Shiyun wrote:Hi,
I'm keen to know which Doctor in Singapore is expert and competent in this. Boobs surgery.
I need this to look more professional whn I become the boss of my books business. you need to look strong and feminine as a career woman and i think with the extra contour, I'd be more feminine...

i saw ur pics before. actually what i think is u need to eat more to gain weight coz ur have sunken cheeks which make u look too skinny. need to work hard to gain weight before u consider any surgery.
coz with ur current state, even u put a boobs job also look weirdt. the boobs and weight must go together..
if u trust me, for ur overall health. it is a good idea to gain another 5-10kg on ur weight. afterwhich i will be glad to assist u on any PS u need later on. becoz only then, can i recommend the PS u really need
since u are more daring now, and currently wants to be more professional looking, go get a more trendy hair style, (plz dun go to the neighbourhood one. try to go to far east plaza saloon and nope, u dun choose ur hairstyle let them choose
everything for u..) , go for eyebrow contouring and embroidary, go for some makeup lessons and also change the wardore.. womans are born to need makeup one so u cant skip this procedures...
Buddha needs Gold Statue, Ppl needs Clothes
With these changes, i can be sure u wil be able to gain moe confidence and more points in the looks factor..
Fellow Forumers,
can lets work together to help Shiyun do a SGExpat Extremme Makeover:
can recommend good hair saloon
can recommend good eyebrow saloon
can recommend good makeup school
can recommend good and cheap facial saloon
can recommend good and cheap fashion brand
for me, i just go to Kimage for almost everything coz i got the discount cut there..
for for trendy clothes i go to OP, G2000, Topshop, Bugis Seiyu and Mango
for normal one i go to OG, Robinson and Giodarno equivalent