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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 15 Mar 2007 7:52 pm

yen2006 wrote:Hi all,

I'm planning to do Kai Yan Tou and redo my double eyelid by end of this year at KALO.

They quote me abt $1800 for both procedures, quite a good deal :lol:

OMG, never ending to PS.... :???: :???:

at 1.8k, i seriously recommend u do with dr wong bah. he is just a few hundred more. of coz u can ask if he do KYT before u decide. as i told u earlier, the nurse which is the living sample of the dr work doesnt impress me coz her eyelid if look long enough can see is fake. i one look, i ask if her eyelid is done by the doctor and she said yes.. as for dr wong, i saw his work and two gals and i like what i saw very much natural big and sexy and femine eyelids.

eyelids is very impt factor in PS coz it is almost impossible to do revision if cut not good. so i advise is pay more for safety.. agree? i am sori but i cant show his work on two of the forumers else i believe u will be very impressed.. his work is abt the same level as between dr chuang and dr su.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 15 Mar 2007 8:29 pm


let me guess, u want something like this? sori for the large and heavy pic ... 398ll4.jpg ... 398ll4.jpg

Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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dysport vs botox

Post by who » Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:06 pm


Does anyone know the difference between dysport and botox for face slimming?

Thanks for everyone's help!!! :)

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Location: SG

Post by jass82 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 1:36 pm


I can't seems to find this dr wong anywhere .. lol

does he have a website or something?.. can anyone let me knw how i can contact the dr?

thankz :)

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Post by yen2006 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 2:13 pm

tanjhj wrote:
yen2006 wrote:Hi all,

I'm planning to do Kai Yan Tou and redo my double eyelid by end of this year at KALO.

They quote me abt $1800 for both procedures, quite a good deal :lol:

OMG, never ending to PS.... :???: :???:

at 1.8k, i seriously recommend u do with dr wong bah. he is just a few hundred more. of coz u can ask if he do KYT before u decide. as i told u earlier, the nurse which is the living sample of the dr work doesnt impress me coz her eyelid if look long enough can see is fake. i one look, i ask if her eyelid is done by the doctor and she said yes.. as for dr wong, i saw his work and two gals and i like what i saw very much natural big and sexy and femine eyelids.

eyelids is very impt factor in PS coz it is almost impossible to do revision if cut not good. so i advise is pay more for safety.. agree? i am sori but i cant show his work on two of the forumers else i believe u will be very impressed.. his work is abt the same level as between dr chuang and dr su.

Hi tanjhj,

fyi, the nurse you said looked fake, of course lah, she just did 3months ago when you saw her. :o

U should know that ps need at least 6mths or above to look natural rite? :lol:

A few hundred more is not a problem, most important is that I feel comfortable with KALO and their after service :wink:

I have a few friends did by KALO turn out very nice and natural.

Thanks for your advice, btw how's your PS coming up?

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Post by yen2006 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 2:32 pm

christmas wrote:hello everyone... another newcomer to the forum. i'm 19 and thinking of doing rhinoplasty either with dr chung(1st choice) or dr jung. i'm thinking of going to korea n taiwan this july/august for consultation first. any one going? msn: effulgents k [email protected] (no spaces). any tips on what to ask them/make sure? i'm quite scared leh. i only saw yen's pictures and i think her nose is really natural! i think i might also check out kalo. is there a website for kalo? i just want a nose job la; no need for cheek or chin augmentation. would really love to see any pictures from any forummers. i'm also thinking of lipo, but uh, rhino first la.

what is the difference between I and L implant? i was looking at what cupidz said, and i don't really understand it... what triangle and dawn yang thing. can anyone help explain? and yes, goretex instead of silicone please. thanks in advance yupp :)

oh btw, any of the doctors (dr chung, dr jung or @ kalo(what's the doctor's name anyw?)) do digital imaging?

Hi christmas & Destiny & Fate,

have pm you.. :)


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Post by appletree » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 3:18 pm

Dear all,

May i know wats the surgery for Epicanthoplasty? Whats the diff between epicanthal fold in the Asian eyelid & this epicanthoplasty??

Finally received the replied email from Dr.Chung... :D
I told him im interested to do kai tou yan, but he said i no need to do this surgery but recommand me this epicanthoplasty instead?? :???: So was wondering does this epicanthoplasty will makes one's eye bigger like kai tou yan?

Does anyone knows wats the result will be like for epicanthoplasty???

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Re: safe?

Post by rainbow5 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 8:41 pm

Hi who,

I travelled to Taipei alone for a couple of days before my friends joined me later on.

Personally, I think its quite safe in Taipei as long as you dun stay out late alone. One thing in Taiwan is that their 6+pm in the evening looks like our 9-10pm so their night comes much faster than ours. Try to stay inbound when the night falls & it shd be ok.

Taipei is super convenient as everywhere is mrt, even a road blind like me wun get lost there. But one thing if u are having surgery there is how u gonna take care of urself & ur daily 3 meals if u are alone & with ur super duper swollen eyes, its gonna be rather difficult. This is one of my major concerns which stopped me from going to Taiwan for surgery.

Anyone have advice how to overcome this?? Wld be very much appreciated.

[quote="who"]Is it safe for a girl to travel to Taiwan alone?[/quote]

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Post by rainbow5 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 9:03 pm

One thing abt Dr Su is she can really create miracles for your eyes if u are a suitable candidate.

She is one of the few docs whom I am really impressed by the works & most impt, her attitude towards her patients & her work. She came across so many patients a day but she treats anyones' eye's differently, carefully analysing your eyes before she gave any suggestions. That's why when u look at her works, u can see everyone has got their own unique eyes, not those one size fits all kind of eyes which u can see for some korean beauties knowing that they came fr the same surgeon.

I came across a few examples done by her & I am amazed by the before & after pics, only 1 word can describe: SUPERB. U cannot imagine the person after surgery is the same person as before, totally changed like a new person. Some other docs I saw merely created a line above the eye for double eyelid & Dr Su's one is the whole eye is enhanced. Of course that also had to do with ur own limitations in the first place.

But sad to say, not everyone can be the lucky candidate & I am not one of them which makes me abit disappointed actually.

As for Dr Wong, I have no personal experience with him as in the first place, I dun have much confidence in Spore doctors. But some reviews I read for Dr wong arent very good, there r ppl who say its not really natural looking, too high the crease or one side is higher than the other. Of course there are also good reviews but once a doc has bad reviews, I wld not consider the doc.

Dr Su is one the only doc I surf in Taiwan forums that has no bad reviews till now. Or maybe I have not came across till now but even if have, it wld be very minimal I guessed. I am not trying to promote Dr Su. I do have reservations abt her when I read in the taiwan forums saying how good she was. But I am convinced after my consultation with her. Most impt is really her attitude & professionalism.

[quote="tanjhj"][quote="yen2006"]Hi all,

I'm planning to do Kai Yan Tou and redo my double eyelid by end of this year at KALO.

They quote me abt $1800 for both procedures, quite a good deal :lol:

OMG, never ending to PS.... :???: :???:[/quote]


at 1.8k, i seriously recommend u do with dr wong bah. he is just a few hundred more. of coz u can ask if he do KYT before u decide. as i told u earlier, the nurse which is the living sample of the dr work doesnt impress me coz her eyelid if look long enough can see is fake. i one look, i ask if her eyelid is done by the doctor and she said yes.. as for dr wong, i saw his work and two gals and i like what i saw very much natural big and sexy and femine eyelids.

eyelids is very impt factor in PS coz it is almost impossible to do revision if cut not good. so i advise is pay more for safety.. agree? i am sori but i cant show his work on two of the forumers else i believe u will be very impressed.. his work is abt the same level as between dr chuang and dr su.[/quote]

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Post by rainbow5 » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 9:10 pm

Hi sheramine,

thats very courageous of u to travel alone to Seoul for surgery. hope u have a speedy recovery.

How did u overcome the language barrier & how did u go ard seoul to find the right place if u cant speak korean?

U have any good recommendations for economic hotels thats affordable in seoul which are convenient, for eg near their subways?

[quote="shermaine"]hi who!
i've travelled all alone fr london to korea for abt 8 days now, and its relly safe i think juz coz of the fact moz of the time u're 'home-bound'!

dont worry and hav fun k! at least they speak mandarin in taiwan!!
i had to play so much charades here!!
all the best!

btw, juz an update on the nose, i think hot pack relly helps in swelling!my jaw swelling is minimum now...thank God.[/quote]

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Post by tanjhj » Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:18 am

yen2006 wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
yen2006 wrote:Hi all,

I'm planning to do Kai Yan Tou and redo my double eyelid by end of this year at KALO.

They quote me abt $1800 for both procedures, quite a good deal :lol:

OMG, never ending to PS.... :???: :???:

at 1.8k, i seriously recommend u do with dr wong bah. he is just a few hundred more. of coz u can ask if he do KYT before u decide. as i told u earlier, the nurse which is the living sample of the dr work doesnt impress me coz her eyelid if look long enough can see is fake. i one look, i ask if her eyelid is done by the doctor and she said yes.. as for dr wong, i saw his work and two gals and i like what i saw very much natural big and sexy and femine eyelids.

eyelids is very impt factor in PS coz it is almost impossible to do revision if cut not good. so i advise is pay more for safety.. agree? i am sori but i cant show his work on two of the forumers else i believe u will be very impressed.. his work is abt the same level as between dr chuang and dr su.

Hi tanjhj,

fyi, the nurse you said looked fake, of course lah, she just did 3months ago when you saw her. :o

U should know that ps need at least 6mths or above to look natural rite? :lol:

A few hundred more is not a problem, most important is that I feel comfortable with KALO and their after service :wink:

I have a few friends did by KALO turn out very nice and natural.

Thanks for your advice, btw how's your PS coming up?

i know u are a person who has her own mind, thus i am just doing what a fren do by sharing my views with yah, i respect your decision and wish u all the best. saw a gal pic who did her eyelid at kalo KL, however the doctor is different one but also from china. wasnt impressed either so maybe due to this two live cases, from kalo, i saw which make up my current views on kalo.

however i does like the manager service and the way she attend to customers. i am not sure if other kalo clinic is the same but i know that she is the only one that makes the diff in the clinic. but than i dun really need that svc as i consider skill and result and reputation as more important in PS.

just my own thoughts thou.. :???:

Inserted: Yen didnt read abt the part you said she did her eyelid only 3 months ago.. hmm didnt know that. maybe that explained her eyelid state than.. but pictures i saw also not impressed.

as my PS. if i got the $ (working hard on it), i would go to Korea for my PS with dr jung as i know he does eyelid surgery too on top of kimchi Nose. maybe fly to dr su for eyes. i give myself up to november to earn n save as much as possible for my PS. if not really enough, i will go to dr chuang if still not enough than do it next yr. i m more very kiasi so i want to choose the better docs whom i can trust. wish me luck :P
Last edited by tanjhj on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 4:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by tanjhj » Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:21 am

rainbow5 wrote:One thing abt Dr Su is she can really create miracles for your eyes if u are a suitable candidate.

She is one of the few docs whom I am really impressed by the works & most impt, her attitude towards her patients & her work. She came across so many patients a day but she treats anyones' eye's differently, carefully analysing your eyes before she gave any suggestions. That's why when u look at her works, u can see everyone has got their own unique eyes, not those one size fits all kind of eyes which u can see for some korean beauties knowing that they came fr the same surgeon.

I came across a few examples done by her & I am amazed by the before & after pics, only 1 word can describe: SUPERB. U cannot imagine the person after surgery is the same person as before, totally changed like a new person. Some other docs I saw merely created a line above the eye for double eyelid & Dr Su's one is the whole eye is enhanced. Of course that also had to do with ur own limitations in the first place.

But sad to say, not everyone can be the lucky candidate & I am not one of them which makes me abit disappointed actually.

As for Dr Wong, I have no personal experience with him as in the first place, I dun have much confidence in Spore doctors. But some reviews I read for Dr wong arent very good, there r ppl who say its not really natural looking, too high the crease or one side is higher than the other. Of course there are also good reviews but once a doc has bad reviews, I wld not consider the doc.

Dr Su is one the only doc I surf in Taiwan forums that has no bad reviews till now. Or maybe I have not came across till now but even if have, it wld be very minimal I guessed. I am not trying to promote Dr Su. I do have reservations abt her when I read in the taiwan forums saying how good she was. But I am convinced after my consultation with her. Most impt is really her attitude & professionalism.
tanjhj wrote:
yen2006 wrote:Hi all,

I'm planning to do Kai Yan Tou and redo my double eyelid by end of this year at KALO.

They quote me abt $1800 for both procedures, quite a good deal :lol:

OMG, never ending to PS.... :???: :???:

at 1.8k, i seriously recommend u do with dr wong bah. he is just a few hundred more. of coz u can ask if he do KYT before u decide. as i told u earlier, the nurse which is the living sample of the dr work doesnt impress me coz her eyelid if look long enough can see is fake. i one look, i ask if her eyelid is done by the doctor and she said yes.. as for dr wong, i saw his work and two gals and i like what i saw very much natural big and sexy and femine eyelids.

eyelids is very impt factor in PS coz it is almost impossible to do revision if cut not good. so i advise is pay more for safety.. agree? i am sori but i cant show his work on two of the forumers else i believe u will be very impressed.. his work is abt the same level as between dr chuang and dr su.
all i can say she is SAFE n good, in taiwan, i will choose her as my no.1 surgeon for eyelid suregery. however as she only do eyelid thus i need to go to dr chuang for 1 stop service as it is quite impossible to be cut by dr su than later rush to do the nose with dr chuang
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by christmas » Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:42 am

tanjhj wrote:
christmas wrote:hello everyone... another newcomer to the forum. i'm 19 and thinking of doing rhinoplasty either with dr chung(1st choice) or dr jung. i'm thinking of going to korea n taiwan this july/august for consultation first. any one going? msn: effulgents k [email protected] (no spaces). any tips on what to ask them/make sure? i'm quite scared leh. i only saw yen's pictures and i think her nose is really natural! i think i might also check out kalo. is there a website for kalo? i just want a nose job la; no need for cheek or chin augmentation. would really love to see any pictures from any forummers. i'm also thinking of lipo, but uh, rhino first la.

what is the difference between I and L implant? i was looking at what cupidz said, and i don't really understand it... what triangle and dawn yang thing. can anyone help explain? and yes, goretex instead of silicone please. thanks in advance yupp :)

oh btw, any of the doctors (dr chung, dr jung or @ kalo(what's the doctor's name anyw?)) do digital imaging?
actually if usd4k-5k is not an issue to u for rhino, i suggest u go to dr jung straight as he is rather fatherly figure and spk english.

i recommend dr chuang is becoz for more budget minded ppl of this forum.
hi thank you for your response. i have looked at some of the pictures on dr jung's site, and i'm not really impressed with most of them (i.e. i don't see much difference). perhaps as you said, dr jung speaks english and has a rather fatherly figure... but to me what's more important is the result. i can speak chinese so dr chuang no problem. however as i've read, dr chuang is a student of dr jung? of course i'd prefer dr chuang as i'm still a student myself, but i really want to get a good doctor for my nose.

i will also do a consultation at kalo since it's near, and perhaps look into lipo at kalo... yen thanks for your pm! i can't reply to it yet. just want to ask, who's your doctor at kalo? thanks so much!

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Post by tanjhj » Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:51 am

christmas wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
christmas wrote:hello everyone... another newcomer to the forum. i'm 19 and thinking of doing rhinoplasty either with dr chung(1st choice) or dr jung. i'm thinking of going to korea n taiwan this july/august for consultation first. any one going? msn: effulgents k [email protected] (no spaces). any tips on what to ask them/make sure? i'm quite scared leh. i only saw yen's pictures and i think her nose is really natural! i think i might also check out kalo. is there a website for kalo? i just want a nose job la; no need for cheek or chin augmentation. would really love to see any pictures from any forummers. i'm also thinking of lipo, but uh, rhino first la.

what is the difference between I and L implant? i was looking at what cupidz said, and i don't really understand it... what triangle and dawn yang thing. can anyone help explain? and yes, goretex instead of silicone please. thanks in advance yupp :)

oh btw, any of the doctors (dr chung, dr jung or @ kalo(what's the doctor's name anyw?)) do digital imaging?
actually if usd4k-5k is not an issue to u for rhino, i suggest u go to dr jung straight as he is rather fatherly figure and spk english.

i recommend dr chuang is becoz for more budget minded ppl of this forum.
hi thank you for your response. i have looked at some of the pictures on dr jung's site, and i'm not really impressed with most of them (i.e. i don't see much difference). perhaps as you said, dr jung speaks english and has a rather fatherly figure... but to me what's more important is the result. i can speak chinese so dr chuang no problem. however as i've read, dr chuang is a student of dr jung? of course i'd prefer dr chuang as i'm still a student myself, but i really want to get a good doctor for my nose.

i will also do a consultation at kalo since it's near, and perhaps look into lipo at kalo... yen thanks for your pm! i can't reply to it yet. just want to ask, who's your doctor at kalo? thanks so much!
ur views on dr jung work is not a surprise to me coz diff ppl wanna have diff style.. some like to have drastic diff from their current look, some just want some diff , some want to change but still looking natural. dr jung may prefered natural style which is as u see n which suit hannah n shermaine.

thus it is as i said earlier, u need to choose ur doctor u like, etc. his price, his style, trust n of good reputation. if u dun like what u see than it is good to use another doc which u feel comfortable with.
Last edited by tanjhj on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by BlueberryMochi » Sat, 17 Mar 2007 4:16 am

hi thank you for your response. i have looked at some of the pictures on dr jung's site, and i'm not really impressed with most of them (i.e. i don't see much difference). perhaps as you said, dr jung speaks english and has a rather fatherly figure... but to me what's more important is the result. i can speak chinese so dr chuang no problem. however as i've read, dr chuang is a student of dr jung? of course i'd prefer dr chuang as i'm still a student myself, but i really want to get a good doctor for my nose.

i will also do a consultation at kalo since it's near, and perhaps look into lipo at kalo... yen thanks for your pm! i can't reply to it yet. just want to ask, who's your doctor at kalo? thanks so much!
When I did the consultation in dr.jung's room, he showed me his before and after pics of his patients. They are not displayed on his website. Many of them have more drastic changes. Maybe it's the patients's request so he doesn't put the pics on the website to keep their privacy.
It all depends on what the patients want.. tell him u want more drastic changes, he'd give u that. I asked him specifically to make mine high and sharp. He gave me what i really wanted, much sharper bridge+defined tip and i'm really satisfied with my nose :)

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