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Post by Velvet_CK » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 2:29 pm

Sharing something i discovered about Korean Babes & Hunks,

I had lived in korea, seoul for quite some time last year. And basically, it is really interesting to know the fashion & 'PS' trends.

Living at their heartland zone, I discovered that the people on the common street looks really common and they are facing an aging population. To be frank, they look really typical korean, as in fair skin, tiny eyes. Not too impressive.

Wondering.. where are all the superstars lookalike?? On the heartland zone street, our regular singaporean youths look tons better than their youth.

Venturing to popular youth places like MyeongDong & Dongdaemun, I am beginning to see the difference. However, they are still relatively average, some good looking ones but they turned out in a small %. I can obviously notice a lot of them had did PS due to their sharp noses. and "enlarged" eyes. But.. they look odd in a way i can't explain.

The places i mention are koreans within the mid-range families.
Seoul is divided into Northern Seoul & Southern Seoul, separated by han gang <Han> Most rich people live in Southern Seoul, namely Apkujung, Gangnam etc.

And now.. for the juice.. local korean friends recommend me to apku jung, Gangnam. (Some forummers have been to that area namely.. BK clinic's situated at gangnam)..

That district (Southern Seoul) is considered to be where all the rich people live. You won't be surprised to see korean stars there like Bae Yong Jun etc. A street full of PS clinics (if i can recall, 200-300 clinics) Joke? No joke.... yes Apkujung...

Walk through apkujung's luxurious shopping centre called Gallerie Shopping Center (Where they sell LV, gucci Range products) Cost more than SG branded goods. Look at the salesgirls, look at the customers walking around, have a big shock =) A parade of super defined faces.

Majority of them look great (Sharp long features and crystal like skin with oriental big eyes). Another place to look out for is Rodeo Street just opposite Gallerie. Yes, more beautiful faces. (Most of them are at their late 20s.)


"Alright I want to see younger babes/hunks"

Seoul is a "Bu Ye Cheng" <No> Clubs and pubs are open everyday till 6am. Admit it, you will get wasted everyday by the cheap Soju they offer. 1 good bottle costs about $1.60 SGD. Enough to make an average drinker dipsy.

I was exploring from clubs to clubs with some locals and we came to this Hiphop dance club called "Club NB" at Hongdae.

Remember this name. Club NB.

Towards midnight, you will see the most beautiful and handsome Asians you will never find on the street. Apparently, good looking korean youths love to hang out there.

I can easily see some youths way better looking than superstars you see on screen. PSed or not, i don't know, I reckon most of them did PS and its way too perfect and natural that i can't find flaws. Kudos to their doctors, they made the best looking asians there.

In the past, most ppl tend to look upon japaneses as the "best looking" asians around. A japanese friend of mine was travelling with me around seoul and still thinking his country girls are better looking.. However, after that nights' out, he have no doubt that koreans have some of the hottest people there. Similarly, not knowing if they have done PS or not.


Devil's advocating... On their subway station, i saw strange looking people. example. a nice sweet girl with an ultra high and sharp nose which's definately a turn off to her delicate features. :? Middle aged woman with a plastic looking chin and jaw.. etc..

Plastic surgery commonly seen in our country and taiwan.. Rhino, eyelid, jaw, chin, lipo. Etc.
In korea, listen to this...(Heard from the locals there)

You can do PS on :-

1) Height - Your legs will be broken and cemented to gain that boost of 3cm plus approximately. Terrible way for extended puberty..

2) Muscles - Guys whom crave for 6pac? You can do PS on your tummy for a 6pac. And even on your upper body Bicsep, tricsep, chest. As heard, you can even not go to the gym and have a body of Bae Yong Jun. Insane? I don't know.

One thing for sure, the guys there are really tall and tons muscular than sg guys. (Comparable to Angmor size)

I guess you guys know some of the top Korean actors/ actresses.

They seems to have this PS trend going on.
Example: This actress called Choi Ji Woo is currently famous. And there are many "choi Ji Woo" look alikes there.


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Post by yen2006 » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 3:06 pm

Hi there,

I'm going to JB KALO next weekend to inject vitamin C.

Anyone wants to go for a free consulation regarding PS can join me.

Let me know.. :P


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Post by devilsmaycry » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 4:13 pm

i duno nice or not cos i havent wear make up..
still somewhat swelling.. i will take pics for u over the weekend okie..

had quite a traumatizing experience this morning removing my stitches in singapore.

What happened was i had a revision on my right eye before i came back on my lateral cathoplasty but that was Jan 3rd .. so i was back in signapore after and i can only remove a week later..

this morning the doctor had to bring in MANIGFYING glass to look at the knots in the stitches! cos taiwan doc really too good already, they use finer thread and that's why their PS recovery is faster cos smaller thread and wound isnt it..

Damn scary, doctor even had to leave me this morning to borrow a head gear from another surgeon to wear.. complete with torchlight and magnifying glasses in front type.. i was praying so hard he can see and remove

but no sweat it was removed after a tormenting 1 hour..

at wishclinic it was the nurse and Dr chuang that removed for me. the nurse could do it loh..
ocean11 wrote:
devilsmaycry wrote:Anyway people i am awfully broke but i will keep myself informed of all the rhino tips here so that when i get to it finally... i know what to expect =)

lost alot of weight too in the process of being in taiwan, which is totally good!!

tanjhj.. why are there ppl as young as 16 thinking of doing ps..

If you are 16, and really unhappy with yr face.. i think just go for it..
procedures like eyelid surgery and rhino only though.. dun do chin shaving etc yet..

Just rem that it takes time for the swelling to go and u have school to go for.. Think thru it carefully~~

i am pro ps.. i think i will bring my kids to get their eyelid surgery done when they are young like indonesian chinese parents.. most of the indonesian kids get it done so young and no one knows except relatives or friends which i do have a couple. The girls/guys look good now, everyone thinks they are born with it..
As for Rhino .. i dun think so but at 16 i think should be fine. Jamie Yeo had her rhino at 16, a present from their parents when she was studying in the states .. so why not? her sister has such a flat nose she should get one too.

DMC!!! u are back!!!!! how how???? nice or not??
show show show!!! *kan cheong*
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Post by devilsmaycry » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 4:19 pm

Hi there,

Dun worry abt what others say because i believe u no longer can take the look of your nose, so why not just get to it. No one can tell you what is nice or not. Or what you need.

Those that get crooked right, it is cos they use closd method or they didnt get a proper job or didnt tend to it after that. Anyway i think just use silicon or gortex whichever you are comfortable with.

Lets look at MJ nose.. he was black then now he is fair.. his nose was melted cos he was baking it in spotlight. Dun do things like these! it wont affect u if u dun bake in the spotlight..

can u imagine those muffins we see in coffee bean, or hot food in eateries, they are kept hot by spotlight as well.. these are things to avoid.

16 some ppl will suggest not to.. but i dun think it makes a difference. My nose is real and it hasnt changed its shape at all, except grow a bit at the hump cos i fell flat on my face once and caused more bruising there.. That can be a method to get a higher nose bridge..

takuda wrote:
devilsmaycry wrote:Anyway people i am awfully broke but i will keep myself informed of all the rhino tips here so that when i get to it finally... i know what to expect =)

lost alot of weight too in the process of being in taiwan, which is totally good!!

tanjhj.. why are there ppl as young as 16 thinking of doing ps..

If you are 16, and really unhappy with yr face.. i think just go for it..
procedures like eyelid surgery and rhino only though.. dun do chin shaving etc yet..

Just rem that it takes time for the swelling to go and u have school to go for.. Think thru it carefully~~

i am pro ps.. i think i will bring my kids to get their eyelid surgery done when they are young like indonesian chinese parents.. most of the indonesian kids get it done so young and no one knows except relatives or friends which i do have a couple. The girls/guys look good now, everyone thinks they are born with it..
As for Rhino .. i dun think so but at 16 i think should be fine. Jamie Yeo had her rhino at 16, a present from their parents when she was studying in the states .. so why not? her sister has such a flat nose she should get one too.
hey welcome back! even you think at 16 its ok to get a nose job? but i heard from people about it dropping, going crooked, and all those. is it true?!

and you are really experienced, can tell me like the range of the costs in spore? is dr seah good? :)
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Post by devilsmaycry » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 4:22 pm

tanjhj !!! why u never do ps there with dr. sukit..
think he can do my nose nice nice also? hmmmmm .. i interested lei but now super super broke..
how much is it for their rhino????
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Post by devilsmaycry » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 4:23 pm

did anyone hear from cupid&stars?
i wonder how they are doing now.. really curious about they are and the recovery as well..
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 6:54 pm


come back to spore liao dun log in to msn dun email me..
har? get ur pretty etes liao forget abt me issit?
never send pic to me somemore... wah lan..
auto abit hor..
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by candiesboy » Thu, 11 Jan 2007 8:30 pm

devilsmaycry congrats on ur eye do u do ur kai yan tou as well?? if possible show me the result of ya eye k :)

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Post by kaka » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:44 am

yen2006 wrote:Hi there,

I'm going to JB KALO next weekend to inject vitamin C.

Anyone wants to go for a free consulation regarding PS can join me.

Let me know.. :P


There's no limit to Beauty...
dear yen!! what's the use of injecting vitamin C and how much does it cost?? will it last??

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Post by kaka » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:45 am

devilsmaycry wrote:i duno nice or not cos i havent wear make up..
still somewhat swelling.. i will take pics for u over the weekend okie..

had quite a traumatizing experience this morning removing my stitches in singapore.

What happened was i had a revision on my right eye before i came back on my lateral cathoplasty but that was Jan 3rd .. so i was back in signapore after and i can only remove a week later..

this morning the doctor had to bring in MANIGFYING glass to look at the knots in the stitches! cos taiwan doc really too good already, they use finer thread and that's why their PS recovery is faster cos smaller thread and wound isnt it..

Damn scary, doctor even had to leave me this morning to borrow a head gear from another surgeon to wear.. complete with torchlight and magnifying glasses in front type.. i was praying so hard he can see and remove

but no sweat it was removed after a tormenting 1 hour..

at wishclinic it was the nurse and Dr chuang that removed for me. the nurse could do it loh..
dear DMC~~ why you need to remove stitches in SG?
dr chuang nv remove for you??

which dr in SG did you go to remove stiches? they charge u for that? and how much it costs?

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Post by yca » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 2:37 am



U be in BKK till Sat? Why nv say u coming to BKK? Wanna meet up? Me now in BKK like i have told u before. I'm bored to death shopping and eating alone. Bcoz i'm staying at my friend 's house and she is too busy recently to take leave to accompany me, so i'm shopping & eating alone. I've pm u, pls read it and call my thai no. to meet up. HP no. +66 858370116

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Post by yca » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 2:50 am


pls call my no. on whether to meet up in BKK or not ok? Bcoz i'll not be logging in to this site often as the internet speed is damm slow and i usually if got time, will only come in after 1 or 2 am. But do try to let me know on the question that i have asked ok? As i might be going next week if my friend has the time to go with me. Thanks a million!!
Last edited by yca on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by fairy » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 3:26 am

Velvet_CK wrote:
Girl, wouldn't recommend you to do a lipo. 34 hips scary? Don't think so.

Consider hitting the gym, besides you'r 17, still energetic, and even an expensive gym membership like cali is at least 10 times cheaper than Lipo locally.

Alternatively, do cardio exercise on yourself. Do a search on that.

Guarantee you will be toned up within a few months, removing those undesirable fats is just a matter of 2months, if you are religious enough.

So which one do you think is sexier? An overall toned slim body or a lipo that just remove fats, without toning.

20 cents advice.
i don't enjoy running, and i'd get slow hearbeat when it comes to exercising.
anyway, 34 hips might sound like it's nothing to you. but i don't get bottoms that fits. i can never manage to pull them up when it reaches my butt. not to say that it doesn't fit, it does fit but there's too much of fats below the buttock.
around the bottom of my buttocks are tons of cellulite, all wrinkly.
17, young and energetic but i'm having that much of cellulites.
my butt, my hips are even larger than my mum who weighs up to 80 and given birth to 4 girls.
toned body, i have. i have a toned upper body and i enjoy cycling. but it doesn't helps remove the cellulites.
i've asked my loved ones, and they don't really mind that i'm going for a liposuction since i'm already supporting myself now.

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Post by fairy » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 3:32 am

no one had seems to reply me when i asked about liposuction.
anyone care to share your experience with me?

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Post by tanjhj » Fri, 12 Jan 2007 3:37 am

kaka wrote:
yen2006 wrote:Hi there,

I'm going to JB KALO next weekend to inject vitamin C.

Anyone wants to go for a free consulation regarding PS can join me.

Let me know.. :P


There's no limit to Beauty...
dear yen!! what's the use of injecting vitamin C and how much does it cost?? will it last??
i am not sure abt VIt C but i believe it is a faster way to achieve better skin than the bodyshop vit c capsules..

some ppl with money constraints can consider taking the vitamins c capsule from body shop. told my sis who is in airline, yupz vitamins c is the in thing now just like SK2 was few yrs back.. the trend changes so fast.. lol. but my sis only try the vitamins c cpasule coz money constraints and also dunnoe Kalo have it.. and yes only 1week only she told me she look tounger and less tired.. she is only 22.. haiz.. stressed up

kalo love u alot siah.. u bought a few customers liao. sure u gona stop ur PS soon? lolz.. yen are u addicted? lolz
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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