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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:03 am

harajukugirl wrote:hello tanjhj! i'd like to ask, if i wanna do eyes, nose and cheek shaving/chin implant/buccal fat removal in TW, but going to 2 separate docs (eg dr. su for eyelids and the rest at dr. chuang), which procedures do i do first? can i do all within 1 trip of 1 week?

thanks alot :)
can but too tight to be just 1 week.
for shaving involved thus i suggest 10-14days.
and note that for 1st nite u will be in hospital beds. and i suggest 1st 3 days u stay in hospital if u going to do all the abv.
if u really going to do at two clinic, than it is better u do the eyes 1st coz the cast on ur nose will hinder the eyelid cutting. however, u can actually do all at dr chuang coz his eyelid skill also pretty good and he does 3 cut mini korean incision which is more perm instead of the 1 cut of dr su's.

also if u do all at dr chuang, u say tanjhj recommended patients, u will get around 10-20% discounts. keke. yah i asked dr chuang to give yah discount. so far he agreed to give extar discount to ecoli and DMC, flymetothemoon and icebell, kaka and hello84
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:09 am

taurus19 wrote:
tanjhj wrote:taurus,

for lip reduction mah, u can try asking dr chuang but from what i see, i think brazilian doctor are best in lip reduction. u see how the brazilian babes sexy lips u know..

yesh, brazilian are PS freak nation and their PS is very advanced too..
hi tanjhj
dr chung fr korean? any ideal if singapore hv and is @ where? ya another question fr me or whom cn ans my doubt beside gng oversea for my dbl eyelid opt any more'' ok plc @ SG? planning not to travel too far unless cum to worst i then travel
try dr seah than. since we got his live sample boy in iamdanny. next doctor is dr harry fok and dr Hong. but i dun have their contacts coz i not keen on local doc..
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by harajukugirl » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 1:32 am

tanjhj wrote:
harajukugirl wrote:hello tanjhj! i'd like to ask, if i wanna do eyes, nose and cheek shaving/chin implant/buccal fat removal in TW, but going to 2 separate docs (eg dr. su for eyelids and the rest at dr. chuang), which procedures do i do first? can i do all within 1 trip of 1 week?

thanks alot :)
can but too tight to be just 1 week.
for shaving involved thus i suggest 10-14days.
and note that for 1st nite u will be in hospital beds. and i suggest 1st 3 days u stay in hospital if u going to do all the abv.
if u really going to do at two clinic, than it is better u do the eyes 1st coz the cast on ur nose will hinder the eyelid cutting. however, u can actually do all at dr chuang coz his eyelid skill also pretty good and he does 3 cut mini korean incision which is more perm instead of the 1 cut of dr su's.

also if u do all at dr chuang, u say tanjhj recommended patients, u will get around 10-20% discounts. keke. yah i asked dr chuang to give yah discount. so far he agreed to give extar discount to ecoli and DMC, flymetothemoon and icebell, kaka and hello84
haha thanks tanjhj for the info about the discount! really very appreciated by me.. thank you very much :D

the thing is when i look at the pictures on dr. chuang's webbie, it seems like the effect is too subtle for my preference.. i really want a dramatic change for my nose and eyes to look alot nicer and different, not just an enhancement. that's why i thought dr. su will be better as her before/after pics look nicer. what are your views on this?

also can check with you if dr. su does the cutting method? because i prefer the results to be permanent.. dun wanna have to go back n do again after a few years.. :shock: thanks!! :)

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 2:40 am

ah yes dr su she does all type of eyelid suregery. no sweat. for her if u done her, u dun need to buy ice pak and sineech becoz she got her own medicine for yah. no need to buy any thing. maybe she is a lady thats why more considerate for her clients feeling..
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by harajukugirl » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 3:56 am

ok... thanks for the info tanjhj :)
btw do you know what's the name of the 3rd type of procedure to create bigger eyes? is it operate on the 'levator' muscle? i've been googling but so far can't find much info about it..

right now i only know double eyelid, kai yan tou/kai yan wei these two.. but i know there's the 3rd procedure that voix mentioned..

if do all 3 procedures, do you think can get jungsia type of big eyes?

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Post by yen2006 » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:04 pm


can I know what r the things to do & not to do before PS & after PS of nose?


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Post by iamdanny » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:15 pm

tanjhj wrote:danny how is your nose now? update us with details leh lolz.. thanks

my nose is healing well...

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:49 pm

harajukugirl wrote:ok... thanks for the info tanjhj :)
btw do you know what's the name of the 3rd type of procedure to create bigger eyes? is it operate on the 'levator' muscle? i've been googling but so far can't find much info about it..

right now i only know double eyelid, kai yan tou/kai yan wei these two.. but i know there's the 3rd procedure that voix mentioned..

if do all 3 procedures, do you think can get jungsia type of big eyes?
yesh most likely if nothing wrong..jungsia eyes for u..

btw total is 4 procedures but u may not need all 4 to get the result.. the doc will advise u. also u cant find abt this levator eye muscle procedures coz it is new technique.. but some doctor knows how to do it if they are trained in it. SPore doc mah i dun think i dare to operate by them as they are not trained on this nor they have much exp..
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 1:11 pm

yen2006 wrote:tanjkj,

can I know what r the things to do & not to do before PS & after PS of nose?

for nose job.. the 1st 2 week is impt so,

1)dun sleep sideway. so as not to pressure the nose or slant it accidentally.. one way is to sleep with lots of pillow so ur head is lifted. almost like u sleeping in the psychiatrist chair...

2)watch what u eat. coz if eat wrong things may result in body rejection of the implant.. avoid seafood, kopi tea and maggi
avoid junk food and chemical and preservative loaded food as it will hinder or compicate the heaty stuff. if not too cooling is alrite.

3)take multi vitamins and herbs to aid healing. they say no vitamins e is for the 1st 2 days. for me, my last opeartions, i took multi vitamins after 2nd day to aid healing and deswell.. u need some fats/oil went taking multivitamins. but then take in mild dosage as it may be heaty if u take too much..

3a)take almond powder drink for treating water retention and swelling and skin whitening.. also it is cooling drink so it helps in balancing the heaty effect of multi vitamins and tian qi.

4)keep cool, stay in cool place an dun sweat.. after 3 days or so than can sweat abit.. that time i sweat and my stitch got infected.. pain siah when cleaning it..

5)sleep alot for the 1st 3 days.. it speed up healing.. and drink water during the day but little water at the nitez.

6)be relaxed. dun panic when the nose is not turning as expected. it takes time and panic and stress coz wounds to delays it healing.. as u got kids.. i suggest keep away from kids for the 1st 3 days...

7)eat more protein loaded food and alot less carbo food. ur body needs protein for healing, carbo food will make u gain weight instead. lolz.

the nite before u operation, try to eat lesser than normal.
Last edited by tanjhj on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by yen2006 » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 2:08 pm

thks, Dr tanjhj..


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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 3:53 pm

yen2006 wrote:thks, Dr tanjhj..

dun like that leh. just call me consultant tanjhj will do.. :oops:
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Re: help needed!

Post by sunkissed » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 7:22 pm

tanjhj wrote:
sunkissed wrote:tanjhj, i need your advice on some stuffs here..
when knowing that cupid^n^star consulted at wishclinic.. i went to check up on it.. there's this operation that deals with the 'yan tou' and 'yan jiao' to make the eyes appear bigger. i just wanna know if the name of the operation is called 'epicanthoplasty'? Is it surgery at wish clinic the same as thename i mentioned?
because i emailed mt.E and they mentioned that the surgery to allow eyes to appear bigger is called 'epicanthoplasty'.
also, they recommended dr harry fok.
for convenience sake, i got the webpage address for you.
also.. do you think that mt.e is recommended? are they good?
sorry for bombing you with so many questions. =)
yes u are correct. kai yan toh is epicantoplasty. harry fok is a decent doctor in spore. u are in exp hand if u choose him..have not heard any complain abt his skill at all..

as for kai yan wei. it is call latheral canthoplasty if i didnt remember the name wrongly. it is another procedure but not everyone is suited for both these surgery, need to consult doctor to confirm.

however both will have scars for the 1st 3 months to 1 yr. thus for guys not really suited as no makeup to cover

thanks tanjhj! i think you're like the 'BIG' one here! you know so many things about plastic surgery. was just wondering.. did you went for many different types of ps? cause it seems like you know a lot about it!
and, i saw alot of posts saying that a lot of ppl went to wishclinic. are they good in doing eyes over there?

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Post by sunkissed » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 7:30 pm

hi ppl in this forum. i am having a sort of delima here. actually i have thought about ps for quite awhile now. but the thing is i haven't told ppl around me yet. i dun think they would agree to it. and the thing is i am only 17 (18 next year) and i worry that to do ps you would need to be of a certain age or even need someone to sign an authorization form for you.
and money wise, i dun think that i can afford to go very far as the expenses would be pretty high. i am also afraid that even if i do have a surgery, the recovery period would be hard for me to cover up to ppl around me. But i am kinda desperate for ps. i was hoping maybe the forum would be a great place to get some advice..

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Post by tanjhj » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 8:53 pm

hey sunkissed, hmm,
age and money is the issue than difficult to help.
maybe u like to tok to ur mum 1st for permission and support. cheers

wishclinic is pretty ok for their eyelid surgery. he is better know for nose and breast jobs and female sexual organ operations..

eyes mah u can consider dr su which is just nearby his clinic.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by devilsmaycry » Thu, 28 Dec 2006 11:03 pm

hey guys ! i had my surgery yesterday at wishclinic..
Doc did mini cutting technique for me.. plus epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty..
cost is NT25000 + NT8000 + NT8000 = NT41000

epi and lateral is NT16 000 each if u dun do double eyelid with dr. chuang.

Anyway.. my eyes are sore.. and bruised and i feel very kelian ..
so all i do is cold press cold press cold press..
Take my SinEcch faithfully .. drink my almond drink..

to those going for double eyelid surgery.. tips here for u!

1)the wugongcao tea leaves cannot drink yet.. cos u cant clash it with the antibiotics doc give u..

antibiotics only for 3 days.. once that stop.. u can take the wugongcao.. which is for inflammation..

remember not to mix chinese with western medicine..

2) buy saline solution (not multipurpose solution) and medical cotton bud

this is for u to soak the cotton bud and to clean the area around your eyes if required..

3) buy your vit C capsule from body shop for after stitches removed to be put on the scar and all over yr face

4) buy your silicon gel to paste on yr scar overnight to remove the scar

5) sleep with high pillow everyday!

6) cold press 2-3days.. (buy 3M nexcare the big one better at least 2 or 3 so u can switch instead of wait for it to chill! ) After that then change to warm press.. bring Small hand towel.. hotel dun have one .. (unless yr hotel has) .. warm press is put towel in hot water.. squeeze dry..

very informative hor..
okie u guys need to give thanks to cupidz for the vit c tip and tanjhj for many other tips above.. and Me for consolidating my experience..haha
plastic beauty.. so what about it.. u can be one too ~

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