(oval face) and those that korean actresses are sporting now. what's the diff? is dawnyang's face oval or sharp? like from some angle her face even looks round man.

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Post by who » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 9:14 pm


If your nose has a silicone implant, the nose splint serves no purpose.
The silicone will not need to stabilize in shape (silicone stays in the same shape regar... although patients need to sleep on their backs for two weeks so it stabilizes at the correct position.


yea... I got an L... and I can only see flesh up my nose... are you sure it is silicone? If so, yea... go get it repositioned!

oh, and I wanted to clarify the characteristics of silicone. It should not change the color of your nose. There are different grades of silicone. It should never be obvious after a few years. If this happens, it is due to low quality silicone, wrong size selectment of silicone, or bad placement.
Dr. Chuang told me that if your original bridge is narrow, generally, you can only add 3 mm with silicone. If it is wider than 5, and even wider 7. If you want a whole lot of increase but nose bridge is too narrow, MUST use goretex, according to Dr. Chuang. Or else down the road, after some years, implant will be obvious under some lights.
Also L implant should be placed under the cartilage, this reduces chance of mobility down the road. Mobility and extrusion (with asians) is almost always due to the skill of the surgeon.
L implant also does not make sharp sharp nose. I've seen before and after pics of L from Dr. Chuang. It does not necessarily mean sharp sharp nose. Besides, sharp sharp nose actually ages a face.

After 3 months, you can move nose tip side to side, but piggy nose with L silicone will cause a slight painful sensation.

Basically, silicone should last forever without looking obvious or change color overtime if the silicone size, grade and placement is correct.

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Post by babyk » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:11 pm

I only had surgery 10 days ago so it is pretty recent. I'm trying to get my doctor to see me today but they're not open yet.

The reason why I want Goretex now is because I've already experienced the silicon peeking out slightly from it's original position, I heard it can corrode and shift (pics I saw on Dr. Jungs website), L shape is a bit stiff towards the tip, etc.

Nothing wrong with silicon & it's true there is good and bad for both but for me I believe I want the Goretex with cartilage tip.

My doctor made the shape of the nose good from the side and the semi side angle but directly in the front it looks good too BUT you know in certain lighting like if I'm right under the light, my nose looks pretty thin and too high (fault of the doctor I know).

I'm hoping my doctor will be reasonable & give me some money back on this procedure so I can go to Korea and fix it. I want to go to Korea as soon as I can to straighten everything out and once those doctors reply back via email.

10 days post eyelid surgery, it is still normal to feel like my muscles are trying to hold my eyes open? I know the swelling and bruising can last awhile but I still can't open them all the way and I was really hoping my doctor didn't mess this up too :?

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Post by ochtri17r » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:13 pm

kalyn wrote:
ochtri17r wrote:

Hi kalyn my swelling has been 50% healed.But the problem now is the side of the bridge still swollen,and also my face muscle too tight,so i can free laughing or talking.It feel like your face pulling strict.
Thanks for your attention.
Hey dear, nice to hear that your swelling went down 50%! So you're back to your normal activities? I'm still very much healing, don't know why my swell takes longer than normal to subside :(

My side of the bridge of my nose is still very big. You mean the upper bridge in between the eyes or the lower bridge along the tip? I think it's normal to feel tight cus we only did it for 2 weeks plus. Are you satisfied with your new nose now? I think my nose is too big, nostrils still wide and bridge too high. I'm really hoping its the swell, I've been complaining everyday! :lol:

yes,i mean that,bot of them still swollen.I dont know my feeling,becauuse it is still swelling so i cant not said that im satisfied.Mt tip still rounded,maybe because the swelling.Im still shy to showing my face to people. :(
so i do not yet come back to my normal activities.I hope my swelling will be healed again.

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Post by takuda » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:33 pm

i don't know why but dr chuang isn't replying my emails! i sent the first one like omg 3 weeks ago, and sent a second one a few days ago. someone in this forum said her email was replied. lollllll.
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by DMN » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:50 pm

foubelle wrote: DMN, can you tell me what's the diff between the classic beauty face(oval face) and those that korean actresses are sporting now. what's the diff? is dawnyang's face oval or sharp? like from some angle her face even looks round man.
foubelle, photos are not accurate reflection of a person's qi and features.

we want Er Dan shape not Guo Zi shape. Both are oval shape but Er Dan is round and short at bottom 1/3 of a face. While Guo Zi is like a blade. Typically, Er Dan are sufficient flesh covering forehead, temple, cheek and jaw, while Guo Zi is bony at least in certain areas.

dawnyang looks a freak in person. I hate to sound mean n I hv been under the knife thus wld be hurt if someone thinks I look like a freak. But, VERY SORRY, that is the 1st word that comes into my mind on seeing her in one of the boutique openings. She no longer looks 'human'. Hers is extreme Guo Zi face.

my features are coming back. i really like my forehead and temples now. my double eye-lid returns after the swell took they away for 3 days...i still hv yellowish bruise from eye bag op but i can c my bags disappearing. tmr is D-day. the nurse brought it forw. i hope they get eye-plucks for my screaming.... hahaha!

today, dr jung 'inivited' a Korean patient out with full refund for being excessively demanding n mean. she kept coming back for revision (i heard 4times!) despite hving what to me a near perfect nose job done. yeah, every industry has occupational hazards, every the best rhino doc in asia.....


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Post by kwelll » Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:44 pm

who wrote:kalyn,

If your nose has a silicone implant, the nose splint serves no purpose.
The silicone will not need to stabilize in shape (silicone stays in the same shape regar... although patients need to sleep on their backs for two weeks so it stabilizes at the correct position.


yea... I got an L... and I can only see flesh up my nose... are you sure it is silicone? If so, yea... go get it repositioned!

oh, and I wanted to clarify the characteristics of silicone. It should not change the color of your nose. There are different grades of silicone. It should never be obvious after a few years. If this happens, it is due to low quality silicone, wrong size selectment of silicone, or bad placement.
Dr. Chuang told me that if your original bridge is narrow, generally, you can only add 3 mm with silicone. If it is wider than 5, and even wider 7. If you want a whole lot of increase but nose bridge is too narrow, MUST use goretex, according to Dr. Chuang. Or else down the road, after some years, implant will be obvious under some lights.
Also L implant should be placed under the cartilage, this reduces chance of mobility down the road. Mobility and extrusion (with asians) is almost always due to the skill of the surgeon.
L implant also does not make sharp sharp nose. I've seen before and after pics of L from Dr. Chuang. It does not necessarily mean sharp sharp nose. Besides, sharp sharp nose actually ages a face.

After 3 months, you can move nose tip side to side, but piggy nose with L silicone will cause a slight painful sensation.

Basically, silicone should last forever without looking obvious or change color overtime if the silicone size, grade and placement is correct.
So much on Dr Chuang, I have received only a standard reply from him regarding rhinoplasty. Has anyone actually had any surgery by him and would be too happy to share your success story with us? Pity his website is in mandarine without any photos of his work (due to privacy reasons?). I still believe a picture speaks a thousand words.

Any takers?

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Post by kwelll » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:01 am

freesia wrote:Hi! Can anyone in this forum recommend me a good plastic surgeon in singapore for rhinoplasty (i want to do the alar reduction and tip enhancement) ? Who is good for nose job, dr harry fok at sinova, dr Seah Chee Seng at sinova or dr Wong Saw Yeen at Gleanegle? they offer reasonable price ,dr martin huang and w wu are too exp
I' so confused :???: Thanks a lot :D
My 2 cents worth:

I like to believe that local surgeons tend to be all rounders (not specialising in any ) and from past experiences (yes different doctors - been there, done it) & certainly from work done by them, i`ve realised that most do not work well with cartilage graft. Its the simple insertion of silicone implant (pre-made) close up wound and whala ! Alar base trimming is fuss free and all too simple. The person I would suggest is Dr Fong Poh Him for his inter-personal skills and comfort level.

Cosmetic surgery is no medicine alone- its an ART. Unfortunately, many do not have the aesthetic sense but strive on strictly medical knowledge to arrive at a result, which tends to be less than appealing in many cases. Nose augmentation is the MOST skill demanding procedure recognised worldwide.

As for the latter two surgeons, I can use the word "commercialised" - period.

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Post by zov » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:19 am

if you want natural looking no fuss can go to dr seah..
I did my nose with him and he is the one to go to if you want natural looking nose. He is very friendly and soft spoken

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Post by ocean11 » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:26 am

Who!! u long time no in liao.. how's ur nose?? the tip subside already?? my bridge subsided quite abit.. only the tip still abit bulbous.. getting very impatient liao..

anyway, not trying to argue with u in this color changed nose for silicone.. it really happened to most of my friends (yes, proud to say i got lotsa PS buddy!! hehehe) and FG forum's mei mei.. anyway, it happened to me too while i had silicone.. and 3 of my friends was done by the renowed surgeon **ffl** W*.. and others was either done in taipei or thailand.. a numbers of them facing the same prob after 1-2 yrs.. changed color.. the common color was the bridge turn red.. for my case was the 2 side of the bridge turned grey, not obvious but when on certain lighting it pretty obvious.. it came on and off, sometime will sometime not.. wonder why??! :???:

the nose color changed got lotsa factor, skin too thin, material too thick, cheap material etc.. but it mostly happened to silicone.. be it L or I shape.. L mostly are for bridge and tip if nvr harvest from the ear cartilage for tip.. as i mentioned on the other post, i based on experience and saw it happened to my friends, so i just stated the fact, u can ask my PS buddy Jovin.. hehehe.. (sorry mate, drag u down..)
and it also not happen to everyone la, mabe only 15 in 100 cases, so no worries ok.. (wah.. my friends took about half of the percentage liao.. kaoz!! sway!) :lol:

ofcos i have no doubt on Dr Chuang professional point of view, he might be rite end of the day, some more i am gong to let him 'touch' my eyes mabe next year, so i have full confidence in him he will do a good job..

but i am a person who only belief wat i saw.
No doc can guarantee ur material in ur body can last forever, only time will tell.. even Dr Jung told me no worries about the goretex, it will last me very long, but he nvr say how long... cos he also cannot guarantee.. but ofcos it a fair game, he nvr force me to do, and i am willing to take that risk too.. so all we can do it only pray nothing will happen till we six feet under.. amen...

no offend Who, just sharing what me and my friends been thru, but it is not a serious prob, and when ppls asked me, i always said it just dirts.. hehe..

who wrote:kalyn,

If your nose has a silicone implant, the nose splint serves no purpose.
The silicone will not need to stabilize in shape (silicone stays in the same shape regar... although patients need to sleep on their backs for two weeks so it stabilizes at the correct position.


yea... I got an L... and I can only see flesh up my nose... are you sure it is silicone? If so, yea... go get it repositioned!

oh, and I wanted to clarify the characteristics of silicone. It should not change the color of your nose. There are different grades of silicone. It should never be obvious after a few years. If this happens, it is due to low quality silicone, wrong size selectment of silicone, or bad placement.
Dr. Chuang told me that if your original bridge is narrow, generally, you can only add 3 mm with silicone. If it is wider than 5, and even wider 7. If you want a whole lot of increase but nose bridge is too narrow, MUST use goretex, according to Dr. Chuang. Or else down the road, after some years, implant will be obvious under some lights.
Also L implant should be placed under the cartilage, this reduces chance of mobility down the road. Mobility and extrusion (with asians) is almost always due to the skill of the surgeon.
L implant also does not make sharp sharp nose. I've seen before and after pics of L from Dr. Chuang. It does not necessarily mean sharp sharp nose. Besides, sharp sharp nose actually ages a face.

After 3 months, you can move nose tip side to side, but piggy nose with L silicone will cause a slight painful sensation.

Basically, silicone should last forever without looking obvious or change color overtime if the silicone size, grade and placement is correct.
Last edited by ocean11 on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by freesia » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:39 am

Hi Kwell & Zov

Thank you for your reply, i did plastic surgery 2 times in sin, eyelid surgery w/ dr harry fok n alar reduction w/ dr chan chi chin ( dr chan don't want to give sedation, scary :shock: , i'm awake during the op), the result is quite good but i want to make my nose slimmer n sharper.
Zov, can i know what kind of nose surgey you have done w/ dr seah? is dr seah good in alar reduction n cartilage graft to make the tip sharper?
I'm staying in jakarta, singapore is near, don't feel to go to taiwan or korea, too far. i'll fly to sin to consult w/ the dr seah n fong :lol:

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Post by who » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:49 am


ugh... there are pics posted here from Dr. Chuang. Angeluv posted hers.... Imjase also... and if you go further back in the forum, there are even more.

mine are at:

Mine according to a lot of people isn't too much change cuz I just did the tip and got implant. But, I think it's quite a change.. but whatever.

yea... tip is deswelling slowly. blah!

I'm sorry to hear your bad experience with silicone. May I ask if you did open or closed rhino with the silicone?

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