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Post by Guest » Sun, 14 Aug 2005 9:43 pm

medictbp"] Can you recommend a tummy tuck surgeon in bkk for me? I'm desperate & its scary not knowing how the outcome will be & whether the doctor is skilled.

medictbp wrote:Some hospitals have their medical agents, and esp. when u see that they can reply in french, german, italian, chinese etc.

I'm such a medical agent at the moment, but 'shared' by a few hospitals together.

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Post by medictbp » Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:00 pm

Hmmm, there're many factors to consider whether you're a candidate for tummy tuck or not - like age etc.

Please drop me an email, i'll inform u on the possible complication & risk etc.


Tummytuck, if you're a woman; it is best you're not deciding to get pregnant etc. because a further pregnancy will stretch the skin again. :wink: don't waste the money.

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To Everybody Considering Plastic Surgery

Post by medictbp » Mon, 15 Aug 2005 4:41 pm

:wink: Got a couple of emails from folks here, will like to drop a small note which might come as a surprise to you.

-> People who are seeking Eyelid surgery only, consider a Ophthalmic surgeon.

-> People who are seeking otoplasty, rhinoplasty only, consider Otorhinolaryngologist surgeon.

-> People who are seeking Liposuction, Botox & Collagen injections only, consider a Dermatologist.

This physicians are possibly the best choices for you, if specific procedures is intended. But of course, a Plastic surgeon still know more about Facial harmony; he will prob. recommend a few more procedures to make you look better.

Some of the procedures has been mystified, because of commercial reasons. Example as follows;

"Almost all dermatological surgeons who perform liposuction use local anesthesia by the tumescent technique. Dermatologists experienced in doing liposuction have the lowest rate of serious complications. Plastic surgeons are much more likely to commit medical malpractice during liposuction, at least on a statistical basis. Unfortunately plastic surgeons are also trying to prevent dermatologists from doing liposuction, perhaps for their own financial gain." Read more on:: ... ction.html

Give more consideration, if you are looking looking for only 1 specific procedure.


Post by Guest » Mon, 15 Aug 2005 6:03 pm

medictbp, cn you tell me more about hair removal by laser, pros & cons etc. greatly appreciated


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Post by medictbp » Mon, 15 Aug 2005 6:53 pm

Anonymous wrote:medictbp, cn you tell me more about hair removal by laser, pros & cons etc. greatly appreciated[
Laser, has only approved by the FDA as a Hair Reduction; not Hair Removal.

Only some consumers have experience long-term hair reduction; fewer long-term hair removal. (Long-term -> 6 months)

The only procedure that is known for Hair removal is Electrolysis, but is a painful procedure.

If you're reading a website on Laser hair removal; instead of Laser hair reduction; the terminology had been abused during advertising.

"Several manufacturers received FDA permission to claim, "permanent reduction," NOT "permanent removal" for their lasers. This means that although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair." Read more on Hair Removal -


Post by Guest » Mon, 15 Aug 2005 11:39 pm

Otorhinolaryngologist surgeon, what are so special about them..
ENT surgeons..? so they only know about ear,nose and throat?

They are better than plastic surgeons? so... also cost more? does singapore have any of them?

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Post by medictbp » Tue, 16 Aug 2005 12:07 am

Anonymous wrote:Otorhinolaryngologist surgeon, what are so special about them..
ENT surgeons..? so they only know about ear,nose and throat?

They are better than plastic surgeons? so... also cost more? does singapore have any of them?
As mentioned, is specific procedure is intended; they are a better choice.

It is not fair to compare medical professionals, because a Otorhinolaryngologist can actually proclaim themself as a plastic surgeon too - if they want to. As long the physician is trained in General Surgery, they can do Plastic Surgery.

But, what makes a Plastic surgeon is that they receive more training in Plastic & Reconstructive surgery which credits them as a Surgical Specialist.

Let's not go into detail on this issue on Physicians, i'm just providing an alternative which is good enough to for serious consideration; some surgery is exclusively Plastic Surgeon - Facelift, Tummy tuck etc.



Post by RC » Tue, 16 Aug 2005 1:57 am


many thanks to ya! your info has been well received and its greatly enlightening.

many thanks for your time and effort again!


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Location: malaysia

Post by dreamgirl » Tue, 16 Aug 2005 7:24 pm

hi everone! im new here..

does anyone here know where i can get good nose job..
what i want can be rather complex..
as i wanted to do alar base reduction, tip shaperning and reduction of the wide brigde nose..

can anyone tell me where i can get a good surgeon..
not too pricy..
because am only a student..
and desperately need one..

am form malysia..
hope to hear from u soon..


Post by Chelsea777 » Tue, 16 Aug 2005 9:28 pm

dreamgirl wrote:hi everone! im new here..

does anyone here know where i can get good nose job..
what i want can be rather complex..
as i wanted to do alar base reduction, tip shaperning and reduction of the wide brigde nose..

can anyone tell me where i can get a good surgeon..
not too pricy..
because am only a student..
and desperately need one..

am form malysia..
hope to hear from u soon..
Dreamgirl, I am planning to go to Dr.Lee at Loh Guan Lye Hospital, Penang. Do u ever hear about him?

let's do it

double eyelid surgery

Post by let's do it » Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:06 am

Hi how did your double eyelid surgery go with Dr Huang ? am interested too. Does it look natural ? How long does it take to heal ? how much it cost ? thanks

[quote="Anonymous"]Regarding double eyelid surgery...

There are three procedures; stitching/suture technique, open technique and ptosis repair.

Stitching/suture technique is where several stitches are sewn into the upper eyelid to create the fold. No cutting is involved, therefore there will be no scar and the healing period is short. Healing takes three to five days and in a week, it will look natural. There are also no stitches to be removed as the stitches used to create the fold are buried beneath the skin. This method cannot remove fat nor give eyelift. And it may not be permanent.

Open technique involves cutting, to remove excess skin and/or fat. The wounds have to be stitched. And the stitches are removed after a week. It will take months for the double eyelids to look natural. Results are permanent. This method gives eyelift. There will be a visible scar.

Ptosis repair is where the open technique is carried first, to the point through and including the removal of fat. Once exposed, the levator aponeurosis can be inspected by the surgeon. The aponeurosis is "tucked" using non-dissolving sutures. It's a complicated procedure. And it's suitable for people with droppy eyelids. The recovery time is probably the same the open technique.

The prices for each procedure vary for different surgeons. Woffles Wu and Martin Huang are definitely the most expensive surgeons around in Singapore.

The technique suitable for you depends on your eyelids and the kind of effect you want to achieve. If you have small eyes with droppy eyelids, the stitching technique won't really work for you, if you want your eyes to be a lot bigger. You should consult a surgeon first to see what you need.

It's probably good to consult different surgeons to see what they have to say and to see which one you're comfortable with.

I will be getting my double eyelids done by Martin Huang soon. I went to various forums and he was mentioned quite a bit. Didn't hear anything negative about him so far. Except that he charges a lot. He was the only surgeon that I consulted. And I decided on him right away because I saw some pictures of the patients he worked on and the results looked good.

Hope all this info helps!


Post by Guest » Wed, 17 Aug 2005 5:22 pm

hi let's do it

i'm sure everything will turn out just fine cos i've seen a few pple who hv had eyelids done by dr huang and they look real natural... can't tell till they mentioned it. :) 2 of them are actually planning to do other things with him

but u need to be patient during the recovery period as the swelling takes some time to subside. good luck with ur surgery! :)

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re: nose job

Post by salli » Thu, 18 Aug 2005 1:03 am

can any 1 have recommand me where to get a good nose job done in Malaysia and Thailand? many thanks.

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re: nose job

Post by salli » Thu, 18 Aug 2005 1:08 am

some 1 mentioned DR LEE at LOH GUAN LYE for a nose job, is he good? any comment?


BA Ready!

Post by Guest1 » Thu, 18 Aug 2005 6:45 pm

Ok, I've consulted with Woffles Wu at Camden, and Leslie Kuek at Gleneagles. Was comfortable with both for my breast augmentation so it's now time to make a decision. they are both EXTREMELY expensive but I don't feel price should be a deciding factor in choosing a surgeon when it comes to altering your body.

So, I'm ready to pull the trigger. Does anyone have any last advice as to which (if either) to choose??

Please no negative comments...I'm a grown woman who has long ago decided to have BA. I've done more research than I want to!!

thanks for any personal experiences or advice on either doctor regarding breast augmentation...

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