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by shermaine » Sat, 02 Jun 2007 4:09 pm
hi guys! juz thought i will update, as i'm currently close to 3 mths. post -op.
but first off, i gotta say a HUGE thank you and sorry to Blueberry, Hannah, and Badboy. am sure by now they will know what a paranoid/worrier i am, and had been repeatedly bothering them with my concerns. thks. so much to you all!
ok, basically, i hav come to realise i am an EXTREMELY SLOW healer...i bruise a lot more, swell a lot more...in fact, though others say pineapples helps in the healing, it gave me bad infections at my stitch sites...and to be honest, it's only been after 2 mths, that i felt my nose was seirously starting to take shape. in fact, when i look at my pics prior to that, i cant help but gasp how on earth i managed to face the world with that nose!!
on the bright side, the nose is shaping really prettily so far, but couple of days ago, my inner sutures where the alar reduction was done snapped, and it's now left a lingering pain inside my upper lip. i am worried now that it might change the shape, but dr. jung reassured me that those stutures were juz to maintain the shape temporarily and will hav no harm. however, i do realise that my nose flares more now on smiling...=( not sure if i rupture any other sutures used to maintain that too? but anyhow, the bridge he gave me exactly wat i wanted, not high not low, and most importantly and satisfyingly, he seriously literaly gave me a curve in my side profile!
never knew that could be done as i hav seen many esp on dr. kim's site where the noses are just downright straight from the side.
on a side note, i finally confessed to my parents that i did a nose job (cant prolong that further as my mum and sis are literally on the plane now to visit me!) and gosh! instead of chiding me, they actually said why didn't i ask them to go along to take care of me, and for higher bridge, sharper tip etc. hahah wat wonderful parents i have!
so shoe_girl, try not to worry abt it k? am sure your parents are juz concerned about you, and if you talk to them nicely, hopefully things willl work out=)
anyway, as i think i m relly picky abt stuff, i was already prepared to undergo a 2nd revision since planning my rhinoplasty to acheive my desired nose.
thus, have already booked a second appt. in mid august to do some refinement. and this time, my mum is going along with me (it relly relly helps to have someone take care of you...) so i cant wait!
juz one question to all pls, may i know if MINOR refinements are made durin revision, is the swelling gonna be a whole lot more, like with other revisions??
also, may i know if any1 had forehead augmentation with fat transplant b4?
i know that there is variable resoprtion rate, but wat i'm afraid is that the rate will be variable on the forehead parts itself, i.e landing me with a forehead of pitted holes at some areas!?!?!?
once again, thks. to all who have helped me out so much! esp. blueberry, hannah and badboy!
i truly appreciate it.
i will try to update once more b4 i fly for my 2nd revision. and hopefully by then, it will be ideal, and i can finally show my new nose for graduation next year!
take care! and all the best in your rhinoplasties.
congrats to ocean_11 too! am sure you will love ur new nose!! btw, think the actress you mentioned is song hye kyo yea?? she is beautiful ! i had the opposite consultation with dr. jung re her hgt, coz he actually asked me if i want a nose like hers, but i didnt coz it seemed too perfect. hahah now really thinking twice.... take care and rest well!