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Post by 244522 » Mon, 11 Jun 2007 8:08 pm

Hannah Lee wrote:
DMN wrote:For those who like the movie 200 pounds Beauty, have a look at Kim Ajoong before and after: ... #more-2527

For those who think Honey Lee, (Miss Korea), fresh from being third runner-up in Miss Universe 2007, is hottie. Evidently, she did her eyes,nose and boobs. She was very pretty and has nice bone structure to start with, the PS enhance her looks:


after- ... temid=1058

Honey Lee had such pretty features to begin with, but why is it in her "before" pics her hair looks like its thinning/balding in front?

I think Kim Ah Jung is really pretty, I guess you can tell she did something to her nose, but overall its a good job.

Someone was commenting on how Dawn Yang looks "close to perfect" after surgery. I have to say that her pictures on her blog look great, dunno what she does on photoshop to make them look that way. But have you seen her in person? She looks awesome from across the room, but I've seen her close up and she looks so "done" that she almost looks like a transvestite. You want to keep staring and staring at her face because its just so weird......

I think the mistake some people make is trying to change their entire race. If you look at korean stars, alot of them have multiple PS yet they still look KOREAN. They are not trying to look eurasian or caucasian and it works for them. But if you try to transform your asian face into a caucasian one like Dawnyang, then you'll just end up looking......strange.
she look "done"
she just look so pretty in her blog
like a perfect nose, eyes and etc...
so tempting to see her...
does her nose look like one straight stick?

by the way
anyone realise her younger sister
i think she did ps on her nose too
but is nice

can someone teach me how to post picture here
and maybe we can analyse together

one more thing is that the 200 pound beauty girl
do you guys think her nose job is made of silicon instead of gortex
because if you look at the stick, its thin and noce
it make her look barbie
i love her, she sing really well

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Post by 244522 » Mon, 11 Jun 2007 8:13 pm

ocean11 wrote:i should be able to know the ans in a few days time.. cos i oso need to know!! hehe.. i just emailed Dr Jung a long list of qns! hehehe.. ur qns is one of it. will let u know la.. :D
244522 wrote:Hi

Can we can go for laser or radio frequency (to remove feckles) over our silicon or gortex nose. Is it safe?

Can anyone ask for me if you were to consult?
Would greatky appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
hey ocean 11
will be waiting for your post okay :D

one more question, gortex can it last more than like 40 to 50 years
I am 20 plus now
and if I do gortex,I am wondering if it will last till I am 60 plus
if it doesnt, wont it lead to increase complications in the later age (if we were to take out and replace a new one)
so isnt it easier to use silicon cause taking out and replacing in the later stage seem easier

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Eyebrow implant

Post by aadvark » Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:51 pm

Anyone knows where they do eyebrow planting (aka "Zhi Mei")?
Anywhere cheap and good? Even if JB or BKK also can.

I did 3d Embroidery (my eyebrows are really sparse) but beginning to fade.
Eyebrow planting is to plant strands of hair right?
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by who » Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:55 pm

here are my results so far... Also, there is a pic at 2.5 weeks postop for people concerned with healing.

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Post by harajukugirl » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:28 am

wow who! i can definitely see the increase in the height of your bridge. ur nose looks pretty and thin! :) do you know how many mm raise dr chuang did for you?

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Post by who » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:35 am

he did just 3 mm, but really, it makes a bigger difference than you would expect...
3mm silicone L implant btw.

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Post by ocean11 » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 1:20 am

Who! my nose tip very fat now oso.. hehee..

I really tot u use I shape or Goretex u know! nvr expect u use L wor.. why? did u do the alarplasty too?
hey! i don know L shape oso can choose height one... tot only goretex.. hehe.. sua ku me.. Dr Jung increase 6mm for me!? according to him.. but he said after he pressed abit here and there before inserting.. it became about 4.5-5mm on height.. but still buay xiang lay.. :P

who wrote:he did just 3 mm, but really, it makes a bigger difference than you would expect...
3mm silicone L implant btw.

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Post by who » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 1:46 am


no alarplasty... I just did tip refinement and L silicone implant.

um... 4.5-5 mm? that's a lot... does goretex come down or something after a while, cuz I just did 3, and it looks high like those Korean actresses nose. I remember you complaining about him not giving you more height? Does your nose not look as high as those Korean actresses noses now, or did you want even more?

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Post by who » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 1:49 am


I bet your nose will look very nice in a month...
but in the meanwhile, what do the phrases mean? :

sua ku me..

but still buay xiang lay

what?!? this is not regular ping ying that I'm used to :P

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Post by ocean11 » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 2:21 am

haha.. okok...
1. Buay xiang - doesnt look like it
2. sua ku me - mountain tortoise aka not knowledgeable

i hope so la dear, went thru so much pain and money, beta be nice..
no lay.. don look like those korean actress so high lay.. but the shape is there. cos he really done a good alarplasty for me. just as usual.. compalint about the height.. mabe i too greedy liao.. guess this is fine for me, let see how it goes after a mth. cos now my tip still round and sore..

who, can i know u done in open or close method? if u done it close.. tip refinment? it not alar huh? wat is the diff huh? enlighten me..
ya..the dn time very short if u do close method.. but if open like mine.. my tip gonna take hell long times to deswell..
who wrote:ocean11,

I bet your nose will look very nice in a month...
but in the meanwhile, what do the phrases mean? :

sua ku me..

but still buay xiang lay

what?!? this is not regular ping ying that I'm used to :P

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Post by who » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 2:34 am

hehe... ok... now I understand...

yea... alarplasty is when they narrow the width of your nose and maybe decrease your nostril size... well my nostrils and width were good and small to begin with according to the doc... so he performed L implant and tiplasty for me through open rhino... so I have to wait 3 months just like you to see the final result.

Anyway, tiplasty:
the tip of your nose is in two halves of cartilage. He sewed these two halves together to make it narrower and then also removed a little bit of cartilage on both sides of the tip of my nose to make it sharper.

But, since you got cartilage implant for tip, your tip will also be sharper when everything deswells, so don't worry! :)

My nose is also still swollen... the tip anyway. takes so long to deswell... so completely understand what you're going through..
Also, when the tip of your nose becomes less swollen, your entire nose will look more defined and higher...

best wishes!

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Post by who » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 2:57 am

tiplasty makes your nose tip narrower... having a cartilage implant in the tip of your nose also makes the tip narrower..

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Post by kalyn » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 6:57 am

ocean11 wrote:Alemak u.. go on noon now den ask!! :o so last min!! like me.. hehehe..
check ur PM fast!! call her fast!!
good luck to u!!

Thanks ocean for helping, i saw the message too late :-| can't get the medicine. I'm swelling like mad now. :( Will update some stuff later...

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Kalyn finally did it

Post by kalyn » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 7:48 am

Hi people, I've finally did my surgery on 8/5(four days ago) with Dr. Chuang.

Just to share with you all my experience.

I did a
[1]Full nose job -
Rhinoplasty[silicone implant] to lengthen the nose, Alaplasty to reduce the size of the nose/nostrils
Tiplasty[septal cartilage]to make the tip of the nose smaller.

[2]Lip reduction

[3]cheeks liposuction

[4]Botox on Jaw.

So, there were four procedures in total. Dr. C jabbed botox first, then he did my lips followed by the nose and lastly the liposuction.

I was on general anethesia so I wasn't aware of anything, when I woke up, which was around 7 hours later (10+am to 5pm), I was on the bed, with my head wrapped like a mummy and in pain! :( Yes, no joke. I was in severe pain, and the pain was coming from my lips.

What happen was, my lips are reduced and then stiched with dissolvable stiches. As the lips are a very sensitive area, the pain is enormous. It seems like the nose and cheeks liposuction feels nothing. The pain has already subsided right now, I don't feel pain unless I'm eating. But there's still a huge discomfort when talking. Ironically, my sis did her eyes and her lip reduction on the same day as me in Singapore! As her decision was too last minute, she hasn't had the time to fly to Taipei together. She did hers at Gleneagles with Dr. Wong. I realized both Dr. Chuang and Dr. Wong said different things. Dr. Chuang said that the stiches on my lips should not be removed as it might leave scars with open wounds. However, my sis will have hers removed in a week. Now I'm really confused as the stiches doesn't seem to look like it will drop within 2 weeks. What if it only drop in a month or two? They are really obvious stiches. Sigh, this is so depressing. :cry: Does anyone have any experience on how long will it take for the dissolvable stiches on the lips to drop/dissolve by itself?

So, for the nose! Like many others here, I took a couple of pictures of Vivian Hsu's nose and requested for that. However, as my nostrils are of different shape as her, Dr. C can only do the tip similar as her, which I'm pretty much satisfied. :lol: That of course, has to really turn out like hers, which I'm unsure right now :???: To cut it short, I did a silicone implant to lengthen the nose, an alarplasty and tiplasty using septal cartilage. Right now, my upper bridge(the one beside the eyes) has swelled so so much, it looks like it's so high, big and not to say, scary. The swell spreads to my eyes so both my eye lids and eye bags look bruised and it look like I've deformed. :cry: Is this normal? I did not have time to buy Sinnech so I wasn't on any swelling medicine. This doesn't help that I also did cheeks liposuction. I cry at least 2 times a day, this is so embarressing :(

Also, my lower cheeks are bruised and swelled. So, you guys can really imagine how horrible I looked right now. Is there anyone who can teach me how to reduce my swelling right now? Dr. C told me to put hot towel/compress. What is the difference with cold and hot?

Anyway, for people who are concerned about the pain factor for the procedures:
Nose: 2/10(little discomfort)
Lips: 7/10(high discomfort)
Cheeks: 4/10(medium discomfort)
Also, I can't smile or laugh as it will cause great pain.

Thanks everyone for listening/helping. Will appreciate any reply and good luck for you all too.... :)

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Post by kalyn » Tue, 12 Jun 2007 7:56 am

Angeluv101 wrote:Hi ppl,

I'm in taipei now, just did my eyes n nose with Dr Chuang last sat and thought i will share my experience with everyone here. Dr Chuang is super bz man, his clinic is always filled with ppl. I'm 4days post op now n still swelling like crazy. I re-did my double eyelids, epi n eye lift to make the eyes look BIGGER :o hahaz 3 procedures so my eyes look damn scary now with all the diff colours of bruising! I took sineech n loads on vit c so I think it does helps alot in reducing the swelling cuz I did the full nose job too - implant,alar, tip lengthening. My whole face especially my cheeks is so puffy now. Is this suppose to be normal?? I mean i look like i need face lipo on my 'chubby' cheeks now :(
Ocean11, I got the same prob as u! Same thing asked for song hye gyo nose plus I even bring my own pics to show him so to make sure he get a clear pic of wat nose I want. Den scarli he said my face too round cannot take this type of high sharp nose.. sianz 1/2! And I dun think my face was even round at all, i got a sharp chin so called 'kua zi nian' so I wanted a sharp nose to look better! So Dr C was saying how this high n sharp nose will look weird on my face n a 'cute' one will suit me better.. I was quite disappointed cuz I'm oso scared if i insist on the sharp nose it will turn out unnatural.. so while we r still in the midst of discussing whether I should take this type of sharp nose.... DEN the nurse kept comin in to interrupt us sayin i spent too much time wif dr chuang so keep rushin him as there were other patients waitin for follow-ups.. quite pissed at dat nurse man.. Dr chuang din even grumble n still continue to answer my qns n dat stupid nurse keep interrupting n rush dr chuang to see his follow up patients as they've waited for a long time, den say i haven even start surgery shdnt spent so much time.. :x damn tulanz! And beforehand, Dr Chuang had already confirmed he will spare enough time for my consult n surgery! So dat bloody nurse was sayin i shd trust dr chuang skills n keep quoting herself as own example n keep advertising her own double eyelids just done by dr c so beautiful... come to think of it her looks make me wana pukez! Anyway so I din wana appear so kiasi since the nurse say until like dat.. so I just ended the consult there n proceed with the surgery.. but I did ask for a 'v' tip n to make my nose as similar to song hye gyo's one as he can since it cant be as sharp as hers. Now, after the bandage is removed, I can see a smaller alar, but bridge is too natural n tip is round n fat.. no 'v' tip :( I know it maybe still too earli to tell due to the swelling.. but the bridge does appear too natural for me now even with the swelling.. later on it will get even lower... plus I think the tip part is already fixed.... no chance of seeing a 'v' tip sudden growin out after the swelling goes down rite? I be seeing Dr C on sat to remove stitches so I will have to raise this prob to him then.. I'm dreading to see dat nurse cuz I'm sure she will come n interrupt again n say its because of my swelling or some other reasons. REally cannot stand her especially when she keeps advertising her ownself to everyone dat comes into the clinic.. yeah she's the one dat got the breast job done by dr chuang.. just feel she looks like hard selling dr chuang services like a marketing/sales person like those consultants in our beauty salons here.. I could be
wrong :-|
Anyway sorry for the long post n ranting here as I was really not prepared to expect this type of 'service' as everyone had good comments that the nurses were friendly.. well mayb to the guys onli larz. :P

Hi Angel, congrats to your new look!! You looked so very pretty after the stiches are removed. Your nose is very beautiful, as compared to the still swelling one I saw the first time I met you at Wish Clinic. Continue to take good care of your eyes and nose ya? :)

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