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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:16 pm

There's a few posts about epicantoplasty in this forum, else there is always yahoo or goggle to search on :)

Dr Hsu is the one who did my nose, and i re-did my eyes with Dr Chuang.

mountain wrote:Jovin,
what is epicantplasty...sp

how is it different from double eyelid?

do you have parallel eyelids now or tampered?

why did you not like your previous result..
and how much is it?

is dr chuang the one who did your nose too?

so there are dr chuang,jiang and hsu..

you must be gorgeous..i bet you look eurasian now..
i guess that's a good idea to bring pictures
so that you'll get the results you want..
otherwise if it's too subtle then you won't see too much difference..
after all the pain and the money..

thanks a lot :D
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:21 pm

Mine is silicon. Nope, by Dr Hsu. Epicantoplasty alone? From what i know, almost everyone do double eyelid + epicantoplasty. Never heard of someone who did only epicantoplasty, unless your double eyelid really nice already. Dr Chuang charged me NTD32,000 for double eyelid + epicantoplasty.

Yes when you do double eyelid surgery, surgeon will/can remove excessive fats from the lids. Huh? How much mm? it's not in mm lah my dear, it's like trimming off fats from pork.... erm... it's like in a piece, not liquid form. "mm" is for liposuction lah. By the way Dr Chuang didn't remove fats, because Dr Hsu already did the previous time i did my eyes with Dr Hsu.

appletree wrote:Hi jovin,

May i know that time u did ur nose, was it silicone or goretex? By Dr chuang too? :)

How much does Dr chuang charge alone for epicanthoplasty??
Im still considering to do epicanthoplasty leh.... pengs

Oh yea just curious, about the fats in e eyelid that u mentioned, can be withdraw out one arh? keke How much mm did dr chuang did for u?
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Re: Eye Stitch

Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:26 pm

It's still early to judge Dr Chuang's skills, as i'm not even in my 2nd week yet. Need at least 3 months for full subside of swelling (eventhough i got no bruising now).

I asked Dr Chuang before, whether there is a cap to the number of times a person can perform eyelid surgery. He said no, except you must be fully recovered before you perform the next operation.

My eyes looks deep-set now, as that's what i want. So far it's looking good, but again, i won't judge anything until i'm fully recovered.

244522 wrote:Hi Jovin

I did it under Dr M.H for my second time. The first time I did it under one of the a female doctor in Camdeon Center (hope is correct spelling). I had really terrible experience with the female doctor, her skills is limited, she is proud and she didnt give what i want.

The second time, Dr was nice, I consult for one hour to understand my situation and let doctor understand what i want. I want rounder eyes, which the first doctor failed to give me, she keep on telling me the most she can do is to do a double eyelid of our natural shape.

The second Dr actually recommended cutting method, but because at that time i just wanted a natural double eyelid, so that i wouldnt need to paste my double eyelid sticker daily. And secondly, i heard that someone's eyes blood vessel was hit in the operation when using eye cutting, that scares me more to go under cutting method by him. Lastly, is because i am afriad of the scar.

But now I regret, cause I realize how great would it be ton take out my stupid eye fats. secondly, I am in my 5 month now, and it hasnt really recovered, the slow recovery make me think that its much better to do cutting as the recovery rate is almost the same slow.

The eyelid stitch used on me is permanent stitch, so it will last forever, unlike the dissovable stitch that normal doctor use. Just that I can really see my puff eyes increase as day goes. Plus I envious some korean girls, who eyes look so bright and nice. Mine i feel look at bit tired.

I felt that mine might be risky and require good doctor was because I already did twice which mean my eye internal tissue has already been hurt twice.

Jovin do you mind posting your new eye photo to me or in the forumn. I really need to see if the kai yan dou will make a difference for me and to see dr chuang skill.

my email is [email protected]
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Re: Dr chuang's clinic

Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:32 pm

Yup, i did kai yan tou too, and when removing the stitches on the 5th day, i didn't get an obvious scar. Just a light red line now, as it's not even 2 weeks since my surgery. It's considered good, as i tend to have keloid scarring. The red line can be covered by makeup, not an issue.

By the way, Dr Chuang did told me that after 1, 2 months the scar will pop up, but after 3 months or so will fade off... i'll monitor and see about it.
tanjhj wrote: dear all (especially shiyun),

kai yan tou can do at spore or msia too. it is just the skill level which i dun dare to comment. what i know abt dr chuang is that he has high % of no scarring for his kai yan tou. in fact of of the lady forumer here has no scar for her kai yan tou when she remove her stitch after 7 days.. to have a safer bet, i would suggest Dr Hsu, price is cheaper if u just wanna do KYT alone. However i doubt she do LEvator Eye muscle Surgery for eye enlargement. no harm asking thou u got to call her clinic rather than email her.

as for price,
Taiwan is around 10000twd to 15000twd.
kalo if not wrong is around $900+ and spore around $1000+++

Takuda, thanks for ur support.
good luck for ur op in taiwan this year, maybe we will have a chance to meet there. lol
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by appletree » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:33 pm

Hi jovin,

i mean how much mm higher e cease did dr chuang did for u? ekeke.
Im actually quite interested to do my eyes bigger like ailen also, or just do epicanthoplasty can liao ? cos my eyes is actually quite big liao.

Would it be conviences to share ur pic with me? :P

jovinliu wrote:Mine is silicon. Nope, by Dr Hsu. Epicantoplasty alone? From what i know, almost everyone do double eyelid + epicantoplasty. Never heard of someone who did only epicantoplasty, unless your double eyelid really nice already. Dr Chuang charged me NTD32,000 for double eyelid + epicantoplasty.

Yes when you do double eyelid surgery, surgeon will/can remove excessive fats from the lids. Huh? How much mm? it's not in mm lah my dear, it's like trimming off fats from pork.... erm... it's like in a piece, not liquid form. "mm" is for liposuction lah. By the way Dr Chuang didn't remove fats, because Dr Hsu already did the previous time i did my eyes with Dr Hsu.

appletree wrote:Hi jovin,

May i know that time u did ur nose, was it silicone or goretex? By Dr chuang too? :)

How much does Dr chuang charge alone for epicanthoplasty??
Im still considering to do epicanthoplasty leh.... pengs

Oh yea just curious, about the fats in e eyelid that u mentioned, can be withdraw out one arh? keke How much mm did dr chuang did for u?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:37 pm

Ha cupid you also noticed that spidey becomes fatter ah? Yah loh, gravity seems to be acting on his face...

By the way, i saw your long long post about you appearing at Dr Chuang clinic in the middle of the night and cried infront of the receptionist... hee.. don't worry, it's not embarassing... maybe that time you are in pain and in heat (remember channel 14 and channel 15?!) lah! :P

cupid^n^starz wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
cupid^n^starz wrote: Hey Tanjhj! WHere have you been?! Missing you!!
Miss u too! and other real contributors of this forums. i am busy with work and study.. exams coming in june, so really need to lock my Lappy else sure will be distracted again..

Just watch 200 pounds beauty on my lappy.. Opps :P and thought of posting here to share this good movie.

read that u may redo ur cheek again, yupz i also did ask and was quoted ard your price.. many forumers may find it ex but the price is really ok le compared to spore.. so still going to rework your cheek? hehe

Ps: not much PS doc can work on bone, yes even those Famous PS docs.
if a doc can work on bones, it shows alot abt his skills, knowledge and confidence.
It results from the lipo so far compared with my before is really great. it gaves big difference. but not enough to fulfil my standard. :lol: SO, Ofcourse I still want this cheek shaving! But definetely ,Not Now Tanjhj!! Not this time. hehehe im busy with work now.
I will post my pic too when I already in 6 months post op. ok!

Hm,.. since many forumer telling bout that movie, I become curious eh, hm.....
btw, Yesterday I watch spiderman 3, and I recognized spidey and MJ become so fat eh?!! huaa! Too bad spidey have that 'turkey' neck?! :lol:
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:42 pm

Ha you said "jolin".... there's no jolin here in the forum leh, i did my nose with Dr Hsu and my name sounds similiar to "jolin", so i presume you referring to me?

Call Dr Hsu's clinic at +886228753036. His full name is Xu2 Yong3 Kang1.

If you want to use cartilage, i suggest you go Dr Chuang. Dr Hsu might be good with simple silicon implant only.

freesia wrote:hi im new here, i did rhinoplasty 2 times in sin, the result arent bad, but not satisfy enough :( , i heard that dr hsu in taipei is good in doing nose, can anybody give his full name & contact addr, coz i cant understand chinese character, hi jolin i've read that you do yours in taiwan , is that expensive? how much is it? i wsnt to slim down the shape of my nose & implant the ear cartilage in the nose tip ti make it higher and pointed, thx
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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:56 pm

$6k for a silicon implant on nose by Woffles Wu (who is famous in Singapore) and a $1.5k silicon implant by Dr Chuang (who is famous in Taipei), both surgeon is on par in terms of skills, which one will you choose?

Some indonesian tai tai come Singapore because they believe it's better than clinics in Indonesia. Some people go bangkok because it's cheaper. Someone people go korea because they feel is better. Some people go Taiwan because there is no language barrier and it's cheaper than korea. Some people go JB because it's near to Singapore, yet the price is lower. Some people stay in Singapore to do because they believe Singapore surgeons are still more trustworthy. There's no right or wrong, only personal preference.

So why did some people come singapore for medical operations, some goes the the United States? So, which one better? :)

I believe Dr Chuang or surgeons in Taipei did more nose jobs than Woffles Wu or Martin Huang. But for Woffles Lift, maybe Woffles Wu did more than them because he created Woffles Lift.

Dr Chuang's clinic is call Wish Clinic. Happy yahooing/goggling :roll:

missresplendence wrote::P
Hey guyz! New to this forum. Googled it. Seems perfect setting for chat about cosmetic surgey.

I'm from Oz - Australia. Background Asian, and yes, I'm encoutering the same concerns and aspiring to the same quintessential beauty renowned for an Asian - high nose, narrow face, gorgeous stunning eyes.

But I feel absolutely lost in the litany of doctors available, and not to mention all those procedures out there!!!

Ok...I've been hearing heaps about Dr Chuang?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?. Has he got a website. and can anyone provide testimony to his art?!

Also, don't you guys have the famous Dr Woffles Wu, and Dr Martin Huang?!? I haven't seen any pics from their website, but just curious as to why you wouldn't seek them out?!? and instead go to korea, taipei etc.

Importantly, how did you get in contact with Dr Chuang?!?! Is there a number? Also, what are his rates like? say for a rhino or jaw reduction?

THanks heaps :lol:
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:56 pm

$6k for a silicon implant on nose by Woffles Wu (who is famous in Singapore) and a $1.5k silicon implant by Dr Chuang (who is famous in Taipei), both surgeon is on par in terms of skills, which one will you choose?

Some indonesian tai tai come Singapore because they believe it's better than clinics in Indonesia. Some people go bangkok because it's cheaper. Someone people go korea because they feel is better. Some people go Taiwan because there is no language barrier and it's cheaper than korea. Some people go JB because it's near to Singapore, yet the price is lower. Some people stay in Singapore to do because they believe Singapore surgeons are still more trustworthy. There's no right or wrong, only personal preference.

So why did some people come singapore for medical operations, some goes the the United States? So, which one better? :)

I believe Dr Chuang or surgeons in Taipei did more nose jobs than Woffles Wu or Martin Huang. But for Woffles Lift, maybe Woffles Wu did more than them because he created Woffles Lift.

Dr Chuang's clinic is call Wish Clinic. Happy yahooing/goggling :roll:

missresplendence wrote::P
Hey guyz! New to this forum. Googled it. Seems perfect setting for chat about cosmetic surgey.

I'm from Oz - Australia. Background Asian, and yes, I'm encoutering the same concerns and aspiring to the same quintessential beauty renowned for an Asian - high nose, narrow face, gorgeous stunning eyes.

But I feel absolutely lost in the litany of doctors available, and not to mention all those procedures out there!!!

Ok...I've been hearing heaps about Dr Chuang?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?. Has he got a website. and can anyone provide testimony to his art?!

Also, don't you guys have the famous Dr Woffles Wu, and Dr Martin Huang?!? I haven't seen any pics from their website, but just curious as to why you wouldn't seek them out?!? and instead go to korea, taipei etc.

Importantly, how did you get in contact with Dr Chuang?!?! Is there a number? Also, what are his rates like? say for a rhino or jaw reduction?

THanks heaps :lol:
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 3:56 pm

Yes, no rats running around :wink:
shoe_girl wrote:Jovinliu,

What was Dr Chaung's clinic like? I mean was the environment nice and professional looking? Thankyou!
Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by jovinliu » Mon, 07 May 2007 4:01 pm

I have NTD$17,000 left from my Taipei trip, and that's S$783 with exchange rate of 21.71. Anyone going Taiwan soon and have yet changed your currency? I'll match the current exchange rate, if it's better than 21.71. Need to convert my remaining taiwan dollars back in Singapore dollars, so i can go for botox! Heh.

Seriously, need someone to change my NTD$ with.

Hmmm... what should I do next? Cheekbone reduction maybe?

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Post by missresplendence » Mon, 07 May 2007 4:43 pm

Hey thanks jovin, This forum might just be my new addiction. Lol…It’s awesome fun, and everyone’s so friendly.

Jovin, I’m also wondering that you said your eyes are deep-set now? So it looks different to your typical double-eye result?!?
What other procedures do you recommend for going for the ‘eurasion’ look?

Also, importantly, do you find that your new-found looks have brought more confidence to your sense of being?!?

Do you have a telephone no. for Dr Chuang?!? You’ve persuaded me about going to Taipei. Lol. I think I’ll give s’pore a pass, considering like you said, Dr Chuang is as skilled.

Thanks heaps…!!!

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Re: Eye Stitch

Post by cupid^n^starz » Mon, 07 May 2007 8:49 pm

Uuhaaaahh! I cant hardly wwait too see your new eyes!!! *blink* blink*blink* :o WoW!
hurry up too load the piccc!

jovinliu wrote:It's still early to judge Dr Chuang's skills, as i'm not even in my 2nd week yet. Need at least 3 months for full subside of swelling (eventhough i got no bruising now).

I asked Dr Chuang before, whether there is a cap to the number of times a person can perform eyelid surgery. He said no, except you must be fully recovered before you perform the next operation.

My eyes looks deep-set now, as that's what i want. So far it's looking good, but again, i won't judge anything until i'm fully recovered.

244522 wrote:Hi Jovin

I did it under Dr M.H for my second time. The first time I did it under one of the a female doctor in Camdeon Center (hope is correct spelling). I had really terrible experience with the female doctor, her skills is limited, she is proud and she didnt give what i want.

The second time, Dr was nice, I consult for one hour to understand my situation and let doctor understand what i want. I want rounder eyes, which the first doctor failed to give me, she keep on telling me the most she can do is to do a double eyelid of our natural shape.

The second Dr actually recommended cutting method, but because at that time i just wanted a natural double eyelid, so that i wouldnt need to paste my double eyelid sticker daily. And secondly, i heard that someone's eyes blood vessel was hit in the operation when using eye cutting, that scares me more to go under cutting method by him. Lastly, is because i am afriad of the scar.

But now I regret, cause I realize how great would it be ton take out my stupid eye fats. secondly, I am in my 5 month now, and it hasnt really recovered, the slow recovery make me think that its much better to do cutting as the recovery rate is almost the same slow.

The eyelid stitch used on me is permanent stitch, so it will last forever, unlike the dissovable stitch that normal doctor use. Just that I can really see my puff eyes increase as day goes. Plus I envious some korean girls, who eyes look so bright and nice. Mine i feel look at bit tired.

I felt that mine might be risky and require good doctor was because I already did twice which mean my eye internal tissue has already been hurt twice.

Jovin do you mind posting your new eye photo to me or in the forumn. I really need to see if the kai yan dou will make a difference for me and to see dr chuang skill.

my email is [email protected]
Last edited by cupid^n^starz on Mon, 07 May 2007 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cupid^n^starz » Mon, 07 May 2007 8:53 pm

nice of u Jovin!
Its ok, Maybe theres other forumer who's ever experiences like me as well, so I'm not alone right? or form others forummer whos gonna do any surgery, dont worry! you're all not alone after this forum! hehehe

Btw, yeah it seems gravity is working to hell on his face?! I thought its gravity thing wont happen to him since He was already had that hanging 'yoga-upside-down' position oftenly as being spidey?! It should be good therapy for his skin?! guess its not! hahahaha :P

jovinliu wrote:Ha cupid you also noticed that spidey becomes fatter ah? Yah loh, gravity seems to be acting on his face...

By the way, i saw your long long post about you appearing at Dr Chuang clinic in the middle of the night and cried infront of the receptionist... hee.. don't worry, it's not embarassing... maybe that time you are in pain and in heat (remember channel 14 and channel 15?!) lah! :P

cupid^n^starz wrote:
tanjhj wrote: Miss u too! and other real contributors of this forums. i am busy with work and study.. exams coming in june, so really need to lock my Lappy else sure will be distracted again..

Just watch 200 pounds beauty on my lappy.. Opps :P and thought of posting here to share this good movie.

read that u may redo ur cheek again, yupz i also did ask and was quoted ard your price.. many forumers may find it ex but the price is really ok le compared to spore.. so still going to rework your cheek? hehe

Ps: not much PS doc can work on bone, yes even those Famous PS docs.
if a doc can work on bones, it shows alot abt his skills, knowledge and confidence.
It results from the lipo so far compared with my before is really great. it gaves big difference. but not enough to fulfil my standard. :lol: SO, Ofcourse I still want this cheek shaving! But definetely ,Not Now Tanjhj!! Not this time. hehehe im busy with work now.
I will post my pic too when I already in 6 months post op. ok!

Hm,.. since many forumer telling bout that movie, I become curious eh, hm.....
btw, Yesterday I watch spiderman 3, and I recognized spidey and MJ become so fat eh?!! huaa! Too bad spidey have that 'turkey' neck?! :lol:

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Post by cupid^n^starz » Mon, 07 May 2007 9:02 pm

jovinliu wrote:Yes, no rats running around :wink:
shoe_girl wrote:Jovinliu,

What was Dr Chaung's clinic like? I mean was the environment nice and professional looking? Thankyou!
its quite clean and sterile. It design typical modern Zen looking! and like the smell too!
for the others whos know nothing bout this clinic. theres tons of msgs bout this clinics address, the nurse,..etc.. in PREVIOUS msg. please browse it... :D good luck!!!!

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