ahmeilover wrote:hello adveerk... thanks for your reply...
May i noe for the chin implant rite.. where is the wound ah? for nose implant is inside our nostril ma... cannot see at all.. what abt chin implant? Thanks!
i tink we need either nose trimming or alarplasty.. depends on what the dr wanna do for us....
chin implant also inside. inside the mouth.
if u look into mirror, and pull ur lip down, u can see where ur flesh meets the gum?
they will make the incision there and insert the implant from there then sew back. chin implants can be done either internal or external.
internal good thing of course is cannot see scar, but hor, becos of food u eat, saliva etc, u must take be very careful. must watch what u eat then brush regularly, use mouth wash regularly until wound completely heal.
like a typical guy, i totally heck care, sometimes forgot my antibiotics also... in the end, kena infection. the tiny wound swell up and even swell SIDEWAYS! in the end, looks like a huge fat bloody leech sitting inside my mouth! my frens were all grossed out... had to go GP for antibiotics to remove infection...
chin implant also painful after anaesthetic wore off... but in the end i was most satisfied with my chin implant cos make my face look slimmer, more defined from front view...
now need to do my jaw implants so i look more defined from side view! haha