reallyHannah Lee wrote:Honey Lee had such pretty features to begin with, but why is it in her "before" pics her hair looks like its thinning/balding in front?DMN wrote:For those who like the movie 200 pounds Beauty, have a look at Kim Ajoong before and after: ... #more-2527
For those who think Honey Lee, (Miss Korea), fresh from being third runner-up in Miss Universe 2007, is hottie. Evidently, she did her eyes,nose and boobs. She was very pretty and has nice bone structure to start with, the PS enhance her looks:
after- ... temid=1058
I think Kim Ah Jung is really pretty, I guess you can tell she did something to her nose, but overall its a good job.
Someone was commenting on how Dawn Yang looks "close to perfect" after surgery. I have to say that her pictures on her blog look great, dunno what she does on photoshop to make them look that way. But have you seen her in person? She looks awesome from across the room, but I've seen her close up and she looks so "done" that she almost looks like a transvestite. You want to keep staring and staring at her face because its just so weird......
I think the mistake some people make is trying to change their entire race. If you look at korean stars, alot of them have multiple PS yet they still look KOREAN. They are not trying to look eurasian or caucasian and it works for them. But if you try to transform your asian face into a caucasian one like Dawnyang, then you'll just end up looking......strange.
she look "done"
she just look so pretty in her blog
like a perfect nose, eyes and etc...
so tempting to see her...
does her nose look like one straight stick?
by the way
anyone realise her younger sister
i think she did ps on her nose too
but is nice
can someone teach me how to post picture here
and maybe we can analyse together
one more thing is that the 200 pound beauty girl
do you guys think her nose job is made of silicon instead of gortex
because if you look at the stick, its thin and noce
it make her look barbie
i love her, she sing really well