astrogirl wrote:blossommonte wrote:Thanks Astrogirl,
its very enlighting to read.... may i ask where did you have it done...
how would you rate your job done! wish i can get rid of it asap, i have been lugging this luggage for a while now... n like you say, i can sleep for 10 hours and still people complain i looked tired....
I had it done by Dr Seah at Gleneagles. I'd rate it a 8, just that I don't think anything can be a perfect 10. I used to call mine luggage too! haha
you should read the past pages.. we discussed abt jaw shaping quite alot..244522 wrote:I just called national dental center for a jaw shaping consultancy, they say there are many people whom went to them for jaw construction when they have problems, but mine i dont have, i just want to reshape for cosmetic purpose is very rare.
still confused whether to operate under dr martin huang or under the dental side.
any information on jaw shaping, please share with me.
This Thread is just the tip of the "PSBerg", if you want to know more, search other websites either locally or overseas.244522 wrote:Hi devilsmaycry
I've read through almost 60% of this thread, and i realised there are very few cases of jaw reshaping cases. I only read about wenhwa whom have bad case from nuh and a agent recommending to do jaw reshaping under cosmetic dental. Then the rest like jovin went for either botox or mesobotox.
Since you are already comfortable with him, go consult him for his views while researching for alternatives.244522 wrote: i didnt thought of going overseas yet because i believe there are some good singapore doctors around. i did eye lid stitching under dr martin huang and am very satidfied with it, he's a really great doctor in term of skills, patients and explaining the procedure. his service is great because he gave a lot of medications for swelling, painkillers and more. plus he also taught me eye exercise, which i cant think any other doctor service would be so great.
Not rush if you do plan.244522 wrote: And I think do operations thingy, got to ask carefully and think carefully. If go overseas will be too rush for me, because normally means you select that doctor and go for it already, not like in singapore, you can ask many and then compare their answers and attitudes and choose the one you feel comfortable with.Different people feel comfortable at different routes, so i think is important to choose one route that you feel most comfortable at.
Good luck.244522 wrote: Just that no matter what doctor, i dont really trust. i had bad experience with some other doctors before. I have to protect myself first.
Well, quit msning during late nights, quit listening to high-beat pop musics, quit being so energetic when the clock strikes 2am..michiko00 wrote:Hi everyone,yen2006 wrote:jovinliu wrote:Hi,
Let me know the progress of the vitamin C injection. Fairer?
Hi all,
today is the 2nd day after my Vitamin C injection.
I noticed that my panda eyes/dark eye circle is alot lighter by 30%, dont know will my dark eye circle vanish after a few more days? hehe![]()
My skin is also fairer today compared to yesterday, overall I find Vit C injection is good & cheap lor. A worthy investment![]()
5 session rm1800
Are there any procedures for dark eye circles??
I don't mean eyebags (Eyebags fats can be removed via surgery)
I've tried tons of products for my dark circles and nothing seems to help..
Velvet_CK wrote:Well, quit msning during late nights, quit listening to high-beat pop musics, quit being so energetic when the clock strikes 2am..michiko00 wrote:Hi everyone,yen2006 wrote:
Hi all,
today is the 2nd day after my Vitamin C injection.
I noticed that my panda eyes/dark eye circle is alot lighter by 30%, dont know will my dark eye circle vanish after a few more days? hehe![]()
My skin is also fairer today compared to yesterday, overall I find Vit C injection is good & cheap lor. A worthy investment![]()
5 session rm1800
Are there any procedures for dark eye circles??
I don't mean eyebags (Eyebags fats can be removed via surgery)
I've tried tons of products for my dark circles and nothing seems to help..
Sleep early, you late night kitten..
Hello Cupid,cupid^n^starz wrote:Hi all, I already back from taiwan at 8 january . and I'm so sorry if I'm not give you any progress of my surgery until now. It has been quite painful and the recovery very long. Moreover I have still dealing with my wound healing for my chin incision (internal).
however,Thanks to nice people on this plastic surgery forum,this forum had give lots help before my surgery .
Thanks for all the well wishers in the thread below.Overall, My surgery went well.
Just for refresh,After spend almost 3 hours consultation with him in his pffice before surgery, the best procedures I got ;
-Browbossing augmentations with goretex + dermal graft. (bicoronal head incisions)
-Korean rhinoplasty with silicone implant (+ piece of goretex + dermal graft =for the tip),nostil reduction.
-eyelid surgery with epicanthoplasty +lateral canthoplasty.
-paranasal implant (maxillary-pre maxillary) with medpor + goretex + dermal graft ( triple layer)
-Mini Liposuction on face (esp. middle fat cheek-lower cheek area)
-chin augmentation with Porex + piece of goretex in the middle + dermal graft wrapping around the implant.
The procedure I got canceled is ; cheek augmenttaion and dimple which is He think I dont need it at all to get the look I want, also I already have big cheeks. And dimple will make my face more cute and feminime, and He's right, so I agree with him.
some of them additional material used is suggested by Dr.C so, I did decide to go through with this, because the more I looked at it, the more I think he is right that I needed this done to fulfill a good result like I want. I found it was really helpful to have morphs to use as a discussion tool with him.
My surgery lasted 10, yes *ten*, hours under general. started from 7 pm till 5 am. I stayed overnight in their recovery room.usually theres no patient that stayed overnight in his clinic except me, but my condition was, Man, that was rough, alot more rough than I expected!
Luckily for me I had my big brother that took care of me all night long and boy did I need it! For 24 hours post op I always got puke, and the vomit is blood, also it was really painful in my head (3 days), especially when I still use my frighteningly large bandaged up face.when Dr.C take of the bandage, it feels like heaven at that time.huaah....
I would rather have a root canal 2 times over than go through that pain again, that and the terrible breathe after! I'was sleeping on a bed while sitting up with about five pillows behind my head and upper back for was a big pain. Normally, I'm a side sleeper. but I've been able to manage it just fine.I had need to take of the sedative/sleep agent for 3 days as the pain starting dissappear.That one just makes me feel weird and woosy.
Pain has been very manageable so far, except that it is almost impossible to eat anything but liquid,
cause Like I said, Now I got another problem with my internal chin incision. 3/4 of all my stiches are opened, so can be said there are no more stiches. scary ha?its been a week since the chin stiches is opened. I ask dr.C about this and he said,If I keep the wound clean (betadine mouthwash 6 times a day) to prevent infection ,No talk, and Only fluid Diet ( God..this one i cant stand it) it is possible to regrowth the granulation tissue as long as the wound is not infected , and I'm sticking with liquid Ensure shakes for now.tuff work...
The problem is I don't have enough mucosa, I know this is my fault not to tell him bout my history if I ever had Lip Reduction surgery 2 times, and it was made my mucose reduced much.
I suggest for all those going to chin surgery, If you ever had Lip surgery or Lip reduction procedure on previous surgery, please, tell your ps and ask if ur ps able to do under the chin incision rather than internal incision. yes, it will produce some scar, but it wont obvious as under the chin and going diminshed itself till 6 month.BUT its was really worth than dealing with infection. Believe me! I have incision under my chin in my previous chin implant surgery and its much better , safer, no mentalis chin muscle damaging, and you still can eat all food you want, no need to take antibiotic at long time which is no good for your body,no need to take multivitamins for boost your own antibody as acts anti infections.
for me, it was not really worth at all to diet liquid food for a month or so just because of 1 simple chin procedure as opposed major surgery like jaw or cheek surgery, that absolutely need liquid food for long time.
But now 2 weeks post op ,even I still have problem with my internal chin incision, but I'm finally out of the dark woods and the constricting bandages!, I havent needed the pain medication anymore except antibiotic and many vitamins that boost my imun and antibody.
this few days, I even got a full eight hours of sleep without waking up. The antibiotic keeps me drowsy.
just the liquid diet still bothered me,... my inability to eat anything of substance has resulted in my eating of far too many chef-boy-r-dees and campbells microwavable soups in all kinds of gross flavors and Ensure milkshake... far, far too many for any one lifetime that is.
For the swelling, ofcourse my Huge surgical process stretches a lot of my nerves and produces swelling. but the swelling is much-much better for me comparing with my previous surgery which is only 2 previous surgery swelling worse than this. I dont know what cause it is . I'm assuming that I'm still pretty swollen, but to someone who has never seen me before, they probably wouldn't notice.
Also, I buy sinecch too, I dont know if its a placebo only ,infact it works well on me compare with my previous surgery without sineech and much less procedure.
well, my impresssion 2 weeks in taiwan, cause of my long recovery, so its hard for me to traveling visiting its beauty tourist place. I just be able to walking along Tun Hua road. Theres a mall like sogo. and no difference with local Sogo.
I ask ms.HUang( wish clinic staf)where's place to go to celebrate new year, and she ask me to go to 101 Building. its a great place. Unfortunately , I'm not reach there yet.
one thing, Language is really a big problem in taiwan for thoose who cant speak chinese ( include me!)
because of this language, I got late of my ticket flight to singapore.I thought it would be easier for language problem if I got taxi to get International airport,but the taxi driver was make me crazy with this language problem. I got so late to airport in 3 hours! he get wrong airport! Urgh,....! lucky me, I could refund the ticket flight statue.
I cannot tell you the difference it has made my face.especially my forehead,As u know, Male eyebrows tend to be fairly straight and thick and sit right on or just under the orbital rims. Female eyebrows generally sit higher, just above the rims and they usually have a thinner and more arched shape.
Just like I ask him, he filed down my mid forehead to take me from a rounded angle to a vertical angle themn added the brow bossing at the bottom. He also did the same at the sides in conjunction with goretex to give me sharper angles as opposed to the rounder softer forehad I had I want that typical male mopdel sculpted look.
The brow bossing was done to give me a more concave forehead as I was quite convex(rounded and soft). With the gore-tex ,he totally re shaped my forehead and this has also had an effect on my eyes , making them appear more set back - my forehead now looks shorter which I wanted .
For the nose, its a little bit different with the nose I want, its a little bit short, than long like I want. He's kinda make my nose look like classic cauasia male nose. He make higher the bridge, smaller my nostril, and more nose tip projection. it fits my face perfectly.
Funny, when I got board my passport at taiwan airport, as DMC and tanjh ask, they looking my face and my pass photo, lucky me, dr.C give a certificate and at that time I wear the garment compressure bandgae on my face. so He know and thats all.
Also, because I'm not able to eat plane's food, my brother ask the female attendant if she could give me some canned soup, and she surprised when I am his brother , she tought I just the friend of him, cause my face look like an abc (american born chinese) , me n my brother speechless, just looking each other hold to laughing.
For intermezo, I have 1 sister and the brother that accompany me in taipei. We born as a blood mix from my mother. She is mix between deutch and japan while my father pure chinese. only my sister that have my mother genes.for me, For me,she have a really beautiful hace, it creates a unique abc face.
While me and my brother look like my father. But me-myself still born with my mother large eyes and her high deutch nose bridge while my brother pure look like my, my face just look like my sister. Have western forehead, eyes and nose,but stay with my eastern black eyebrow,eyelashes,hair, east between eyes distances ,east upper jaw, its all mixed make my face so unique. I kinda like it!
Just forgot something, U should know that basically dr.C is very conservative surgeon, his work was really subtle or I can tell Almost no difference sometimes. I saw many before-after from his previous works for face and for me, it was too subtle. til I saw some bef-aft that I had to ask the staf what facial procedures she/he done, cause I cant find the difference.
But if that is what you like, then go ahead n trust to him, but if you want some big result as opposed subtle changes, you must be so spesific to him ,as detailed what do you want.he was really openly . So you could avoid any dissatisfied result.
Me-my self, with almost 20k S$ I spended, I expect more than a subtle change.
I openly admit that he is a very good surgeon.
Anyway, I'm glad I finally went through with this. I do think it is going to result in a big improvement for something that I want for a long time.
all I want to do now is sleep sleep sleep!
This Thread is just the tip of the "PSBerg", if you want to know more, search other websites either locally or overseas.Velvet_CK wrote:244522 wrote:Hi devilsmaycry
I've read through almost 60% of this thread, and i realised there are very few cases of jaw reshaping cases. I only read about wenhwa whom have bad case from nuh and a agent recommending to do jaw reshaping under cosmetic dental. Then the rest like jovin went for either botox or mesobotox.
Ya I know too. Researching doesn't only mean getting info from doctors' webbies, in fact, 80% of your researches should be done at discussion boards like this.244522 wrote:Tip of the iceberg (Just in PS context)Velvet_CK wrote:This Thread is just the tip of the "PSBerg", if you want to know more, search other websites either locally or overseas.244522 wrote:Hi devilsmaycry
I've read through almost 60% of this thread, and i realised there are very few cases of jaw reshaping cases. I only read about wenhwa whom have bad case from nuh and a agent recommending to do jaw reshaping under cosmetic dental. Then the rest like jovin went for either botox or mesobotox.
Ya i know. but getting information from doctors and hear patients' experiences can be quite different. I was hoping to hear some experience of jaw surgery, instead of only jaw surgery information.![]()
By the way, what is PSberg? pardon me for my poor english., is what i mean.
244522 wrote: Ya i know. but getting information from doctors and hear patients' experiences can be quite different. I was hoping to hear some experience of jaw surgery, instead of only jaw surgery information.![]()
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